• I don't see anything wrong apart from wasting some vital years to find someone and get engaged!
  • Nope!!! For its her life to live as she wants.
  • no, in fact since she is single I think it is good that she chose to stay childless.
  • Absolutely not. Would you feel there is something wrong with a man in the same situation?
  • No, can you introduce me?
  • your fine right now!! just dont wait until your 38+ if you dont have kids right now then more power to you & more money to save.
  • Absolutely nothing wrong in that. On the contrary most of my married friends would prefer to be in your shoes. Maybe if it is willed to you then you may find some guy and have kids but then most of the women all over the world are like you.Maybe you should find some other pursuits and adopt a kid!Some of my very good students are just like you and are still more aged.So it really does not matter!
  • The main thing is you are happy. A lot of women in that situation are...because they aren't the minority anymore. Times and options are's called (social) evolution. Who knows you may have a kid when you are 50 and it will be considered normal by then anyway.
  • i say, she's one successful woman
  • Not at all. A lot of people do the expected thing of marriage and children, and don't even think about whether it's what they want. It really isn't for everyone, and I admire those who live life their own way regardless of peer pressure and all that.
  • I would not, It is there choice if they want to be single and childless at any age
  • No. I mean, I wouldn't even wonder, much less go "Oh, there MUST be something wrong". Isn't that pretty common?
  • No not at all, she just hasn't found what she's looking for or shall I say Mr. Right has not crossed her path yet. Then again some people do not want children or have the restrictions put on them by relationships, if you are haooy that's all that matters.
  • I do feel that something is wrong if I know of someone in that situation. Also, I think that she might be gay. I don't judge her though, if I think she is gay. Some women just don't want children or a man until they get to a certain point in their career. But really, it's none of my business and I don't treat her any differently if I know the situation. That is what I think. I answered the question but somehow I think I am going to get points taken off my answer. I think the person asking the question would rather me tell them the truth than lie, just so I can get points.
  • What business its of mine? Who am I to judage what is weird or wrong? It is the lady's choice and I do not speculate on other's choices. On the other hand if the concerned lady were to approach me for an opinion I will give one after listening to all that she has to say.
  • omg hell no, nothing bores me more than talking about children/toddlers, women who are single, 30 + and single are awesome to go out with and party. Plus women dont want to settle these days for sub par men...
  • No. Rather, I might stop and think that she might be the most intelligent, common sense woman that I know...and it was your question that made me do the "stopping and thinking". Thanks.
  • Not at all. There are many women in their 30s and 40s that have focused on a professional career first and when they are ready for those things they will have them as well.
  • Not particularly. I have 2 friends in their 40s, childless and single. There is nothing wrong with them. Both would have preferred finding Mr. Right by now, but haven't.
  • If there is then I am.
  • Not a thing! I was 30 when I fianlly did get married, but after 18 years of marriage, I am divorced, so I wish I woulda stayed unmarried!
  • No I would consider them smart:))
  • well i will say this your situation is rare but not weird or wrong.. i almost wonder what you do for a living. i get the feeling youre a relationship councler and one that has seen one too many bad situations.... but if im wrong you probable just waiting for mr right (mr.perfect) he died in the 60's. now adays a relationship is made of two crazy ass people who, if they can tollerate each other while dating and living together they will get married and live horribly ever after. na, but seriously, its cool that you feel like the people around you are in relationships and you find it hard to relate durring girl talk. because it just created your own personal timing. well thats what makes a relationship aint it? you been saving your commiting side for someone special. so dont feel bad about being single, get up and do something about the fact that you dont want to be anymore..when you start asking questions related to passing time (years) its time for some action.and the solution is simple the next time a guy ask's you out dont judge (unless his appearance is bad) just go for it and see where it goe.. shit you need all the practice you can get at this point to reverse the single thing. and thats not a bad thing its just so many wrong people out there.......
  • Just think "neices & nephews" ,,, she can borrow them when she wants but take them home when she gets tired of them or the problems start or she gets tired of playing the nice auntie!
  • No. There could be many reasons.
  • I was 30,childless and dating.I liked it and didn't once worry about what other people thought of it.
  • nope it probably happens alot more than i know. plus, i really don't care. it's your life, and it's not like age 30+ is age 90
  • In todays world of advanced education, this is not uncommon. Some women(and men), spend one-third of their life educating themselves. There is only one problem: when a person reaches this age and never been married, they are so set in their ways of doing things, thats its hard to change after finding a soulmate. I have seen this happen.
  • I don't. In fact, I will probably be one of these women! (I am 24) However, there is still a cultural bias towards single women that hasn't caught up with the realities of life. Most people spend a good portion of their lives getting educated and trying to start a career. Also, most men aren't ready for marriage until their 30's or later (if at all), and of course there are people who are happy to remain single. Unfortunately, society tends to frown upon permanent singleness. It's acceptable to wait until your 30's-40's to get married, but after that age, people think you are weird!
  • No? Is there?
  • Not at all, that would be silly and judgemental ;0)
  • Absolutely not! That is the best choice around! You won't regret it! :)
  • Of course not.
  • Heck no.
  • No, to each their own. People are not on this planet for group acceptance.
  • Hell no... That might be lot better than a teenage single mom.
  • Not necessarily. There are plenty of reasons a woman may be 30+ years old, single, and childless. Anything from biological reasons, to career reasons, to sexual preferences (lesbian), to psychological reasons, to character faults, to not finding 'Mr. Right', or even just plain not wanting to get married and have children. Personally, if I were single and considering a woman who fits this description, I would be most interested in her character traits. They would tell me the most important things I would need to know about her.
  • No, I actually think its great that some women are breaking out of that "get married and be a housewife" trend. Usually those women are just more career oriented and men expect them to be taking care of a baby while they work. Personally i would want a more career driven woman in the long run than a housewife with no education. Thats just my opinion though.
  • Not at all. If that is what she wants to be. That is great!
  • no! of course not... happens more often these days
  • I feel i would be the weird/wrong one if i was in her business enough to pass that judgment. I would much rather see a woman 30+, childless and single than some of the other variations like; under 30, bitterly divorced 3 times, with 5 kids she hates
  • Nope nothing at all wrong with that! Getting married/having a bf/having kids aint everyones idea of a perfect life! She may just be very independent or wants different things out of life.
  • Um.....NO! I think there's actually something RIGHT with a woman who is 30+ and doesn't have children. Too many women bring kids into this world when they're not ready or cut out to be moms. Women are smarter than ever before and they're realizing that it's okay to enjoy life without the added burden of lugging kids with you everywhere you go. You go 30+ girls with no kids!
  • No, I've been there myself. I will say that most of my women friends, and myself included, who have been in that situation have had issues with men. I was abused by my father and others. My friends have had similar experiences. By the grace of God, I got passed it and found a wonderful and gentle man to marry. Some of my friends are dealing with it and making progress. One is in a longterm relationship but can't seem to make it to getting married. One is facing her issues head-on and making strides in trying to heal. Others are just pretending that their life experiences had nothing to do with their issues, but I knew their fathers and stepfathers and I know that I couldn't live with them without being scarred.
  • no i feel her life has more possibilites, endless choices, Things will come in their own good time
  • No; just smart!
  • I am 35, single and have no children. I had a hysterectomy to avoid any future children. They have a name for people like me. The term is "purple" woman. I love my life and the lifestyle choices I have made. I am not a lesbian and have no issues in dating men. Although the only things that I have an issue with is that as I get older its more difficult finding someone without children or someone that does not want to have children. I knew at an early age-children were not something I wanted. I respect parents and their children. Its a choice I made and one that I have never regretted.
  • 30+, childless and single... It could mean a lot of things but not necessarily that there is something weird or wrong with her. People have their own past and insecurities caused by bad experiences. She just happens to be one of those and she might just be waiting for her prince to come along and sweep her off her feet. What she dun need is people who judged her before knowing her.
  • no not these days. I think its weird when a woman under 25 is married with kids people where I live are single til 35-40...thats a little strange for me though
  • no...It would be a personal choise...
  • no cause im 56 myself and never got married or had kids
  • no cause im one of them
  • no, cause im that person
  • Nope , she needs a boyfriend and get married then have kids

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