• Christopher Walken was second choice, and Nick Nolte was also on the list, but Harrison Ford walked away with it.
  • Actually, Al Pacino was first cast to play the role for Han Solo but he turned it down. Ultimately, the role went to Harrison Ford which turned out great.
  • Actually there were 4 other second choices: -Burt Reynolds -Nick Nolte -Richard Dreyfuss, and -Christopher Walken They say that the strongest was Walken, but is only an opinion. Harrison Ford was not considered initially because Lucas didn't want actors who previously worked with him (Ford played a role in American Grafitti, and this is why Dreyfuss was discarded too). But he was invited to read the lines of Han Solo when casting for Leia and Luke. Finally he did the "reading" so good, that the casting crew couldn't imagine Han Solo with a different personality and convinced Lucas to take him. I've seen videos of these castings, and is true.....even on rehearsals, nobody did it as well as Harrison Ford.
  • Kurt Russell auditioned for the role. It is part of the extras on the bonus DVD in the classic trilogy.

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