• M1 carbines were made by a wide variety of subcontractors during WW2. The most valuable ones were made by Rock-Ola, a maker of fine jukeboxes, and IBM. The both are somewhat rare as Universal made more M1 carbines than both RO and IBM put together. The RO is desired for the novelty of having a firearm made by a jukebox company and the IBM is desired by many IBM employees who like owning a firearm that was made by their company. Conditon of M1 carbines play a critical role in determining their value. The National Rifle Association ( has a grading system that is generally used as the benchmark for evaluating firearms. A gently used M1 carbine made by Universal can be expected to fetch between $600-$800. If there is any unusual history that can be tied to the weapon, the value goes up.
  • What can I expect to pay for an average grade RO or IBM M1carbine?

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