• 8 glasses.
  • A normal individual requires atleast 2 to 2.5 litres of water every day. This water may be taken either in the direct state (pure liquid state at normal room temperature) or in the combined state (in the form of juices, fruit pulps, water in cooked foods, etc.) The average quantity of water to be taken may again vary with the weather conditions, amount of work done and other factors. Quantities varying to as high as 3 to 4 litres sometimes. Drinking more water is advised for proper metabolism, as our body is almost 80% watery.
  • The minimum you should drink is eight (8) 8 ounce glasses of water per day. However, if you are overweight, you should add one (1) 8 ounce glass for every 25 pounds you are overweight. Therefore, if I should weigh 125, and I weigh 175, I should drink ten (10) 8 ounce glasses per day.
  • 8 glasses of water a day is a minimum for efficient metabolic processes, but 12 glasses or more is recommended depending on the individual's activities. Water is important for the absorbtion of nutrients from the food a person eats; the more water drank the better abilitiy your body has in absorbing those nutrients.
  • The "8 Glasses of Water" theory has been proven a myth because the water content of other beverages and foods has to be taken into consideration. "The Report of the Scientific Review Committee 1990 published by Health and Welfare Canada states that water used by the body comes from fluids ingested (5 cups), moisture in foods (4 cups) and fluids produced during metabolic oxidation (1 cup), totaling approximately 10 cups per day in moderate climates. We consume 10 cups of water per day, but only 5 cups come from ingested fluids (not necessarily water), and the rest come from foods and our metabolism." "To replace daily losses of water, an average-sized adult with healthy kidneys sitting in a temperate climate needs no more than one liter of fluid, according to Jurgen Schnermann, a kidney physiologist at the National Institutes of Health."
  • Normally, between 2 - 3 liters of water per day. Obviously it depends on physiological factors, but let's say a normal person (height, weight) in a template climate below 3000 meters. Over 3000 meters you have to add about a liter per 1000 meters per day, so at 8000 meters its around 7-8 liters per day. A good rule of thumb is that if your urine is strong yellow, you need water fast. Urine should be clear to very light yellow.
  • The rule of thumb I was taught was take your weight in lbs... divide by two... and that is how many ounces of WATER you should drink. So if I weight 150lbs / 2 = 75 so I should drink 75 ounces which is 9.4 8 oz glasses... You may get other fluids in your diet from vegies or soda or whatever, but you should drink a minimum of 68 ounces of pure water (8x8) or the above help with Weight Loss. You actually require more water than 64 ounces- but you do get this from food.
  • What you do is divide your weight in half and that is how many glasses of water you should drink everyday.
  • Actually what you do is divide you weight in half and drink that many ounces a day...for example, if you weight 150 pounds, you would drink 75 ounces of water a day.
  • I've heard 8 8ounce glasses. But I suppose it differs from person to person, just stay hydrated.
  • At least 8 eight-ounce glasses.
  • 64 ounces a day except in real warm weather...then it is around 100+ ounces...;)
  • 3 liters minimum
  • i think the recommended daily amount is two litres.
  • Ha ha, I'm always getting told to drink more water. About 8 cups is a good amount.
  • 8 pints is ment to be a lush ammount and make sure you make it more fruity with cordial hehe
  • Although water can be ingested from solid food and non-water drinks, you should also drink plenty of fresh water. The reason is that it takes time for the body to remove and use this type of fluid. Water, however, enters the body immediately. Every part of your body contains water. Remember to drink extra, repeat extra water during exercise, during times of high ambient heat and when sick. It sure doesn't hurt, but helps considerably! I think the eight 8oz. glasses a day is a good figure.
  • About 6-7 glasses is a good amount. About 4-5 is a more realistic amount to do just enough to flush out your system regularly. And you know, water is like coffee, the more you drink it, the more you like the taste.
  • It depends on your body weight and how much you do in terms of activity. Too much is not good either.
  • I used to drink HUGE amounts of fizzy drinks when i was younger, about 5 years old, and one day i drunk so much i threw up, as unpleasant as That may sound. So i decided to switch to water so i only drink water, and it gives you a lot of good things, for example incredibly better teeth,( I have a complete set of baby teeth other than one ;) ) And makes you suffer headaches and illness's a lot less frequently. It is also true that drinking water will make you develop a taste for it, as I refuse to drink any other drink now, as I enjoy the taste so much. except alcohol ofc.
  • it's suggested that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day, which is about 2.5 litres, but maybe a bit more depending on your lifestyle, if you do a lot of sports, for example.
  • about 2 - 3 litres a day P.S. THE ROAD RUNNER TOLD ME
  • Enough to quench your thirst.
  • 3 galons. My 2 cents.
  • Since 8 glasses is recommended, I decided to be extra healthy by mixing my vodka with it :)
  • take your body weight and divide it by 2 - that is how many ounces of water you should drink a day.
  • 2 liters a day but on hot days you can manage to drink more because you sweat and lose water.
  • The concept of 8 glasses a day is a bit of a misnomer. It came from medical testing during WWI by the US Army. The original report said the equivilent to 8 x 8oz glasses of water. So if you eat food that has a high water content, you don't need to physically drink as much. But a good rule of thumb is to drink (sip) as much water as your body tells you it needs. It will tell you when you need more, and it will tell you when you are good.
  • The rule of thumb used by hikers is "Copious and Clear" Essentially, drink enough water to urinate 'clear' and you're not risking dehydration. The darker your urine, the more dehydrated you are relative to the level of toxins being expelled.
  • an ocean a day
  • Eight glasses a day is the recommended amount.
  • 2 litres a day
  • Take your weight in pounds, divide it by two, and that's how many ounces of water you should be drinking every day. Enjoy!
  • More than I do.
  • Dont know . But what I can tell you is, that if you got tomatoes growing now ,you need to give each one a gallon a day. WYW
  • 8-10 liters!
  • Ive heard a couple of times that the best way to figure out how much water you should consume per day is to divide your weight by 2, and thats how many ounces you should drink!! Pretty simple. And no, I dont ;-)
  • Eight eight ounce glasses is a general recommendation. But you can also get your water requirements from food that is high in water content. And not everyone needs the same amount of water.

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