I'm not a girl, but I will answer based on my experience that girls far, far prefer a cocky guy to a "sensitive" one.
Why does it have to be one or the other? The men I love most have a combination of both.
I prefer a man to be sensitive but strong. A cocky man is a COMPLETE turn off for me.
I agree with the combo guy! Too much of one thingis not good. He needs to be sensitive when apporpriate and cocky when needed. A man that know the difference and when to be what is what is hard to find.
i dont like neither they have to be in the middle somewhere.
I'd say confident rather than cocky. I can't deal with men (or women for that matter) who brag all the time. But a self-assured demeanour is attractive. I don't really like stereotypically sensitive men- I find it a bit annoying when a guy tries too hard to be sensitive and romantic and attentive- I usually jsut want them to leave me alone. But they definetly have to have a conscience. So I guess somewhere in the middle.
sensitive. but id like him to be confident. But cocky is just annoying.
Cocky = rude? or Cocky = Alpha male? If the second, then the alpha male all the way. Not a chauvinist, or someone rude, but a take charge, go-getter, assertive, strong willed man? Definitely. That's why I date a cop. :) Like a lot of law enforcement, he can be sensitive when needed, but his overall personality is very alpha male. (hope I don't get killed with the neg ratings for this... :) )
There has to be a balance..I dated a guy before that was way to sensitive, I acted like more of a man then him it was annoying! And guys that are too cocky are just annoying and I could slap them in the face So having a balance of both is wonderful!
Sensitive. Being around a cocky man makes me feel sick.
A positive sensitive man
I find myself drawn to the guys who's attitudes have a mixture of sensitivity and confidence.
Ok, I failed your gender pre-qualification, but I gotta take this one on anyway -- it's the perfect place to test my theory about this topic. I've had enough wives and girlfriends in my life to have formed some strong views about it. My view is that the common sense about men's sensitivity is mucked up because the word "sensitivity" isn't being properly distinguished. It matters WHAT the man is sensitive about. But first, to dispense with "cocky": it's almost an axiom that women like confident men. The few exceptions are, I think, cases of personality disorder: a woman who wants someone to dominate rather than a real partner. Whether you call it cocky or confident or "real man" is a different sort of argument. So here's some examples which illustrate my point, please see which ones you agree with. I've listed each case as "desirable" or "undesirable" from the woman's viewpoint. 1. He's capable of completely falling in love with a cat or dog, and may shed a tear when they have to be put to sleep: desirable. 2. He's indifferent to your suffering: undesirable 3. He wants constant reassurance that you love him: undesirable. 4. He makes crude and sarcastic, insensitive comments to your friends: undesirable. 5. He makes crude, sarcastic, insensitive comments to YOU: very undesirable. 6. His feelings are easily wounded: undesirable 7. He doesn't know what he feels: undesirable 8. He's indifferent to the suffering of others: undesirable. 9. He's incapable of appreciating art, music, theatre: undesirable. 10. He's interested and responsive when you're upset: desirable. 11. He's preoccupied with "fixing" your upset: undesirable. 12. He's nervous around strangers and wants you to buffer him from them: undesirable. Ok, so that's the test cases, here's the theory: the kind of sensitivity that women DON'T like is a man who's needy and self-doubting, and thus easily hurt, anxious, etc. In other words: pretty much the opposite of confident. All other forms of sensitivity are desirable. To be insensitive is to be, at least in some degree, DEAD in some area. Who wants to be with to a dead person? So saying you don't want a man who's too sensitive is oversimplifying the issue.
A sensitive man, who will be cocky, just to get me to laugh.
cocky .. not neccisarily cocky but forthright & confident. sensitive only with me
I prefer a sensitive man because I am a very sensitive and emotional person and I need someone to be willing to cope with it, and I love it when a guy isn't afraid to cry it shows he is in touch with his feelings and not trying to hide anything from me.
more sensitive than cocky
i think i would like a man who is alittle of both. i mean confident and sensitive.
A guy that appears cocky but is/can be sensitive and sweet :D
My guy would be neither extreme. He would be centered.
I like guys who are more sensitive than cocky, but not sensitive to the point of being girly. I do not like cocky guys, but confidence is a great quality.
bit cocky and bit funny.
I like men that are confident enough in themselves not to be afraid to show their sensitive side
Girls/Ladies/Women love men to be in between. They love a man who is confident in themselves, and in what they do. They love a man who will communicate his feelings with her, and let her do the same with him. They love a man who will let them cry on their shoulder. They love a man who won't hide from them. They love a man who is the MAN in the relationship, otherwise the woman can't be the woman. They love a man who can remember their birthday, and to get them presents. They love a man who shows them every once in a while that they are special. There are so many things, but to really break it down. If you are too much into yourself or in another way to put it, if you are more into yourself than her, then she will hate it. If you are too sensitive to the point where you cry at all the names she calls you once in a while, you can't take a joke, you can't stand up for yourself, and you cry at almost everything, or upset about everything, she will hate it. JUST TO LET YOU KNOW. Women should treat the guy with respect as well as the men should treat the woman with respect. Women should treat the guy as if he matters more to her than herself, and vice versa. It is a 100%-100% relationship on both parts, both showing that they care about each other, more than themselves. Ex. Talking about yourself all the time is what I mean about liking yourself better. or ask yourself this question...would you throw them in front of the bullet so you can survive.
Sensitive, definitely. Cocky guys drive me a bad way.
Of those two I'd go for the cocky one. I like outgoing people better than introverted people.
I like a sensitive man, one who shows compassion and cares. I like a man who has a plan, and knows what he wants in life. I like a man who strives to complete goals even though he may at times fail; he does not give up. I like a man who leads his family in the right direction and protects those he cares about. I like a man who takes the time to listen, and speak to fast; a man who is logical and is wise in his actions, and I can keep going on and on. I like a man that loves children, and a man who is outgoing, and share's the same religion; and a man who would stand in the gap for his family.........................Now I don't want a man that cries over everything, but a man of courage and diligence.
Lets not confuse cockiness with confident. I want a confident man who knows what heβs worth and is sensitive enough to my needs and the world around him. Thatβs the perfect man!
I would have to say a cocky Man because i like men who aren't afraid to speak up once in awhile.And someone who's brave and not cowardly.
I would have to say both. A nice man with a ----. LOL
I agree that it is based on what u r being sensitive about. No body wants a cry baby 4 a man. On the other hand u do want a man that will be sensitive to how u feel about urself. Every woman i know just don't want a cocky guy. The type of man that spends more time in the mirror than the woman or complains about their weight more than a man. With that being said a woman do like a man that is comfort in his own skin and confident.
neither!! i like a man who is strong and can protect me! not sensitive i don't like that!! but not cocky either!! just strong and manly but will listen to me!!
according to all of my former girlfriends, they prefer cocky.
I like a little sensitivity with just enough cockiness.
cocky is out, sensitive is in.
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