I don't make deals with any that I cannot trust!
Yeah. I sold my soul to him.
Now that you have asked the question finally, I must inform you that I am thinking of entering into a legally binding contract with the devil. The trouble is I am unable to draft the contract all by myself. My lawyer too is of no help where the devil is concerned. Could you please draft a contract for me? All I want to say in the contract is 'non-interference in each other's affairs'. Let the devil leave me alone and I leave the devil alone!
He is not on my friends list so we don't converse! :)
Yeah, I leave my Republican Neighbors alone, they don't slash my tires anymore.
No, I offered him my soul in exchange for riches and power and he said no thank you and that hell already has all the Republicans it can comfortably hold. Keep Smilling!
He leaves me alone and I stop boning his daughter
its a parlay with this life to the next
No way! All I do is mention the name Jesus Christ and he can't run away fast enough.
Oh indeed I have. I get to drive his car (a very cute little VW Beetle - red of course), hang out in his Spanish Villa when he's out Roaming Here and There and I have total access to his entire DVD collection. All I have to do is keep his sulphur pool clean and boiling. Oh, and seduce as many christian virgins who made those Innocence Pledges with their dad's as I possibly can. He's even promised me an outdoor job in Hell when I pass on if I manage over 1,000. It's the office jobs down there that are worst...
No, I have not but he keeps trying to win me over.:)
As a matter of fact, in all serious, I most certainly have ! I gave my soul to Him many years ago and have never regretted it.
I promised to stay away from his wife if he would stay out of my kids closet and under their bed. He's married to Christie Brinkley
Not yet. How much is he offering? I plan to sell my soul to pay off my mortage.
if you have a motgage you already sold your soul.
I haven't found the price tag in my ass yet. Where can i get my soul appraised? Is there a soul appraisal shop downtown somewhere? Is it in the yellow pages?
no.. and yes. i'm not sure if he's taken me up on my deal. and i've heard his voice come to me. he introduced himself. another voice said he would not harm me.. so i guess it's been taken up. my deal that is.
yes i have. and he introduced himself and then another voice came in and told me he would not harm me. i take it he took me up on my offer.
I want to but I don't know how?
Me and the devil don't seem to get along!
No because he has bad reputation.
Thete is no such thing.
don't make deals with Satan (aka the Devil) I belong to the Lord God and Jesus Christ.
IIE, devils do not exist, so w cannot actually make deals with them.
no, i dont want anything to do with him
Hi Iwnit. Are you still active here? Can someone answer some questions for me? Not sure how to tell how old a question or answer is? How do you friend request someone? How do you private message someone? How to you appeal a comment being deleted as several of mine were deleted yesterday, possibly all of my comments were deleted yesterday?
The only deal the Devil will get from me is "Get thee behind me Satan! I belong to Jesus"
Yeah and he screwed me over...
Lol. Guess ya won't do dat gain, eh?
He won't deal with me any more, I swindled him too many times. :P
no, dont rnake deals with hirn
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