Wheat bread.
As a bodybuilder, I eat for nutrition, not for taste or even because I'm hungry. Food is seen as fuel. A lot of the things I eat I don't like but over the years I have gotten used to it. It doesn't bother me anymore.
Celery, ^o^ I HATE 'EM!!!!
Fruit, I have never been a fruit eater. Sometimes I get a thing for fruit and I like to eat cantaloupe and kiwi, and berries, but those times are few and far between. I just don't like to eat fruit.
fish any type of seafood
Any green or yellow veggie.
wheat pasta
Peas, cabbage, fact most boiled veggies!
Mine is Banana's as well. +5
I used to not like banana's, I do now though. I don't like brocolli, peas or beats YUCK!
There are some herbal plants that I eat for health, Chinese ones, but I can't think of any food I dislike that I eat for health. I love most foods. IF there is something I don't like and it has healthy properties, I'm sure there are other things to eat.
most veggies,bleh!!but the same w/ me on bananas.
Natural oatmeal
Oranges, salads, wheat bread
Bananas (I don't like the sort of "rancid" taste of bananas, but I eat them for the fibre), tomatoes (I actually hate tomatoes because they're so sour, but I force myself to eat them because they're so good for you), sardines (I eat sardines occasionally, but I really don't like their fishy smell and all the visceral organs intact!), and green beans (bland, but good for you). Great question my friend! :)
Green beans, radishes, zucchini, and yellow squash!
If I dont like it, I dont eat it. Luckly I like alot of healthy foods
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