Depends on what you qualify to be normal. I am pretty normal in a weird kinda way!! :oP
Normal is a relative and objective state of being, besides, who wants to be normal? I'm far from it and I like to think it makes me unique and interesting not only to myself but to others too.
By no means.
If I did I think I'd be pretty upset.
Hahahahahhehehewheee... No, never been normal, never will be,(As you can tell from my deranged laughter.) would hate myself if I were, I'm too smart to be normal.
In some ways yes, in others, no way. What is normal anyway?
Define Normal......
Assuming 'normal' as 'what the majority do', in some aspects I am, I work at the office, I have kids and raise them to be good citizens, I'm married. On some other aspects no, I'm not.
No, normal people are boring...stand out!
to a certain degree...yes. although there are times i would exhibit a sudden outburst like a mental patient -something in the effects of expressing "glee" for no reason..happy go lucky? perhaps..but i assure you, iam sane..there is no need to fear me.
not at all, but then who wants to be? if you were quote normal then what would make you unique and special?
The only 'normal' people you know are people you don't know very well.... I am an individual, just like everyone else!
I consider myself the only normal one.
No such thing as normal.
Far from it, as I am constantly reminded. The word "wierd" comes up a lot around me...
NO. i am all that crazy and out of senses is just so typically me! (-Britney)
Don't belive in normal the way we all talk about it. Does not exist. Its an idea created largely by advertising to divide markest into sellable groups. I've met a lot of people who pretend to fit the bill, but if you are lucky enought to really get to know them, you find out most are as delightfully as wierd as everybody else.
definitely not! i am as subnormal as subnormal people can subnormal even a word?
not at all.
Exactly what is normal?...and no by the way
no such thing as normal im an out cast
Not at all. Like others have already said: Try and define what normal is
- a matter of fact, I'd hate to be normal. Normal scares me.
I'm just your ordinary average celibate til marriage, sunday school teaching, ballroom dancing, 24 year old man. No seriously I tried being normal once and blending into the crowd and I thought it sucked.
I do not consider myself normal. I am far too individualized and mature for my age to be considered the norm of my generation.
No. Sometimes I wish that I could fool myself into believing that I am.
No... I dont believe in the word.
There is no normal.
Yes I am completely normal
no never i strive to be my own person and normal dont describe that
I haven't, yet have strove to appear as "normal" to not stand out. It was extremely interesting to read the first 12 or so answers and all we proud NOT to be in a "normal" classification. I wonder ?????
In what regard? People are multifaceted. Normality of any one aspect can be calculated given some restriction of time and space: 300 BC Rome; 1492 Spain; 1012 Britain; 1980 United States. Of course, these are gross areas. I could also further regionalise the space: West Coast; East Coast. Can I define being normal as having a large collection of aspects evident in some majority of people given this time-space constraint?
I am Normally Abnormal!!!!
For me
I'm not crazy! The rest of the world is!
That depends on what is meant by the word "normal."
Thank goodness NO!! I would rather stand out and be true to myself than blend in and be labeled "normal"...:)
if you mean happy w life, live w a family [at 19] going to school, talks to friends. etc etc. then yes. opinionated as hell and not afraid to tell people? i think i'm a bit left wing on that according to my father. musical to an obsession and learning instruments? i'm not sure if that is or isnt. not mainstream religion for my culture? probably not...iono wat is or isn't normal because nobody thinks they really are, so if nobody thinks they are then it's normal to think you're abnormal and then you get into the paradox of normality
Sometimes but thats when the people around me are being extremely weird.
Yes indeed I would.
I don't know what normal is, so probably not.
Funny you ask, yes I would call myself normal. It's the hardest thing I've done was become and to feel "normal" I did well.
No, i wish i was, i find it a bit of a strain at work, cos i have to act appropiately or else the bitches will get me
I am abnormally Normal.
I don't think any one person is normal. I think I might be "mainstream" but we are so diverse I wouldn't call myself normal.
no i don't at all. what is normal anyway?
nah, i'm kinda weird :)
who want's to be normal when you can be rather outlandish? :P
To this day, I still have no idea what normal means. Being accepted by the mass majority perhaps?. In any case, I'm not normal and not accepted by the larger population. The minority suits me just fine.
Being normal is overrated. :D
Depends on what your definition of normal is. I think I am pretty normal according to my definition.
... no...
No, Im not normal, who is..That person would have to be abnormal!!!
Normal is entirely relative and varies from person to person... personally yes, because i relate normal to myself. But in the wider sociological sense - No, definatly not. But it's better that way. :)
I'm more than two deviations away from normal on the bell curve.
Nope... I'm 6'-9" tall and built like a retired football lineman... It's not "normal" to be asked how tall you are by strangers, and told you should play for an NFL team unless you're really tall and/or big. "Normal" is MUCH smaller. Mentally? I'm as normal as the next guy. HEY... Who put the "loon" next to me? ;-)
Who the @#$% would wanna be "normal"?! ;-)
I don't think anybody is truly normal. It depends on the definition of normal and I bet the most normal person has a level of abnormality. :D
Define Normal. What I see as normal is something considered absolutely crazy to others.
I think everyone's idea of what's normal is different.
no. i'm a rebel. could you?
Heck no, I'm not THAT crazy.
I just realized last week I am not normal If i am happy i wont last being happy I change to make it harder sigh..
Absolutely not!
Define normal? Or better yet, why be normal? "Normal" is boring!
Normal is a way to keep people in line. No such thing as normal. Its not in my nature to be normal.
No way. I'm glad I'm not normal, either, because I have too much fun with my gender-blending style to be a "normal" guy.
I think the better question is, Is there such a thing as normal? I'm about as normal as anyone else.
Yes. I am the only sane, normal person I've ever met. Everyone else is nuckin' futs.
No. I've never been "normal" and am damned proud of it too! : D
i like how most people don't see themselves as "normal" and now being unique has become the norm. oh the irony ;) anyways i think in some senses i am and some ways i might be a bit left of centre or whatever. . -i'm 19 in college living and home working and honest, and tries to hang out with friends as much as possible -on the other hand i've converted religions, learned how to read at least 2 alphabets, speak 2 almost 3 languages, play 3 kinda 4 instruments, write my own music, and even though i'm diagnosed with OCD, dysthymia and some other depression you're more likely to catch me laughing to tears than be upset with life. . if that's normal then i'm proudly normal, if that's different then i'm proudly different too.
Their isnβt such thing as a normal human being. and everybody has their own opinion of what normality is. LoL Psychologist Dr. John Breeding gave me the best definition of what a normal is. βA normal person is somebody you donβt know very wellβ
Well, I would hate to think of myself as normal. But one thing I have noticed is that the things about myself which I felt were very far from being normal, I have discovered are pretty common. It takes time to find this out, and it sometimes depends on social trends. But having been around for some time, I would say that in many respects I am indeed, boringly normal. But then that doesn't mean the same as 'average'. In many respects I am above or below average in skills and abilities.
um.... no, i dont think so.. im a little hypo and always very very random
Who is to say what normal is? I mean, really... everyone's definition is different, because we all perceive things differently. To me, I suppose I am somewhat normal, but to others, I am so NOT normal that they don't know what to think of me! So I guess normal is a relative term! I have asked that question many times, myself!! Actually, come to think of it, I think I have more fun being 'AB-normal!' It makes life more interesting!! Good thought provoking question, though!
No ... I have never met or even heard of anyone else even remotely similar to myself ... my likes and interests are among the obscure, not the common ... and while others seek the paved paths of an routine easy life, I am a trail blazer, boldly going into the remote and obscure realm of the unknown ... ... just read my profile and see if there is anything common or normal ...
No. I try not to go through life with blinders on like most people I meet. They do not stop and ask any questions or look at what is going on in the world around them. They are too caught up in the rat race which really means nothing in the end.
I guess I would for the most part. Both normal and average, but I'm not really sure of what a good definition is of either of those words. I don't think I'm abnormal or superlative.
As soon as I found the right definition of normal and after that draw the conclusion I fit in this profile yes. Neither of this is the case (yet LOL) so the logical answer is: Nope, I wouldn't dare to be so pretentious.
So why be normal?
heavens no. statisticians and book-learners insist on believing in and telling us what 'normal' is. i would die of intense boredom! oldielocks.
Oh hell no !!!!!!!!!!! Γ’ΛΒΊ
There is no such thing as normal. There is "normal for you" or normal for me. But not normal for society as a whole.
An obsessive-compulsive teenager who spends his time on Answerbag while listening to older music... That doesn't sound very normal to me...
God, I hope not.
Nope. Never have. I'm not a guppie, I'm a pirahna.
For the most part. Well, other than the whole wearing short skirts, pantyhose, and high heels as a guy for the fun of it, that is.
Yes i would - very normal
i think so, yes:) But, what is Normal? Who decides what is normal?
no im not. i am...what most people have called me, "closed, (as in, i don't let people in my head) cold, and not suprised by anything, mentally and phychologically disturbed, a sociopath(even thoough i don't think i am) and random." is that normal?
Hell no.
Normal is a dangerous word...what do you mean by normal?
no and im happy that im not! :) u make ur own norm just as long it doesnt hurt any1 else.
compared to my dads side of the family?Oh hell yes.
well yeah
What is "normal?" +5
I'm damn retarded!
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