My sharp tongue. ☺
If I'm planning ahead, preferably a sniper rifle.
a sharpened unicorn horn coated in pixie dust
If i cud i'd carry a sharp knife..
weapons are for pussies, i would bring myself.
That entirely depends on the type of fight I would be getting into.
That would depend upon what sort of "fight" in which I was going to be involved. Can you be more specific? What will those fighting me be carrying? Are there limits on what I can carry? How far away or how close will my opponents be? How many of them will there be? Are they well-trained? Etc.
A gun and/or an ice pick.
Nuclear Weapons. Game over.
A couple of rolls of nickels.
Someone bigger, meaner and tougher than me to take my place =)
meat cleaver or aluminium bar
Dude lot bigger than me? Then, my he watched it speedin' down the damn road.
"Luca Brasi"
The weapon i would carry into a fight would be...chuck norris
If I'm not carrying my switchblade my pistol is on my belt.
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