Depends on who I'm giving it to.
i love gold jewlery.
Silver is good for me (although white gold would suffice OK) :)
silver. I feel like Mr T when I wear gold--everyone knows its fake anyway.
I usually prefer silver to godl, except in certain cases
I prefer silver, but gold on some occasions. I hate gold that looks tarnished or blackish, that is normally why people are attracted to silver.
I prefer gold, but not too much of it other wise it looks gaudy. I like silver sometimes, but it tends tarnish more.
i love silver i do have gold like gifts i still wear them but not too much and never mix silver and gold like dont wear them at the same time unless some of ur jewlery is already mixed
Gold--I just don't like silver for some reason.
Can I say White Gold?? I like white gold cause it's like silver but more expensive hehehe!!!
I used to prefer gold but lately Ive been leaning more towards silver. I think it looks more classy for some reason. I guess that just goes to show you how as we grow older our tastes change.
Gold , although I think silver is very pretty i am allergic to it as with all base metals. So much pretty costume jewellery and I cannot have any of it
I prefer wearing silver to gold but i'm allergic to silver, so i dont ever wear any jewellry, though i really like piercings and have quite a few but cant keep jewellry in them for too long :( but i really dont want to wear gold
im not a fan of gold just because it seem so old fashion but i do like white gold.
I like silver but prefer gold.
I like Both Gold and Silver Jewellery.
Gold. A little goes a long way. Jon Franklin said, "Simplicity carried to an extreme becomes elegance."
White Gold - That's ring my Grandmother left me
I don't wear much jewelry, but I would prefer silver or white gold for either myself or my wife.
I prefer Silver always have to me gold seems a bit tacky and cheap,everyone seems to wear gold.
silver! its shinier!! hahah also i think it just looks better on me than gold does. gold dosnt go well with my complexion
silver - or white gold or platinum really. Gold/yellow isn't as attractive against my skin.
I have gold jewellery but I don't wear it, it can look a little tacky. I prefer silver and I think it suits my skin tome better.
Silver. Gold looks a bit too fancy and doesn't go with a lot of things.
I love silver, especially o;d silver with patina like from India and Pakistan.
I perfer white gold or silver..., i am winter and white gold, & silver looks best on my skin. lately i am leaning twards two tone, but still stay with silver, 14k white gold. I buy Silver since it is cheaper and affordable and many awesome styles. the only White gold i splurdged on was two thumb rings and that splurdging was 5 years ago.
I prefer yellow gold.
when i ws young i liked silver...then i switched to gold cause i though it looked more...classy and rich...but now i am leaning toward silver again,since i received from my boyfriend a tiffany silver charm look so good on my pale skin!!
I prefer gold jewelry over silver jewelry B2C Jewels
gold im alergic to silver.
i prefer white gold :) silver is too cheap for this lady.
Silver, or at lest silver in color. I find yellow gold gaudy and tacky.
Gold. With jewelry, I prefer an understated look. "Simplicity carried to an extreme, becomes elegance" Jon Franklin
i love white gold, but i have jewelry in both silver and gold depending on the colors i'm wearing.
Silver! It's so stunning :)
Silver. I think it looks more sophisticated. Gold usually seems kind of gaudy to me.
High carat gold yo...
Gold ( both yellow and white )
Definitely silver. Gold is nice, but I just don't like that it has a "color". Silver strikes me as more neutral and elegant.
I like gold :)
Silver is my favorite.
I like both, but mostly wear gold :)
I love silver and I work with it every day as a jewellery designer. It looks great on anyone.
Silver jewlery. I like the look of it, gold just seems old-fashioned and boring to me.
I prefer gold jewelry, more specifically white gold as it looks much more trendier. Silver jewelry is something I never liked, always preferred gold over silver.
silver or white gold.
Gold of course because gold is for ever
I like gold and platinum in the same piece of jewelry. I think it's pretty mixed.
I personally prefer silver jewelry as silver looks more classy and stylish on me compared to gold. Apart from that silver is a bit more cheap than gold.
i love sterling silver jewelry. besides indistinguishable from gold, it is very reasonable in price. in these times of crisis, we need to be practical even when it comes to jewelries. <a href="">sterling silver cz rings</a>
I prefer silver jewelry. Silver jewelry complements my look and is cost effective as compared the any other metal.
I prefer silver jewelry. It is stylish and affordable.
I prefer gold jewellery
I prefer gold jewellery, as no other jewellery can fulfill the look and feel of gold jewellery.
I wear only yellow or rose gold jewelry.
im not into jewelry
Gold matches the color of my hair best.
i dont wear jewelry
Gold, it goes better with my coloring.
Other than Black HIlls Gold, I prefer silver
Silver; hate gold.
Silver (more subtle)
I like both, donβt have a preference..
Gold, however for an engagement or wedding ring I'm not sure. I will love whichever it is. A diamond is a cool color so it might look better in a silver setting. Gold might shadow the sparkle not sure however. I'm no expert. It may make no difference.
Don't wear jewelry. I'm valuable enough plain.
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