• Depends on the recipe, but most likely not...but what are you trying to make?
  • i am making an amish friendship bread. the recipe calls for a box of vanilla instant pudding, but i only have cook and serve. how different will the bread be?
  • Yes! You can! I had the same problem while making Amish Friendship bread....I only had cook-n-serve pudding on hand, so came to the internet to find out if I could make the substitute. When your post came up, I decided to be your guinea pig! It works, and it turns out beautifully! It's a little heavier than if you used instant (though, I also used whole wheat flour which could have lead to the heavier texture), but very moist and very delicious!
  • In most cases, cook and serve will taste creamier and make the recipe better. Instant puddings, when called for, are usually for the sake of convenience. Think of it this way: Instant pudding is to a gelatin dessert what cool whip is to whipping cream, what miracle whip is to mayo, or what instant potatoes and powdered milk are to the "real thing" in other types of recipes. Of course, it depends on your recipe as to how obvious the differences will be. A lot of recipes today call for instant pudding because cook 'n serve is harder to find and busy home cooks don't see any point in taking longer than necessary to prep it. But the results with instant, especially for gelatin type desserts, are not going to be quite so good if you go this route. Experiment and see what works best. Good luck!

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