• well if inside means between firends, this is a classic on going,.... in fact we just cracked up over it yet again today, a year or so after it happened, it is about a car, a cow, blowing up, guts and things........... too hard to describe really..
  • may be this will help 1. Well! O yes, Uh ha ha ha ha 2. Do you mean to say that i was not wrong, c'mon
  • I could give you some examples but you wouldn't get it.
  • Flashlight....Looooooooooooooooooooong story Shelly Bomb SUAHTW Beaner Towel Ewwwwww I get it NOW man!!! You couldn't possibly!! The back of your head. See what you look like from this angle Cherry soda, cream soda, and chapstick!

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