• So the state can pay for everything else.
  • So you can have roads, hospitals, schools, and many other important services.
  • So governments can have lots of free money to piss away on wars while people die for want of hospital beds etc.
  • There is no Constitutional law that says the average american worker in the private sector, has to pay taxes on there wages, the Federal Reserve and the IRS is operating illegally extorting millions of dollars from the American Sheeple, check out John Russo's America Freedom to Facism and wake up; More?
  • There is no Constitutional law that says the average american worker in the private sector, has to pay taxes on there wages, the Federal Reserve and the IRS is operating illegally extorting millions of dollars from the American Sheeple, check out John Russo's America Freedom to Facism and wake up; More?
  • Think if we didn't? Yes, we'd have more money to spend for ourselves as well as other things...but then we'd have highways going to pot, parks and recreational areas not being kept up, public schools would have outdated books/supplies/etc (if at all)....the list goes on.Yeah, so I don't like seeing so much of my hard-earned paycheck go away to taxes, but those taxes DO go towards things to help our communities as well. Not ALL taxes go to fund the war or other such "controversial" issues.
  • Taxes are what pay for the infrastructure that makes our daily lives possible. Health , Schools and Education, Roads, Libraries etc. nobody likes to pay them and they are usually much too high with all they extra taxes paid on goods ,. Basic taxes are a necessity This applies to the UK
  • 1) To fund public services such as education and healthcare 2) To pay for needless and costly wars 3) To help MP's buy that Hummer that they have always wanted
  • well people say that the reason we pay taxes is so that the poeple who work for publick services like the police, the ambulence and things like that can get paid. i honestly pay taxes because the government makes me by deducting from my paycheck...if it was up to me, i wouldnt. for what, we are paying these cops and hospitals for nothing, they are always rude and the ambulence and cops are never on time for anything.
  • You don't! All you have to do is in court was the demand a 1040 form with a valid OMB number on it. The IRS Individual Form 1040 has not and cannot comply with the requirements of the PRA because no existing statute authorizes the IRS to impose or collect the federal income tax from individuals. That lack of bona fide authority makes it impossible for IRS to avoid violating the PRA. Texas now has set State laws to protect us from the IRS. Because it is a Fraud on all Americans. Texas Has Just Passed A Law That Will Show You How To File Criminal Charges Against The IRS -- And Void Their Liens! For more info go here Tax cheats, Oh my gawd... If you want to pay taxes! That is fine. It is a voluntary tax. People just don't know what is really happening in the United States government and the World. They watch the TV media and believe all the censored brain washing news. What they want you to believe! Watch this video to see how England who is the World Bank or the The Illuminati and The Hidden Agenda for World Government The Federal Reserve and IRS = private corporations! It is NOT a United States Agency. . and educate yourself on the subject. ..There is no LAW for United States citizens living in the 50 states. It is Fraud on all Americans. The court says if it (labor) wasn't taxable before the 16th Amendment then it isn't taxable after the 16th Amendment.(quoting the Supreme Court decision Peck vs. Lowe). But the real facts come out when you look at the 1040 I.R.S. Form. The OMB number is not valid! If you do not believe me Buy the book I have a gift for you. Buy a real BOOK. . LOOK! . And file for a refund of the taxes you paid over the last years! Why would they refund you Because you were not required to pay personal Income tax in the first place. Gawd, I could talk tax all day long. Get educated people!!
  • To mostly pay for more schools, prisons, roads, etc. for immigrants legal and illegal already here and on the way.
  • Some taxes are necessary. You do want serviceable roads, police, fire, and other emergency services don't you? We need defense for the country don't we? The down part of taxes is the support of illegals, and welfare recipients that are able to work. Entitlements should be cut drastically. The bad news about that is even if that were to happen politicians would find some other way to waste the money. We need to take the money spending option away from politicians. This is very important. It can be done.
  • Try to get a transcript of the recent Irwin Schiff trial in Las Vegas. Two high ranking IRS people admitted there is no law requiring citizens to file forms. This trial was shut down from the public like the plague. If you can get a copy read his book "The Federal Mafia". Think your told the truth? Dream on.
  • you dont the 13th ammendment says that corporations need to pay taxes on earnings not individuals. There have even been some people who worked for the irs that quite there job because the found out that there is no law that states people have to pay taxes. However when they decided that they didnt have to pay the JURY sent them to jail. There has been a few cases where people who did not pay won in court... because the jury asked to see the law, when the irs did not produce the law the jury set them free and these people no longer pay taxes. What it boils down to is if you have the -alls to take it to court and take the chance you may win or loose. me personally i pay them because i dont want to end up in jail, or at least take the chance that i might. As far as the stuff the government does for us it is not paided threw taxes, Ie Roads ( Fedral Gas Tax) Parks and recs< ( you pay when you enter) all the things that we enjoy as americans are not paid threw personal taxes.. They are paid threw taxes on services, sales, and property. Dont be fooled into thinking otherwise. The Corporate sector of this country that HAS to pay taxes is the one that supplies our military with $$$ to protect our personal land and freedoms. As the other guy stated check our freedom to facsim America You NEED TO WAKE UP!
  • In a nutshell, so that the government would have the funds for the delivery of basic services.
  • Because Obama said so want your oppinion on this! Lets all be equal, doctors, engineers, mechanics..... Lets not get paid at all and let the government take over all private sectors. No money in the system, no taxes, no stock market. If you need your car fixed and you are a doctor you go to the mechanic and he fixes it for free. If the mechanic needs a doctor then you do it free of charge to him. The system is so that every person helps the other with what he went to school for and the school is free to everyone. You take the bus and do not pay because the government takes care of it by you working every day and your labor is paying for it. Another words, a system where there is no money involved, and the government has the solution and controll over everything. You are not allowed to drive a car which gets fewer than 50 miles per gallon and the government does not allow the sale of SUV's because of gobal warming. Everything you want is free but you only take as much as you need. THIS IS COMMUNISM my friends and that is what Obama wants. I lived through it and can smell when a politician wants to go in that direction. Unfortunately people are thinking more about themselves and value their knowledge more. Why should a doctor pay 33% taxes when he went to school for 10 years and the cleaner 10% when he did nothing? But Obama has a plan to ballance the income of the two workers by taxing the doctor more and distributing it to the cleaner. See, why should I vote for a guy who wants to controll everything in the name of more government? Who cares if he was involved with William Ayers or Rezko. They were all good people just did wrong things because they were angry at the government. We will CHANGE them by showing them the good side of Communism. Obama has zepo experience on anything but he learned the most important lesson on how to be a devoted communist. Marxism follows it!!! Obama Biden 08.................Dumb and Dumber

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