As someone once said, it isn't too bad when you consider the alternative.
My views on it are that it is: a.) inevitable, which leads me to: b.) there is no reason in avoiding it like so many other do.
It is a fact of life, and i will just be happy to be alive.
I am not afraid of the years I have been here ... nor should others ... It is something we all must come to terms with otherwise like many celebrities you live a life of torment ... I treat everyone the same ... 8 or 80
i just think everyday you get more and more experiences, and chances to do good. But alsoo more and more chances 2 screw up
I am going to grow old hair dye or anti wrinkle creams.
I am almost 80 and have far fewer wrinkles than many others of my age. I stopped wearing makeup and just used moisturizer from the age of 20, however, I have joint pains I could do without. I still have my own teeth and hope that continues until I die.
I think it will be interesting, if not always pleasant. Hopefully the downsides of aches and pains, wrinkles and a spreading stomach will be at least partially outweighed by greater wisdam and a whole lot of good memories.
* Do not regret growing older... It is a privilege denied to many! * Growing old is mandatory....growing up is Optional ;)
With age comes a wealth of knowledge - I wish I knew then what I know now.
Getting older can be wonderful if you allow yourself to learn as you go and improve yourself. Me, I plan on aging like a fine wine!
There's a lot of people who never get the chance to grow old. It might be a battle with the diet and hair dye and wrinkle cream, but at least we're on the right side of the grass.
oh!brilliance comes with ageing.
I don't see it ...
Ageing is something normal and natural. If it doesn't go too fast, I won't really mind it.
It's only good for cheese and wine.
Its inevitable but we do not have to look forward to it. I have no wish to grow old gracefully. They can take me kicking and screaming .
GROWING OLD is mandatory GROWING UP is optional
I am opposed to it until I consider the alternative.
It's just part of the process...some people age quicker and more than others. :-)
If at all possible, avoid it.
its very saddening because your body is deteriorating
some of my young friends say "age is just a NUMBER how old you are is inside"
The best way I have related to aging is to not refer to age as a reference point. Some folks I know like my friend Ernie at 85 had two dates in one week. Others seem to be tired and weary at 38. I want to be as fully present as possible with this body and this mind and the feelings and thoughts that come with being my age.
I have two friends who will not see the summer, both living out the end of their days with lung cancer. One is 51 years old, the other is 72. The 72 year old feels she is lucky, given her wild lifestyle to have lived so long. The 52 year old would give her house away for a few more years to finish things she started. Aging is inevitable, where you are in life will have a big effect on how you feel about it.
i guess it happens to all of us and nothing we can do apart from be healthy as we can and i guess surgery is a option for some
It sneaks up on you but it happens to everyone.
It happens. As I can tell you from experience. You learn and work to find a place for yourself in the world, and by the time you make it the world has changed and is a different and strange place to you. So you become the walking talking past and irrelevant to most people even twenty years younger.
I deal with it but I also look forward to the Bible's prophecy of renewed youth under God's kingdom arrangement. No more eyeglasses, no more
I'm against it.
It's not for the weak or faint of heart.
As long as you can function and keep a positive mind the age is a non-issue
Don't do it! It ain't fun!
8-4-2017 Duh, it happens to everybody if you just wait.
It's not for sissies seems like a joke. It's not.
i just think we dont have a choice
It's better than the alternative...
it happens to everyone that lives long enough, not nnuch you can do about it
Age is just a number, don't let anyone label you because of your numerals:)
They're getting old......
It beats the alternative. lol
it's something that just happens if you are blessed enough to live a long what the young call old ,so as long as i can keep enjoying my life and do the things i love to do, i want to keep on living, cause i love ♥😍 life lots
It's an okay kind of annoying thing that I'm only mildly scared of.
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