• A chalupa?
    • Linda Joy
  • Are himself to death?
  • It got the PC ax. Like every other ethnic-based mascot, it was "determined" that ethnic-based advertising was racist. Others who have met the same demise include Aunt Jemimah, The Frito Bandito, The Washington Redskins, and soon-to-be Cleveland Indians. It doesn't matter how representatives of the various cultures feel, the decisions were made for them. Aunt Jemimah, for instance, was based on an actual person - and she was proud to represent the product. Her descendants were greatly upset over the "decision" to end the campaign.
      Yeah, I was pretty appalled by the Aunt Jemimah thing. I wonder if Uncle Ben is next? Great rice...
  • She died of a stroke in 2009.
  • He probably ran away south of the border. lol
    • Linda Joy
      That would have been against HEAVY TRAFFIC! Think he made it? Or was mushroom right?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My answer is for humor, and besides, if you want to get realistic, I also have an answer to your question. So look at it this way, if small foxes can survive in the woods and plains, then a Chihuahua dog can also survive by using its instincts.
  • Jack-in-the-Box had an ad campaign making fun of it. That's probably at least part of the reason.
  • Apparently it was gone ten years ago when you wrote this question! Geriatric chuauahs don't sell like they used to!
  • In reality, the dog had a stroke, and had to be euthanized in 2009. Her name was Gidget.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      1994? Are you sure? The advertisement campaign didn't start until 1997.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I got distracted when I wrote the year. Rarely does it happen. Typo error corrected.
  • Further information:

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