A chalupa?
Linda Joy
Are himself to death?
It got the PC ax. Like every other ethnic-based mascot, it was "determined" that ethnic-based advertising was racist. Others who have met the same demise include Aunt Jemimah, The Frito Bandito, The Washington Redskins, and soon-to-be Cleveland Indians. It doesn't matter how representatives of the various cultures feel, the decisions were made for them. Aunt Jemimah, for instance, was based on an actual person - and she was proud to represent the product. Her descendants were greatly upset over the "decision" to end the campaign.
Yeah, I was pretty appalled by the Aunt Jemimah thing. I wonder if Uncle Ben is next? Great rice...
She died of a stroke in 2009.
He probably ran away south of the border. lol
Linda Joy
That would have been against HEAVY TRAFFIC! Think he made it? Or was mushroom right? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
My answer is for humor, and besides, if you want to get realistic, I also have an answer to your question. So look at it this way, if small foxes can survive in the woods and plains, then a Chihuahua dog can also survive by using its instincts.
Jack-in-the-Box had an ad campaign making fun of it. That's probably at least part of the reason.
Apparently it was gone ten years ago when you wrote this question! Geriatric chuauahs don't sell like they used to!
In reality, the dog had a stroke, and had to be euthanized in 2009. Her name was Gidget.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
1994? Are you sure? The advertisement campaign didn't start until 1997. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I got distracted when I wrote the year. Rarely does it happen. Typo error corrected.
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