Anyone, as long as it's at the bottom of a fat check which won't bounce all the way to the bank.
I'm not a baseball fan, but I'd like one from Cal Ripkin.
Steven Tylor =)
My wife could answer this one, for me, in a heartbeat! It would be Jennifer Love Hewitt ... Yeow-Za, LoL!
Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and Jimmy Carter
Donald Trump or Oprah Winfrey, on the signature line of a HUGE check from their offices, thank you. ;-)
Dani Filth! :O ^^ (lead vocalist and front figure of Cradle of Filth)
Chuck Huber! ^_^ ~insert a drool moment here~ I love his voice and he plays a few of my favorite anime characters! Android 17 and Hiei! ^-^
all of Metallica
Why you my dear!
An autograph on a Final Fantasy Advent Children poster with all the autographs of those who created final fantasy 7 as well as the movie!
I don't mean to be a spoil-sport here, but I have never understood the appeal of autographs. There are lots of folks that I admire tremendously in different walks of life (music, sports, even politics) but the idea of placing a value on their signature or something they have worn or touched, etc. never appealed to me. It almost seems like a form of idolatry, which is something too foreign to me personally. I respect their talent, accomplishments and contributions, and so would welcome the chance to sit and talk with them, but of course that would never happen.
id take the beatles. then sell it. cause im not a huge fan of collecting autographs
Nunya, My dear sweet friend, I have no desire to have someone else's name on a piece of paper. Unless of course it is at the bottom of a check and they had the funds in their account so I could cash the check. I had always thought that famous people have enough attention. Funny thing is I have met a few celebrities and was offered a signature as well as photos but politely declined. I told them just being able to meet them and shake their hands and say great job was plenty for me.
From Lassie maybe ... I'd love to see how they signed her 8x10 glossies!! lol
Mariska Hargitay *sigh* She's one of my idols!
the whole seinfeld cast..and have it personalized
Abraham Lincoln.
Well they are all I know I'll never actually get one...but: Bob Marley Jim Morrison John Lennon
David Tennant. I just love him . One question... Can it come with a complimentary kiss? :)
Matt Sanders (M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold). Or we could just screw. It's not like i'm a groupie or a whore he's just the sexiest living thing I've ever seen.
Hermann Hesse Julio Cortázar! Anthony Hopkins (and maybe a little bite too) Stephen King >.<
Since I already have a bunch from Nichole Hiltz, I would say Christian Bale. And I would want him to write "We're done professionally."
Walt Disney ....
Marilyn Manson, and if i had it, i may get it tattooed on me somewhere :)
I would like to get one from make you feel like a star because I like your FREE,warm hugs. :) +3
Brad Pitt.
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