Whoever that scientist was, I think he was a Quack! (a person who pretends, professionally or publicly, to have skill, knowledge, or qualifications he or she does not possess)
I believe that is what scientists call "a clever ruse".
Was the scientist's name Sum Ting Wong?;)
... very low probability ... ... if you actually believe that, then you will buy this watch, and then you'll buy this bridge to take it across on !!!
Special KI'll need to buy a car to travel in across the bridge
You read the article wrong. What it actually said is this: 'Chinese Chef Stated it Takes an Hour to Prepare Peking Duck.'
5-14-2017 I have no way to know what you have heard.
Of course not don't believe everything you hear.
I think the duck spoke Russian.
Shhhhh! *looks left, looks right, worriedly* No one is supposed to know about that!
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