• Kick those big birds out of the nest. Tell them to join the service.
  • Don't judge a book by its cover.
  • They might be second or third generation "Hippies" and live in their own world - as long as they don't demand that the rest of the world feeds them....
  • Brainwashed, by whomever, into believing they are owed 'cradle to grave' care by their parents, government or society in general. Concerning these people we need to allow Darwinism to work.
  • Well... I have a problem with this premise for one reason and one reason only. Because I have a problem with the entire system as laid out from the beginning. The world works in only one direction... Forward! It is merciless and unforgiving and therefore lacks compassion for the kinds of people who cannot or dont understand how to make it work FOR them so it therefore works against them at every turn. I have never liked the way this country especially operates, as in Europe and in other places, they realized this a long time ago and took measures to change things that were productive to only those who were primed to make that kind of situation work for not only themselves but for the greater good as well. I believe that there should always be a heirarchy in life and that if you are going to be strong... that implication should also include your strength being what supports those who for whatever reason, canno't help themselves and they should do it greatfully and with an open heart. Will some people take advantage of that? Yes... of course they will. That is human, it is natural and a part of what should always support a larger picture. The 9 to 5 bump and grind... to me, is soul crushing! I have never been able to, for whatever reason??? Sit still, look pretty and conform to a regimen... no matter the monitary rewards that came as a result. I always felt that I was selling my soul to the company store so to speak. I believe that from early on in life... we should pay far more attention to indivisuality and support an childs needs and adjust the curriculmn to each persons expectations and needs of it rather than lump 30 little minds into one place and expect them to all sit still and perform like circus monkey's for accolades and praise through competition and scores. It hurts me to think of my own kids as having to work their entire lives only to be, in their old age, just left by the wayside and forgotten by the very Government and the society they will help build! Just as we as a people have been doing for decades. Health care even takes advantage of our elderly! This is a generation of self concerned swine that have no need or care to support anyone but themselves. That only works in theory... because society is filled with some who lack that support system and there are not enough resources and places for people to go for help when they need it. It discusts me the level of competition and vying that we are taught from birth. Life is set in motion and set up up wrong in my book... But no one supports me. I will always support myself either from within my own family unit or as an indivisual.
  • They must be rich not to have to work.Yesterday AB told me I was out of points for you but I had 5 points still in the bottom of my bag today.Yippie !!!
  • Judge them by their actions.
  • it really chaps my hide - especially when they complain that they have no money!
  • Only if they are living off my money (government). If not, I could care less if they work or not.
  • Wise man!!!!
  • LIke me..retired??? I think it's great....But I don't like people who live off of other people.
  • I use to think they were the problem. Now I have decided that they are just reacting normally to the "System" and as such, can not be blamed. I think our (US) country has declined to the extent that soon either we all will be on welfare or the system will have collasped.
  • Paralyzed by fear and selfishness and probably both. I know someone like that. The other person in the relationship does ALL the work. The other one sits at home - completely justified in the decision to be there and creating a whole imaginary ceiling of opportunity and potential. This refusal... is nothing short of lazy and self-serving. When people are fit and able, they should work. Maybe that is taking care of children.. maybe breaks are necessary. But the economy is tough, and everyone should be making some sort of contribution. It's better for the mind and soul anyway - just to contribute.
  • My plate is full enough without putting my nose into another business! I am not in anothers shoes so have no thoughts at all!
  • people need help and support, but the very system that provides this,will all too often leave them in said situation and dump them under the mat
  • Either Rich, or Lazy. By stating that they are fit and able , I assume you do not mean that there is any underlying problem (such as mental illness, phobias etc) which would prevent them from working. I believe the old fashioned word for it is: Workshy
  • It's hard to tell who's who in this economy.
  • First, you must define "work." My sense is that you're using the word "work" to mean "an activity for which a capitalist pays a wage." If that's the case, then a person who is fit and able but refuses to work should be given a medal and held up as a hero for all to see. I have no patience for a person who relies on other to pull their weight in this world, but the relationship of real work to wage is almost non-existent. The vast majority of the population labours at unproductive activities like punching a cash register, shuffling paperwork, or gaming the system through "investment." It is these people, who are doing so-called "work" which is totally worthless, who are paid the most money. Those who do practical, valuable labour -- the artists and artisans, the craftspeople and tradespeople, the scientists and physicians -- generally have to struggle just to make ends meet, and never have enough resources to accomplish the work they're supposed to be doing. In a system such as this one, where the useless get paid and the useful get shafted, it is admirable for a worker to refuse to participate. I am a Wobbly (a member in good standing of the Industrial Workers of the World) and I wholeheartedly support the concept of the general strike. Let us lay down our pens and our aprons and our shovels until this bankrupt capitalist regime collapses under the weight of its own incompetence. "The community has no bribe that will tempt a wise man. You may raise money enough to tunnel a mountain, but you cannot raise money enough to hire a man who is minding his own business. An efficient and valuable man does what he can, whether the community pay him for it or not. The inefficient offer their inefficiency to the highest bidder, and are forever expecting to be put into office. One would suppose that they were rarely disappointed." -- Henry David Thoreau, _Life Without Principle_
  • Burden
  • They also need to be knowledgeable and have something to offer a prospective employer. In addition, they need to stand out of the crowd because getting a job is always about selling yourself as being someone the employer needs get the job done. Assuming your Fit and Able person meets those critera, and has no mental or physical problems, I'd say he/she was lazy, and spoiled and expected others to take care of him/her. :)
  • Lazy and a burden to society
  • I would say to them, the world doesn't owe you a living, get out there and work and stop relying on me and my taxes to fund you.
  • Rite now, good! Stay at home. Betta oppertunity for me to get a job!

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