Two bullet holes and 9 scars from operations
- maybe..naked..I have several..a couple in my chest, on couple on my leg from an acl..and a compound fracture surgery..bikini line to fix my my head and there is more..LMAO
Just one on my shin. I accidetally branded myself with a fire poker.
dozens! at least 20
Two 1) on my forehead 1) on my left thumb
while fully clothed, 3. all pretty small though. one on my forehead, one under my nose and one on my hand.
Jeeez.. I don't wanna sit here all morning counting scars, but it's in the hundreds I'm sure not counting the ones you can't see under my hair. One forearm alone about 20.. Now I'm sitting here wondering why I'm still able to walk or even type.. <sigh>
less than a dozen.
over 10
One, under my chin
Visible or noticeable? Visible I have to many to count, noticeable not so many, or at least I don,t think people notice to many of them. Ah well, I am a ex-dopefiend and an idiot to boot, scars come with the territory.
Fully clothed.....1. Boxers only......9.
Can you say gladiator? My head was once described as looking like it was shaved with an electic straight razor. And that is just my head. I could never be a successful criminal because of my scars, and tattoo's! And I have a birthmark that is a riot. Anyone elsse have a "nubbin"?
i have 2 prominant ones on my hand and a big one on my arm and one across my knee the rest are just small. im told that they will go with time though is that right?
9 or more. I have more from self harm, but newer cuts make it harder to count the older ones. Sometimes those are very faint and hard to see, but in certain temperature they are extremley visible.
counting tattoos, um, like 11, 7 being tattoos.
i have one people notice next to my eye (fight with a Ninja) and 2 or 3 on my hands i have to point out.
Probably close to 100 if not more. Luckily most of them I can cover up with clothes! :)
Just four
3 left thumb: surgery left knee: bad fall (shouldve gotten stitches) lip: cat scratch (you really cant see this one...only when i move my lips a certain way it is slightly visible) yepp - those are all my scars.
11 or so. I tried to shave my legs when I was three, so one 3" leg scar, stitches from falling on rock playing high school softball, ACL reconsruction, bike accident ended with a wound on my chin, biopsy, wrist/palm scar where I was holding a glass of milk and fell on it as a kid,scar over my eyebrow (don't know how that one got there), and a few others.
Only 5. Kind of amazing when I think about it.
I have two scars on my legs; one right and the other left. I must have sustained them during my "wild" young days; climbing trees, swimming in mining pools, playing hide and seek, etc. However these scars are not be visible if I wear my long pants.
6 that I can see
3 from surgery, 1 on my knee from my youth.. a small one on my hand (from ironing)
Motorcycle rider, ex racer ... Many :)
im hopeing to get some
When I'm fully dressed? four. Fully nude? Eleven, I think
Dressed, you see nothing. If I'm nikkid, then you see all 10 of them ... it's a battle ground my body is! They're tastefully done though ... evidence of a life lived to the extreme!!
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