No, but I would love to.
Yes, I have driven past it several times when I was a lot younger (and living in England), although we never stopped to see it up close. It's very simple in design, but beautiful at the same time. There are other stone circle in England, such as the one at Avebury (, which I've seen up close, although this is not as well organised as the Stonehenge one.
Sadly, no. I lived in the UK for a good time but never got a chance to see Stonehenge.
No. Someday though.
Driven by it a few times. As henges go, it certainly is stoney.
i almost did as a field trip with my art class but it was too expensive. but i hope i do one day.
Yes. I used to live about 20 miles away from it and visited it regularly for picnics etc. It has all been fenced off now so you can't get too close, keeps the modern day Druids away. Some idiot painted graffiti on it not so long back.
No, I wish I would have. A dream visit!
lo, I wonder what my answer to this one is going to be, well , in fact, again its no !! :)
No, I haven't, but I'd sure like to!! Eddie Izzard did a mini documentary (lol) on Stonehenge that you might enjoy, but due to language, I'll only link it.
Yes - and here is something new:
Nope, but I've always wanted to.
Yes. It seemed smaller than I had imagined.
Hi, love. Have you resigned the governorship? Well, I was at Stonehenge on the morning of Spring Solstice, several decades ago. No words can describe the feeling of awe, joy, and beauty that infused me on seeing the sun rise above the Heel Stone, directly in The Notch. I've never been so impressed, before or since. What did those people know, 4,500 years ago, that we do not? What were they really doing? and why? As to other stone circles, they're scattered all over England and Scotland, and on the Continent as well. Callanish in Scotland and Carnac in Brittany come to mind. There are other archaic wonders of engineering in Greece, Peru, and scattered elsewhere around the globe, but I'll stick to the Henge for now.
Yes I have..I live not far from there.
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