• I love when Ross & Rachel are singing "Baby Got Back" to Emma.
  • Joey with his How you doing
  • When Ross bleaches his teeth.....
  • [Ross doing an impression of Chandler] The hills are alive with the sound .......... of music!
  • Quote = when joey says "how you doing" very funny and very similar to trigger in onlyfools and horses when he says "alrite dave" and the scene = when they have a haloween party and joey comes dressed as chandler! rofl
  • I liked the scenes with the game between the girls and the boys to decide who gets the apartment, and the girls lose because no one knows what Chandler's job is.
  • My favourite scene is when Ross and Rachel get drunk in Vegas and get married. Favourite line is when Rachel makes the trifle and Ross tastes it and exclaims "It tastes like feet!"
  • i love it when ross goes nuts about someone who ate his was funny. also i was watching friend yesterday and i love the episode when the phoebe is taking ross to the airport so he could tell rachel how he feels for her before she goes to paris...its really funny when they are in the car. and i have a i the only one who likes smelly cat...?
  • When Rachel had her baby. Everyone was wondering what they were going to name it, and when they named her Emma I was so excited because that's my name, and up until then there weren't very many Emma's around. Now nearly every little girl I meet is named Emma.
  • My favorite is when Ross goes on a date, wearing black leather pants LOL
  • the one where joey gets his head stuck in the turkey. i loved that episode (haha) also the one where they all play basket ball and monica and ross argue over the trophy
  • The one where Joe tries to speak French for an audition and Phoebe says he is retarded.
  • i always love it when joey says "how u doing?" that always does it for me..and remember that episode when they met rachel's sister and joey stood and said it.. it was sooooo funny..well to me.
  • My absolute fave is when Phoebe spots Chandler n Monica across the way in the apartment and put's her hands over her eyes and screams" My eyes" and who can forget the Smelly Cat video??
  • My favorite line has always been when Monica says "I know!". She kinda screams it. She has said it in a few episodes.
  • When Chandler accidentally walks in on Rachel coming out of the Shower and when asked how good a look did he get he answers something along the lines of: "I only saw your "nipular" area"...
  • Favourite Quotes... by Rachel Green "And just so you know, it is not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy and it is a big deal!!"
  • When Ross and I think it was Joey was moving a couch up stairs and Ross was yelling PIVOT, this is my favorite scene.. Oh it was soo funny. I think it is funny when Pheobe sais off the wall things and think they are normal..everyone else pauses and goes on saying anyway..
  • Oh man impossible to pick just one but I LOVE the one with the Halloween party LMAO. Monica: Well it was either a pink bunny, or no bunny at all Chandler: No bunny at all, always no bunny at all! ----------------------------------- Chandler: You think you're stronger? Why don't you prove it? Ross: Oh I'll prove it, I'll prove it like a theorum! LMAO among maaaaany others :)
  • This has TONS of funny quotes :) Also there's a site that has a lot, a lot of unseen stuff and it's free to join.
  • i LOVE it: when chandler has helium voice and sings "First i was afraid, then i was petrified..." when phoebe is putting on a posh accent for mike's parents and throws up+ says something like, "12 bathrooms and i threw up in the closet" also: "is it dirty?" "oh don't worry i'm gonna wash it" "don't. i like it... dirty" OMG i love friends soo much !! "good thing I'm going COMMANDO!"
  • I don't Do friends
  • My favorite is when Ross and Rachel are drunk in the hotel room in Vegas. Joey walks in and asks Rachel- How you doin'? She smiles and says I'm good baby! How you doin'? Then Joey turns and says Ross-DON'T let her drink anymore!
  • Joey made Chandler sit in a box as a way to apologize. And later in the episode, Monica gets mad at everyone and my favorite quote happens: Fine, judge all you want to, but [to Ross] married a lesbian, [to Rachel] left a man at the altar, [to Phoebe] fell in love with a gay ice dancer, [to Joey] threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, [to Chandler] LIVE IN A BOX!
  • Phoebe's songs. Always, Phoebe's songs. Such as: Oh the cow in the meadow goes "moo" Oh the cow in the meadow goes "moo" Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up And that's how we get hamburgers. Noooowwwww chickens! and There'll be times when you get older And you'll want to sleep with people Just to make them like you But DON'T Cause that's another thing that you don't wanna do That's another thing that you don't wanna do and Now grandma's a person who everyone likes She brought you a train and a bright shiny bike But lately she hasn't been coming to dinner And last time you saw her she looked so much thinner. Now your mom and your dad said she moved to Peru, But the truth is she died and someday you will too La-la-la-la-la...
  • When Pheobe asks if Spiderman was a last name. (i think) And Chandler replies with "Well its Spider Man not like Phil Spiderman" hehe :P
  • I could be getting the names wrong, but I think it was something like this dude's testicles were showing and Ross said not to look directly at them and Chandler said, "like a solar eclipse..."
  • Rachel: I'm in the kitchen... and I'm naked. I'm holdin' an orange... and I'm naked. I'm lightin' the candles... naked... (burns herself) and then says, 'carefully!'
  • I like the scene where Chandler tell Joey that he has to stop the Q-tip when it meets resistance. I laugh just thinking about it. lol
  • All of these! I've not laughed as much in ages. Thanks guys! My favorite quote: 'They're my 'I dont need a job, I dont need my parents, I've got great boots' boots'
  • Hey, I'm Chandler, could I beee wearing anymore clothes?
  • The scene with Ross and Rachel with U2's "with or without you playing in the background"
  • Joey's How you doing?
  • Mine as well. "That is so not the opposite of hiding someones clothes." LOL!!
  • Mine are always the ending credits so I can watch the next show after it, if there was a good show programmed in the next slot.
  • I liked the Thanksgiving episode where Joey was wearing a pair of Phoebe's maternity pants. He called them his turkey eating pants. My husband said his favorite part was when it was over. Men!
  • When Joey & Chandler lost Ross's baby on the bus and had to identify him by tossing a coin, choosing between the baby wearing ducks and the baby wearing clowns. Joey says, "Heads, because ducks have heads" and Chandler says "What kinda scary-ass clowns came to your birthday parties??" I've seen it about 7 times and it still makes me laugh.
  • "UNAGI!"
  • I lurve FRIENDS! My fave scene would be when Phoebe is talking to the foetuses. She's such a crack-up. My favourite quote and scene as well, is when Rachel and Ross break-up again about the letter. "you rambled on for EIGHTEEN pages"..."Just so you know, it's not that common and it is a BIG DEAL!." "I knew it!"

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