Human Flesh!
Sausage gets into your clothes and everything
lentils Cabbage CURRY and in my case... I burn bacon all the time.
All foods make your house smell when cooked? Do you mean a odor (bad smell)
Bread. Makes it smell GOOD!
broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage.
Onions and garlic - I love them!
You don't eat socks but man do these puppies linger!
Just about everything I cook lingers for a while. This past weekend: buffalo chicken, hamburgers with onions, beef teriyaki.
Hungarian Goulash
Just about anything can make a delightful room aroma, bread, desserts, Asian food, good stew, homey soups.
My homemade Jalapeno Mustard when cooking it really smells up the house. So much the s/o leaves until I'm done making it.
burnt popcorn. chili peppers dehydrating on the frying pan. burnt beans. yuck.
The aroma of bacon, sausage, eggs, real diced home fried potatoes, fresh (not frozen) with green peppers and onionss being cooked down in the kitchen on a Saturday or Sunday morning does the trick for turning on the hungry juices for me. Ummmm!
Sorry, I didn't MEAN to basically copy this question with one I just asked...
Yes, I saw this on the store shelf. Didn't buy any.
the aromous smell of biriyani made using rajexim Non-Basamati rice will spread all over your house.Just smell it :)
5-16-2017 I once worked for a company where they had a kitchen in the break room. I was hooked on fried beef liver at the time, so I brought some and fried it for lunch. Nobody told me that the exhaust fan only blew into the adjacent room, not outside, so it stank up the entire building. The president called a meeting of the entire company to complain for two hours about "permeation characteristic". I quit because I figured that company was going out of business real fast with such lousy management.
Even worse was an office with a vent into the parking garage. When their computer stopped working, we found a solid two inches of black diesel soot inside. OK, not food, but it reminded me of that.
simmering onions. The best way to make someone think you've been cooking and supper will soon be ready when you really just got home! And fried chicken
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