Arts ā†’ Fashion
  • Ive been nude on a beach,but it was dark and i was enjoying myself at the
  • I used to be naked quite often when I was a baby... I would only go to a nude beach if I had the right company with me... but I would go.
  • No, and possibly... I'd need to beef up a bit first, though.
  • Yes I have and No I have not
  • Yes and Yes.. I'm not going to post photos though!
  • People, walking nude on a beach or any other public place, have got to have psychological problems. Besides, its a law violation in public places. No.
    • newyorknewyork
      What's the psychological problem? We were born naked & a mandatory swimsuit protects you from...what?
  • I never have, no...but I would.
  • Yes, I have been naked in public and no I have not been nude at a nude beach but I have been on a nude beach and I have been in the nudist colony about 40 min from my house. Once the shock of seeing something you do not see everyday wears off.. it is quite relaxing to be in a place so uninhibited.
  • Yes, I have. This was during the first steaking fad in the 1970s. This happened north of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. I've also been on the nude beach in San Francisco and caught a cold was chilly that day! Brrr.
  • Yes, I have been naked in public... long story I wouldn't be naked on a beach though. Have you ever BEEN to a British beach?! You need thermals if you have any sense!
  • yes. i got naked in a friend of mines practice space( a band ) and put on a fur coat and went outside to a fountain in front of the building and took off the coat and got in. the funny thing was, was that a cop drove by and did not stop. he had to see me. it wasn't just me either, a few friends were involved. yes we were a little tipsy.
  • pity help the world if that ever happens. even I don't want to think about it. lol
  • yes i have been completely naked in a public place.and hell yes i would go nude on a nude beach
  • I am originally from Germany, and nude/topless beaches are not that uncommon. I've been to many of each, and never thought it was any big deal. That's Europe though.
  • what a coincidence. i just got home from a mini holiday at a clothing optional spa in the desert. i booked the room with hopes that my boyfriend and i could feel comfortable enough to go nude and soak around, but we both felt totally unready for all the old naked geezers at the resort! haha - we kept our clothes on the whole time and i almost felt rude. hmm - maybe a nude beach would be more comfortable for me?
  • I've been topless on a topless beach, and on the topless deck of a cruise ship. Have to say, I rather enjoyed it.
  • yes ive been naked in public someone bet m 1000 bucks that i was to chicken but i wasnt so i got naked and started posing to people and i would soooo go to a nude beach i love to be naked and see other people naked
  • Naked on a beach? absolutly! And I would run up and down the beach screaming freedom!
  • I was completely naked as a baby at the hospital's maternity ward. It was ugly...I was born with my intestines on the outside....
  • Yes, and yes....LOVE that feeling......*whoosh*..
  • no to both. i don't want to think about it. (ugh)
  • yup do it every chance I get, go to nude camps and nude beaches, love the feel of teh fresh air and sun on my body
  • I used to run down the street in our neighborhood naked after my bath, but I was about three, so I guess that doesn't count. I have been to a nude beach, but just went topless (kept the bottoms on)
  • I have been naked in my terrace for a four hours. Lost a bet. I love being naked in nude beach.
  • No and no, but that doesn't mean it'll never happen. I believe people should be allowed to nuditise anywhere if they so wish.
  • Not fully naked (had shoes and strategically-placed shaving cream, and was with about 80 other people doing the same deal), but yeah, I have been naked in public before. Never had the opportunity to go to a nude beach, but I'd do so if I just happened to be on vacation near one, and yes, I would go nude. I'd imagine that it'd be an interesting and exhilarating experience.
  • No I haven't, and no I wouldn't.
  • Yes and one place was a bathing suit required beach. I think I could be talked into going to a nude beach, not something I plan on doing.
  • I'm ready but the public ain't yo...:)
  • I have actually gone nude at Baker Beach, a very popular nude beach in San Francisco, several times.
  • I've been nude at a public beach and at a public bathing pool/hot spring
  • Maybe. I am not ashamed of my body, its just the set up isnt right to me.
  • No. It's funny, but I think I would find it tougher to be separated from my glasses than from my clothes! I guess I want to see and being seen would not really bother me.
  • I have been on many Californian nude beaches. I also have been to a whaky nudist sex club. (I stayed alone and watched.) And recently I have taken to weekly attendance at a nude Korean health spa. IT IS GREAT!
  • No I havnt and no i wont because I dont like seeing other people naked =]
  • Yep, sure have! My daughter was conceived there, too! Atop a dam, 3:00 in the morning, full moon. (More than one!)
  • i have been late at night for fun. i haven't had the luxury of going to a nude beach yet though.
  • I have. And the people at Home Depot didn't like it one bit;)
  • Bonked my wife on a riverbed once. It was really hot as anyone could have walked by at any time!
  • yes, Haulover beach in Miami, hotel Private beach in Puerto Rico with sexual activity (no one else was but the two of us was around), Nudist facility in TN (BOOOOOORRRRRIIINNNGGGGGG), nudist party at someones home. I think thats it
  • I went to the Buckstaff Bath House in Hot Springs once. I'm not a compulsive streaker now, but it definitely made me a little less uptight about being naked.
  • Well, I was naked on a beach with the bf, but it was nighttime and it was closed, so we were the only ones there. We got there after supper and stayed until around midnight. I needn't say what we did. :)
  • Yes. My bf and I made love on a beach once. We went just after supper and stayed until about midnight. We were both completely naked for a good part of that time (obviously.)
  • Not me but I have been where being nude is no big deal.
  • I never been naked in a public place but will surely visit a nude beach!
  • Yes I have not for a long tyme but yes I have been
  • yeah when streaking at lowes they chased me out some customers threw things at me, yes i have been on a nude beach i actually live in a private home right along the coast which just happens to be on a nude beach that is why i am naked 3/4 of the year.
  • When I was a kid in Melbourne, when you came out of the water, parentstended to wipe you down before catching a cold; then they'd sort of cover you around with a towel as you put something warm on. But I can remember, at about 15, walking around naked inside and old abandoned factory with a hard on!! O the joys of youth!
  • Yes a few time late at night and my husband and I went out having sex and I went naked and he went bottomless. I also went naked to church I was not going in and we came right back home . I just didnt feel like getting dress.
  • Do it all the time
  • changing room at a swimming pool or shower room in a gym, does that count.
  • i have! (for both of questons) i have been naked i a square. i had sex with two guys in a square so i was naked at all! and i have been nude in a nude beach a lot of times. and ofcourse i have been fucked in a beach like this
  • Yes I have. One day I just didnt feel like putting on any clothes ,so I just went nude.
  • I have not. I have been to nude beaches, but never felt it in myself to be that comfortable with nudity around other strangers. Having grown in Europe I understand that they find it natural and not a big deal at all, but I personally find nudity to be very personal and private.
  • Many, many times. Naturist beaches (official & otherwise) & a park in Berlin among other places
  • I have been on a nude beach.
  • Not in public. The closest I came was nude swimming with friends in one's swimming pool. The neighbors could have seen all of us, I suppose, though the property had a lot of trees on it. I'd go nude on a nude beach, if I ever felt like visiting one. When everyone else is nude, you're really unlikely to feel very self-conscious. And I have a decent body for a lady my age.
  • Yeah. Both.
  • Couple times in my life I've been to clothing optional places. Swam sans clothing in a watering hole near Harper's Ferry W VA.late70s. Nearest I got to a nude beach.
  • nude beach
  • Been a nudist for many years. Never been to a nude beach but to resorts in USA and Canada. I enjoy the nude natural hot springs in Colorado the best.
  • No. I'm a private person and my body is sacred. But I've been in the Navy and walked around without clothing before. Hospitals aren't known for their privacy for that matter. My body is not what it used to be by any means, but as another cancer survivor friend of mine once said all her scars and skid marks are signs of something she survived! She's no longer with us, but something of her lives on in me. Pride in being a survivor. And my legacy is the strength I've gained through the struggle. But I digress. To answer the question I may have and don't remember but I'm basically a private person. I don't judge others for having a different lifestyle, in fact, I've gone to them for answers I thought they'd have a different perspective on.
  • Never. My naked body is for private viewing for a woman Iā€™m attracted to.

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