Entertainment β†’ Movies β†’ Movies: L - Z β†’ Titanic
  • I'm not a guy, but my husband likes it.
  • I like it, but it is so long. The nudity helps.
  • I don't hate it. I don't think I hated any of Cameron's movies. Personally, I don't think Titanic was the best of his films, but I don't dislike it. . The problem guys have with the movie is that it perpetuates the idea of "the man dying for the princess he loves" being this great romantic thing, whereas us boys see it as some selfish whiny fat rich bitch (wearing a life vest) who wouldn't share the door with the guy she supposedly loved. . The film is clearly geared towards women - it is a chick flick - it can't really shock you that guys aren't huge fans.
  • i thought it good, sad at the end though,and a bit to long...don't you think..
  • Are you kidding! I loved the movie - I watched it twice in 1 sitting just to make sure I didn't miss anything the first time!!
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.I've seen it twice.
  • my s/o cries his eyes out at it, then pretends he doesnt! men!
  • I'll sit & watch it if my wife wants to watch it, but I'd have to be pretty desperate to watch it on my own. I think I'd rather watch a documentary about the Titanic, or a reasonable reenactment.
  • Never saw it.
  • I like it, always have. Seen it many times.
  • ive watched it and i liked it but its not the kind of movie i would want to see twice. i was up late and watched the 1953 version of the titianic with Robert Wagner now i see why they make a big deal about him he was a very good actor in it he can sing and dance and was very good looking in his day.and no iam not gay not that there is anything wrong with it but i like women
  • its ok.Its too long though.
  • Nope! I made it a point to ensure that I would never watch this movie! I have held true since...1996?
  • Wow you look a lot like my ex. Titanic sucked a lot.
  • I liked it but didn't love it. I think a lot of people exaggerate and end up calling it bad (although most probably enjoyed it while they were watching it). It's not bad at all. It's a good movie but has flaws that keep it from being great.
  • I fought and fought to not watch it but I finally gave in and watched it with my wife, and you know, its a freakin' good movie!
  • I have never seen more than unavoidable snippets while channel surfing. It came out when I was in law school, and one friend of mine started telling us about it. My friend Jan jumped in and asked, "Does the boat sink this time?" When the answer she got was yes, she said, "I don't need to hear any more." I'm with Jan.
  • If Rose really loved him, she would've taken turns with him on that wooden raft, instead of just letting him freeze to death in that ****in water. Titanic sucks. >:p +5 for your question though ;)
  • I liked it, but I'm gay so maybe that doesn't count. Plus, I don't get why Kate Winslet would dump the sexy hunk Billy Zane in favor of the skinny androgynous prepubescent Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • I am not to much of the movie Titanic, but I would say that It was a good movie and the actors were did a great job.
  • It's a good movie but definitely geared towards women. I thought it was a good movie but not one I would watch on my own again.
  • Add me to your list of Male Titanic Lovers! - - that can be taken way too many ways - I'll try again "I loved the movie, my friend." :) +5, fun question!
  • I must be one of the few then... I thought it was an excellent love story even if it didn't follow the exact facts about the real tragedy.
  • I thought it was a good movie. I like the actors and the characters, and I loved the special effects.
  • I did not... I am a gal though does that count?
  • When that movie hit video/dvd my family rented it. Thirty minutes in I thought I would throw up and went to do something else as did my teenage daughter. All I could think was "please sink soon". My husband and my son sat through the whole damned thing. My sons taste has improved but I had to divorce my husband!
  • I might have liked it when I was 12 years old. But it's boring and trying too hard. . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuSdU8tbcHY
  • Sure I'm 15 and I loved it! :) +5
  • I like that movie. It's not my favourite movie by Cameron, but I still like it. Hope this helps.
  • I liked it. It was a good film. However, I don't ever want to see it again. For me, it is an experience I've had that I need not repeat.
  • I liked Titanic, the two leads were good, the romp or the adventure was well done and the special effects were great for the time. Belfast where Titanic was built is not too far from where I live, so it certainly has a strong connection with Ireland. On the other hand, it was highly inaccurate and a member of the crew's family were very upset as it suggested he shot one or two of the passengers.
  • I liked it

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