You sharin or walkin?
I'd say "You need to find another way to get home."
-'s against the law to have an open container in the car. Hold off until I get you home. Alrighty, Bro?
Where's the smokes? Seriously - I'd tell him to put it away - you don't want to go to jail because he can't wait.
You need to think... Is he/she an alcoholic... Yes, get him/her their drink to avoid them from being on the road. Simple!
An "open container" is illegal in most states, whether the driver is partaking or not. Tell him to put it back in the bag and stop being an ass.
can't you wait? or did the boss really do you in today? well, i'd prefer if you didn't do that, considering the fines would be on me.
"do you want to stop at a pub?"
No drinking while I'm driving!
i'd pull over and say get out.
seeing as its your car say whatever u please
Does this bother you?Is it an area you are uncomfortable with?If it is(as you probably wouldn't have asked this question)Say to him,"Hey,I don't want that open in my vehicle"Simple. If he doesn't like it,too damn bad for him.You don't need to get an open flask ticket,do you? Maybe you don't mind stopping at the store for him,but the open bottle is going to far.
pull over and give him the boot. report it to the BOSS the next day and suggest some couniling
I thought you had some bud!? I got liquor at the house! I am gonna need some gas money now!
I'd say 'I guess you can walk from here.'
See 3:00-3:30 in the following video (funny part) (Serious part) "I don't allow drinking in my car, nor do I allow open containers. If we get stopped, I get arrested. Leave it closed until you get home. If you HAVE to drink before then, I'll drop you off so you can walk and drink. BTW: Contact AA. ANYONE who drinks that much EVERY day is an alcoholic." If they don't want to ride with me any more, tough sh-t.
I would tell them that work sucks but an open bottle ticket sucks worse. I would then suggest they try the safer alternative of cannabis.
Politely ask him to refrain from drinking in your car,as you don't want to get ticketed.If that doesn't work,take the bottle from him, clock him with it,all while singing "All By Myself".
Considering that in my state an open container, whether its the driver's or a passenger's, is worth a hefty fine (not to mention the likelihood of making my car insurance go up) he would have plenty of time to enjoy his bottle while he walks home.
This guy is a loser and a user. He is using you. And he will continue to do that if you LET him. He has shown his true colours clearly....drop him.
GET OUT OF MY F***ING CAR!! You can walk you ass home!
Pass the bottle, it is funny ;0)
You should say " not in my car please". That person should respect your wishes or can stick out their thumb!
The minute he starts to reach for the bottle, insist that he doesn't open it in your car. Tell he if he needs a drink that bad to get out and walk. You could get stopped for open container violation if the police saw him take a drink from the bottle. If he takes a drink anyway, tell him this is his last ride.
For starters the fact that he would do that is disrespectful, on the other hand if he is that ignorant you need to speak up and tell him not to drink in your car or get the steppin'. You could skip the liquor store all together too.
WOAH! With the laws the way they are now, I'd be surprised if someone took that liberty in my car but I'd get them home and not continue letting them ride with me in the future.
Uh, you better not even be stupid enough to offer me any and if you make a mess, you better clean it up.
Damn you can't wait!!!! Plus you need to pour me some when we get to your place.
Just tell him not to do that. I used to ride in a car with a guy who didn't appreciate it when I played the aggressive a-driver (flipping people off when they'd cut him off and so forth). He told me to stop, so i did. I felt he was a bit weird about it, but shit, I needed the ride.
At least in Texas he's violating a law for which the driver would be responsible. I would tell him he can have the ride, or drink, but not both. I'd also tell him, by the way, I wouldn't be insulted if he bought a tank of gas every now and then.
Can I have some?
"Gimmie that's party time....."
Nothing at all. When I was younger if a few of us were going to a festival or something, the driver would remain sober on the way and the passengers would get stuck into a carry-out, so I've had my turn of being the sober driver before.
I would tell the coworker that the rule is the liquor goes in the trunk until he gets home. I would further ask him to pitch in for some gas money. If he can afford to drink liquor (I can't), then he needs to have his own transportation or at least help out the person who is providing transportation for him.
I'd tell him that I could get a ticket for open container and if he does it again then I will never give him a ride again
I'd say I only agreed to give you a ride to and from work. But, I didn't agree to you committing a crime that could ultimately get me into trouble. It sounds like this guy is taking advantage of your husband. Sorry to hear this. Unfotunately, some people will take your kindness for weakness.
nothing. because you're supposed to go in the store too and buy a beer for the ride
Above all be polite, while pulling over to let him out of your car to walk home, co-workers arenβt necessarily chosen friends, so often take each other for granted, explain to him that your family travel in the car and that it is very disrespectful of him to potentially subject them to the offensive odour of his beverage, if this doesnβt work & the message doesnβt sink in, KICK HIS ASS!!!!
The next time he asks you to stop say you have to be somewhere and dont have time to make a liquor stop. After a few times he'll get the hint. Unless he's a complete moron. If he doesnt get the hint, take a more firmer approach and say "No"...go get your own liquor on your own time please. Or you can stop giving this dude rides.
Let me out at the next stop light please.
edit: i misread your q. i thought he opened a bottle while you were driving the liquor store. well, if you didn't have a problem with taking him to the liquor store, i guess your problem is him drinking in the car. tell him you don't like people drinking in your car, or if it's against the law in your state, tell him that's why you don't want him drinking in your car.
I would pull over and make him leave my car.
Get out, have a nice day!
if your a girl... i wouldn't give him a ride agian becacuse drunks are known to do stupid stuff that could cause you to lose your lic. and he would probably try to take advantage of you no matter how harmless he seems. if your a girl.. i would just knock his ass out and tell him don't do it agian
How would you like to start hitching your rides?
"Dude, put it up! If I get a ticket due to your stupidity, you'll be paying for it. If this is the way it's going to be then you can find someone else to ride with." If he refuses then get him out of the vehicle and go on about your business.
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