• I talked to them to see if I can find out why, if they did not have a good reason I dropped them. I dont need people like in my life.
  • Wow. Deep question. stand back and look at why first.Was the reason what they did anything to do with your actions ? is the situation recoverable ? Do you love this friend enough to forgive them and would the loss of them be more unbearable than living with what they have done ? If youy can answer these in a cool and controlled way then the answer to the question should speak for itself.
  • Last time anything like that happened was back in high school & I'm rather embarrassed to say I kicked his arse! I'm sure I'd handle it differently now.
  • ignored them, got on with life
  • I don't do revenge... it happened before and she was kicked out of my life in a shot - no tears cried, no more contact, no second chances.
  • Never talked to him again.
  • Never associated with them again.
  • i confronted the friend. sometimes there are extenuating circumstances in life and there are good reasons behind actions which may seem like betrayal at first. i like to give friends the benefit of doubt. in one incidence i found out that my friend's actions were malicious. i gave said "friend" a piece of my mind. but then i forgave ~ i dont like to lug around heavy baggage like that for all my life ~ its tiring and i have other true friends who would never do that to me. i find its best to walk away and dont look back ~ with friends like that who needs enemies.
  • The first thing I do is talk to them about it to make SURE that what I have been told or suspect is really what happened. Why this is so hard for people to do I don't understand. Most of the world's problems coul dbe solved if we just talked things over. If the person tried to deceive me during said conversation, then that's all I really need to help me make the ultimate decision. Betraying me, then lying to me on top of that tells me everything I need to know about your character. Adios! I move on.
  • my best friend and boy friend slept together when i was gone. i talked to them both and they asked for forgiveness and said it was just a one time thing. it happended again. and that was the end of the realationship. when i would get sad i would think hey i tried my best but i'm not going to be a fool. in the end things didn't work out for them.
  • I forgave them the first time. After the second time I stopped all contact with them.
  • My best friend had slept with my boyfriend. I confronted her and showed her that I know what she did. Eventually I forgave her and now we're friends again but you never are the same with them no matter what. Because you forgive but never forget.
  • First I clarify if indeed it was a betrayal. That word implies malice. If what the friend did was tell a secret because she thought it was in my best interest to do so, then that is different...and not a betrayal....more a breach of confidentiality. If her motive is good (even if wrong/misguided) I will forgive and go on.
  • Left him!
  • i got mad and started to throw stuff
  • I puched a hole in the wall!!!
  • Dropped them, do not need them!
  • ended the friendship
  • i never spoke to them either. people who betray arent worth the ground they walk on.
  • Suddenly stopped talking to her... And now that I regret it she's out of my reach. We all make mistakes, I know I did a lot. And those friends who forgiven me and stayed with me even after I betrayed them are the ones who teached me the most in friendship matters.
  • Put her in the woodchipper.
  • I went out to eat and ordered chips, beans, sausage....and a tea and then I went to the beach and got sand in my knickers. Then I went home and called another friend who they told two friends and then they told two friends and so on and so on......and now Im telling you...
  • Cried!
  • Rang them up, told them off, and cut them out of my life. 'First time shame on them. Second time, shame on me'. So I never let it happen again.
  • I wash my hands to them, I will neither speak with them or assoiciate in any way shape or form with them, they are non existant to me period .. you know the old saying: Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice shame on me Never again ... of course it depends on what type of betrayel your talking about .. ~Nemo~
  • I betrayed him back and made his life a nightmare.
  • Was extremely hurt, told him off and never spoke to him again even though we worked in the same office. Happy Monday! :)
  • I stuck with them, and in the end I have no regrets doing so.
  • I broke it off with her +3
  • Severed all ties!! β€œend of” as the saying goes!! There’s the door!! Use it!! :-/
  • I was betrayed by my favorite cousin and best friend. I told her everything. My secrets, and all. Anyway, she told all our family members. It went on for a couple of years before one of the family members called me, and told me my whole life. Afterwards, she lied and said it wasn't her, but it was. We no longer speak. She tried to be friends again, but I will never be her friemd.
  • tried to 'fix it' and when that failed, wrote her off completely
  • cut him out of my life
  • I was betrayed but did'nt know it until she left town.

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