That's a funny one. As a rationalist, I believe that the only place Satan has ever existed is inside the heads of those who believe in "him". So, I suppose, as an imaginary friend like Santa or the Tooth Fairy, you can give him any powers you want to. So, he can read your mind if you think he can.
"the only place Satan has ever existed is inside the heads of those who believe in "him"." CORRECT. More directly - Satan resides in Imagination Land.
Satan is simply a personification of selfish desires. ----- Everything in the universe was created by G-d and only by G-d. Judaism completely rejects the dualistic notion that evil was created by Satan or some other deity. All comes from G-d. As Isaiah said, "I am the L-rd, and there is none else. I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil. I am the L-rd, that does all these things." (Is. 45:6-7). Also read: Satan does not read your mind, he is in your mind:
Many Christians believe that Satan was a fallen angel expelled from Heaven by God. I can't tell you which Spriptures would confirm this, but I have heard it expressed that Satan cannot read your mind, as God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit can... only if you say things out loud.
No. But, since he's been around humans since their creation he is very adept at reading body language and perhaps (or, more likely) is able to see biological clues from us that would give him a pretty good idea of what we're thinking. As an example: If you were afraid of something your body might release certain chemicals like adrenalin and Satan could probably detect that. Another one: You become sexually aroused -- where does the blood flow -- does your face flush -- eyes dilate --- body temperature changes. Those kinda of things.
No from my point of view. He is a malicious person who manipluates your every more but he is not wise enough to read our minds.
No. I don't see how he would have that ability.
Although Satan is a powerful spirit creature, there is a limit to his power. He cannot read the human mind but he works on the basis of what you do and say. He has been around for centuries and there is nothing he has not tried in order to influence people. He knows what we like, dislike, desire and in these instances he uses our own desires to tempt us.
Doubt it!
i dont think so
There is nothing in the Scriptures to indicate that Satan and his demons can read our minds or thoughts. Rather, the implication of the Scriptures is that only God can read the mind of man:
i dont think so but he can put thoughts into it
Nope but he'll hire a reader
Satan doesn't come around here anymore. Jesus is standing guard.
Satan and the demons cannot read our thoughts. But they can learn what we desire and how we think by observing the choices we make for ourselves and our family, including our choice of entertainment. Nevertheless, this is not to say that our Adversary cannot discern our weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Satan has had centuries to study human behavior. He does not need to be able to read minds to discern what patterns of behavior we set, or to listen to what things we talk about, and so forth. Our facial expressions and posture may also give clues as to what we are thinking or feeling.
I don't believe the devil can actually read your mind but he can tell by your body language and the way you move what you're thinking about. And he can take advantage of the situation
If we accept what the Bible teaches: apparently not. We see, for example, that Satan badly misjudged Job's thinking. Lots of supernatural powers have been ascribed to Satan over the centuries, most famously, perhaps, the ability to "grant wishes". However, in the Bible extremely few supernatural powers are ascribed to Satan, and certainly "reading minds" is not one of them. (Nor is granting wishes, for that matter.)
Pray to him and ask him for the answer.
He is thought to sense persons emotions which he used to his own needs, not mind read.
No, but he is very good at "reading" people to try and push you in a direction
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