All people can become depressed. It has nothing to do with whether someone is weak or not. It's a real problem that affects a lot of people.
I think your friend has NO idea what they are talking about. It happens to weak, strong, young, old, male, female, etc... Hopefully something they never have to endure. Unless someone has been through it, they don't have a clue about it.
I think there are a lot of weak people that would like to whip his/her butt.
I have met people of all ages;strenghts and educational backgrouds. Depression knows no bondaries.
As depression is a serious illness, that would be the equivalent of saying someone with heart disease is weak. Doesn't make much sense in either case;)
I think your friend is full of camel dung. Depression can happen to anyone regardless of how strong or weak they are. Maybe it's time to find a new friend. Thanks.
it's BS, because being depressed has nothing to do with being weak.
Real depression is an actual chemical imbalance in the body. A lot of people don't realize this and think that a depressed person is just feeling down and can pick themselves up again if they wanted to.
It isn't weakness but a sickness and at some point in our lives, nearly everyone gets sick with it, maybe not severely but they do get it. It can even come from chemicals in our foods and medicines for other things. I suppose if your friend thinks that anyone who ever gets sick in any way is weak, then he would be accurate but then since there are no strong people, that is meaningless.
Ask your friend if he likes the smell of napalm in the morning.
A lot of people think being depressed is for weak people but i dont agree. SOme cnat even help the feelng. I get blue soemtimes for NO apperent reason. Not like really bad or suicidal or anything, just blue or i cry for no reason sometiems. Then there are people who are deeply depressed and need professional help and i thik it actually makes them stronger trying to deal with it and grow from it.
Just as one example, Abraham Lincoln struggled with depression for his whole life. Was he weak?
A comment like that would only make me more depressed. Attitudes like that only keep people down and afraid to reach out and get the help they need. Give your friend a hug, probably needs one.
I will go out on a limb here and say, You friend isn't a doctor, am I right? I think many people have opinions that have nothing to back up what they say. Personally I have been diagnosed with Bi-polar which is a depressive disorder. I served many years in the military fighting for our freedom. I started my own business when I came home and ran it until I decided to retire. I do not see myself as weak at all. Maybe your friend just isn't as knowledgeable as he/she should be to make such a claim.
That is a very ignorant viewpoint - in the true sense of the word. Take no notice of your friend's comment. They are fortunate never to have experienced depression themselves. Some of the strongest most intelligent people in the world have suffered depression eg Winston Churchill.... and the list goes on.
Take no notice!!!! A lot of famous, millionaire people suffer from depression and I hate it when people say "what they got to be depressed about" The thing is 'depression' doesnt care who it strikes.
You can't help being depressed. Sometimes it's even hormonal, so you certainly can't help that. My best friend got through depression, and I think that's the bravest thing anyone can do. Weak people are people like your friend.
Your friend is an idiot without the empathy or understanding to offer an opinion on your depression.
Your "friend" has obviously never suffered from depression. Depression is not a weakness, it's a sickness. People do not understand it if they have not experienced it themselves. They do not realize how debilitating and devastating it can be. If we could only remove the stigma of mental illness a lot of people would be living happier lives. Depressed people often hide away and don't discuss it with anyone for fear of ridicule or being called weak.
Being depressed doesn't make you weak... it makes you human! Your friend has a very outdated view on things. This may have been the prevailing attitude in the fourties and fifties when we didn't know much about depression as a legitimate medical condition. To believe that now is simply ignorant. Some of the strongest, toughest people I know still catch the blues every now and then. It is not a character defect. You wouldn't call a diabetic a weak person.
I have to admit I once said that to a girlfriend, clearly I was a complete fool for saying that, really. I thaught to myself why would I say that? I said that because I thaught, if I say she is weak she would think, screw that im not weak! It doesnt work that way, I was wrong, end of story.
It is not for weak people. Even very powerful and physically strong people can get depressed.
Thats not true anyone can suffer from depression!
It sounds like your "friend" lacks empathy and maturity. Does he think this is 1950? Who says that kind of thing in this time of "enlightenment"? Depression is a medical condition and there is nothing weak about the person who has it. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain.
I think your friend is a bit insensitive, however, I will say that I also think that the mental health community has done a very good job of guaranteeing themselves work by making every case of depression a medical issue. For some folks it is. For some folks it is a brain chemistry or brain deterioration issue. But for some folks it is a case of the blues gotten out of hand because they've been hit by too many bad things over a long period of time. I can attest to the fact that that type of depression can be overcome by building better habits of thought.
To put it bluntly, your friend is an idiot. Depression is not a vice that can be given up at will. In many cases, full-blown depression is associated with changes in brain structure and neurotransmitter levels. It's a brain disease, nothing more and nothing less. A diabetic isn't weak for needing insulin, is he? Now, not every case is full-blown major depression. It can also be minor and self-limited, but that doesn't make it less "real." Telling someone who is depressed that he/she is weak is cruel, and can lead to tragedy if the person is suicidal.
I think your friend is a dick.
Depression is very common in our society and it can happen to anyone. Keep in mind his definition of weak and strong may be different from yours and you might not like his definition.
I think that "Your friend." has probably either never experienced anyone in his life that has depression so it is so far removed from him he really has no clue. or Someone with depression effected him in such a negative way that either he adopted this opinion of it in general as a result of his own experiences... or someone else, likewise effected, taught him that this was the truth and he never questioned it but adopted it instead as it coming from the person that was seemingly the more rational one of the two extremes. Like for instance if his mom was effected and his dad told the children that she was "weak" because she couldn't do what was expected of her in their universe as a result. I find that as a trend in general. People base love and how much they are able to express that love, by how much the other person fits into the expectations of their universe. love falls away rather easily when it become an effort and gets replaced with all the excuses as to why it was held back... "She was weak, she was a liar, a gambler, an addict." Especially these days.
that's total bullshit...everybody feels depressed sometimes there's nothing weak about offence but your friend is full of it
Your friend sounds like he doesn't really understand what depression really is, or how serious it can be. Personally, I wouldn't confide in somebody with that attitude. The "bootstrap" theory is a lot of crap. It's a rather insensitive and medieval attitude toward a very serious disorder. The weak people are the ones who can't see a problem, and have knee-jerk reactions to things they don't, or won't understand.
Very clever. If your friend can take that ball of stress and adrenalin that's building up in you and redirect it into anger, or indignation, or a huge episode of 'I'll show you' then he/she has saved you from letting it paralyse you and turn you into a quivering heap of tears. A bit like the old saying 'don't get mad, get even' I think your friend was just trying to get you to use the frustration in a positive way so you remain in control. Its still depression, its just not being an ineffectual puddle in the corner, because that doesn't help you change the problems. Its amazing how much you can sort out if you opt for roaring fury / being bossy / controlled anger instead. Enjoy.
Obviously, you need better friends.
I think your friend is very much lacking understanding. If they understood, they wouldnt have said something as flippant as that. Depression can happen to anyone, regardless of whether theyre strong, weak or whatever. I wouldnt listen to them if I were you. Good luck in getting better :)
I dont think your friend and I would get along... and I will not give my full opinion on this statement because I think it would get me kicked off AB
There may be some truth in that but it is something that should not be said to a depressed person. There are some people around who are fortunate enough for some reason or another never to suffer depression and therefore cannot understand how it feels. We are living in very depressing times and it is difficult not to get down and when it seems that there are people with that attitude it only serves to make things seem worse. I think AB can be a good forum as, although I am new, I have found that there are some lively discussions, well thought out answers to questions and it does help to keep one's mind off other things. Somtimes you can have different friends for different reasons, maybe this particular friend is not one you should see when you are feeling down.
I am so... sorry that you have experienced such an ignorant comment . By ignorant I mean unknowing, uneducated ! You are not alone though many of US who have suffered from depression have been told such stupid things as that as well as "Buck up kido" "get over it already " I could go on and on ! don't listen to anyone who has such things to say but do know that there is help and sometimes we can and do overcome it! Many people do get have productive lives and then again many don't or can't function in society either way DON"T quit and DON"T fall into the nonsense that people who have not been there have to offer! In God's great world we are all stronger than we think and IT COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE!
your friend obviously hasn't got a clue.
its a good point that could help some people, but not too many. sometimes you gotta try to power through the bullshit.
No...It just means, a change must be made. 1. Do something for somebody else. 2. Do something for somebody else. 3. repeat steps 1-3 if not completely satisfied.
- can't expect someone to just 'snap' out of it.
I think that that was just a little harsh of your friend, and that if you have actual depression, you can't help it and it's not something that you have a choice in as such. +5
Clinical depression is different from episodic depression in response to unfortunate incidents. Clinical depression isn't something that people can effectively just "tough out." It is a serious and potentially dangerous medical condition. Episodic depression can be debilitating as well, but you CAN control to some degree how much it will affect you. Some people nurture their depression and wallow in it. So there is some truth in what your friend says; consciously working at feeling better and refusing to wallow can help one through the tough times.
I think it's easy to feel pity for yourself when you don't develop the character and techniques to come out of depression, instead choosing to see it as inescapable. Sorry, but I think your friend has a point.
It's BS. I know a number of very strong individuals, people who were in combat, who later become depressed. I sure do hope your friend never says that to ne of THEM! : )
I disagree completely. Being depressed has nothing to do with weakness. However, inner strength will help you pull out of it.
his country pisses me off. seriously, because of comments like that. It's absolutely normal to be depressed and sad sometimes, its holding it in and not telling people that makes it worse. it only perpetuates the feeling and furthers our devolved state we're in. <i> having emotions is perfectly normal</i> contrary to what all the badass dudebros might say. I'm not one for just prescribing everyone's woes away, but even medication can be OK for a temporary fix. some people need it. personally I think you learn more from those times in your life than any words/books/movies will ever tell you. keep your chin up brother, or whoever is in that state or that comment was directed at. I'm sorry you or whoever has to go through it. just know things will look up even if it doesn't look like it or that doesn't mean anything at the moment.
No way. That's a horrible thing to say! I strongly believe that everyone gets somewhat depressed at some point. Does that mean everyone is weak? It happens, people get sad. Some for longer and stronger than others, but being depressed isn't for weak people, it's completely human.
Depression is for weak time's not people.
Your friend is not very compassionate, everyone gets depressed
of course it's true, haven't you ever heard the old platitudes: when the going gets tough the tough get going. And who in thier right mind would spend a week in a bed in a dark bedroom if they weren't wrong. Oh, I forgot, that depressed person is greedy and irresponsible to family and in the greater picture to all of society. I'm trying to be ironic and sarcastic if you haven't guessed by now.
Real depression is an illness and can strike anyone. Strong people might be better equipped to fight off depression, but if it's the real thing, it will get both the weak and the strong.
Have your friend watch an episode of Sponge Bob and show him Patrick because that is how much intelligence he/she is displaying. Don't listen to this idiot who knows zero about depression which is a disease. It's like saying cancer is for weak people.
I'm considered a very strong person, but I've been depressed on and off for about 20 years. +5
You should keep your distance from that so-called friend. Read a book or two to find out for yourself.
I think that is a bit blunt as depression is not something that people have control over. +5
hi Depression is for week people. i was depressed and though i was not weak. well what bs. look if you are depressed and cant get out of it then help your friend. when i was depressed i didnβt wana help myself but i didnβt mind helping others so help your friend help you. if your friend knows your depressed then u suck at hiding it or u just dont care but others do. Depression is a mind game can u win? well with what ever u do good luck?
I think that's pretty stupid. Actual depression is a physical condition. That's like saying, getting appendicitis is for weak people.
Its trite, but clever. See, you may still be depressed, but if it makes you try harder, be more determined, angry, even aggressive, then you are better equipped to change your external situation, than if it crumples you into a puddle of tears in the corner. I guess your friend just meant 'fight it back'.
Its true. If you are a strong person you can get through anything. Being depressed causes many problems so always think positive.
Not weak. I've seen the most reliable people fall to depression. No its somthing mentaly wrong with you, its not a 'weakness', if it was natural stubbonus would be the widly used cure.
Sounds like your friend is not very educated on this subject.
Well then half the world are weak, and you know what they other half are anxious! Speaking from my own experience I have to say that depression is an indication of some underlying issue that needs to be acknowledged, faced and worked through. There are also types of depression that are biological and those need to be medicated. It would be a good idea for you to check with a psychologist/counselor. Good luck!
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