• they do not know their place ...and think they are above or equal to men.... this is my slamming please... i just never burned my bra ...i like just being a woman, mother and wife...the role God gave me....
  • They are an organized group. All organized groups that you don't belong to... are irritating! *Think about it...
  • they dont shave and they dont wear sexy clothes thats all it takes
  • That's funny, I was wondering the same thing about chauvinist pigs.
  • My husband always says the they are too, he says it is because they haven't had a good *&^% and if they got one once in a while they wouldn't be so uptight about things? I personally can't handle conversing with one and usually ignore that person and talk to someone else.
  • The same reason homophobes and racists are annoying, I think.
  • I know I am offering up a somewhat dissenting opinion here, but please don't bash me for being a woman who values herself - I will not bash or down rate anybody whose beliefs on this issue clash with mine. Anyway, I encounter this kind of attitude from men (and women) all the time. Y'all can't seem to understand that there is a HUGE difference between feminists and feminazis. I will point out that, first of all, there are quite a few different schools of feminism, some more extreme than others, but basically the main things that define a feminist are that they believe that women should have the same political and social rights as men - that they shouldn't be, say, denied voting rights just because they are women, or not be allowed to work certain types of jobs just because they have two X chromosomes. That said, there are PLENTY of feminists who embrace their femininity and roles as women, wives and mothers - they believe that strong, educated women SHOULD raise their children and do it well because it is better for the child. They believe that men are equals (not inferior, not superior) and as such, try to form relationships based on mutual respect for one another. These kinds of women don't mind dressing in skirts and wearing heels, but they don't think that it should limit them from being educated and respected. I don't know what it is you find so irritating about "feminists." Could you please illuminate me?
  • Because they're deluded, self-centered dim-wits.
  • It's their incessant hypocrisy, double-standards, use of misleading statistics, and extreme misandry.
  • Practice, practice, practice.
  • WOMEN THIS! WOMEN THAT! Is that why?
  • Because a lot of them tend to run off at the mouth, get touchy-touchy, and male-bash at every opportunity. Consequently, they lose MORE respect than they earn, unfortunately.
  • Like my boss used to say, "don't lie to me about things I can check on." Feminists think we're stupid by lying about their true intentions. It's not equality, that's for sure. They should be honest and say, "look, we are for women's interests only and don't give a crap about men and boys, in fact we really don't like them. Our mission is to give women as many unfair and unequal advantages as possible over men and boys." We would at least respect them for their honesty. I hate when people lie right in my face. Most of the rest of us are for equality, feminists are not.
  • My whole family is very pro-female but anti-feminist. I have 4 sisters and 10 female cousins and none of them like feminists - because feminists haven't figured out that you don't have to be anti-male to be pro-female.
  • Because you can't stand the possibility of a women having more power than you.
  • Perhaps you are confused as to what a feminist is. A feminist is merely a person who believes men and women should have equal rights. There are many male feminists, just as there are female. It has nothing to do with man-hating, inferiority, superiority, lesbianism, or any such falsehood. To lump an entire group of people together and make an assumption about them is incredibly discriminatory. There are extremists in any group of people, and they don't represent mainstream society.
  • The real definition of feminism means that you believe women and men whould have equal rights, which i am all for. Although, some fems think that if i believe a child should have his/her mother by their side in their early years, they say thats oppressing women. To me, its a priveledge. I dont want to go slave for the system, especially when i just went through a 9 month pregnancy, my hormones are going nuts, and i have a vulnerable child who is so desperately needing my care and attention. I also believe that a man should pay for me. Hey, they get off easier. Shoot me feminists.
  • Cuz they're man-haters, and women who don't hate men haters.

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