• It would be very cryptic, difficult to follow, and a waste of VB power. You CAN directly convert a single ASM instruction into an equivalent VB statement. You can not convert a series of ASM instructions into 1+ VB statements any more than you can convert VB into C, PERL, or COBOL (does anyone still use this?!) Each language uses different METHODS or STYLES to perform a TASK. ASM is the most 'flexible' language because it allows manipulation of the computer at the silicon level. All higher level languages manipulate Items, even to Ideas. The statement 'A=B+C' seems simple, but what goes on behind the scenes includees *) determining if EACH variable EXISTS, *)adjusting any size differences, *)converting numeric format differences into one that can be calculated by all variables, *)evaluating what the formula says to do, *)determining the order of operands, *)carrying out the formua, *)converting the result to the form of the destination variable, *)error checking and reporting. Converting ALL that into VB code would render the meaning of 'A=B+C' incomprehensible! You're probably looking for a de-compiler (converting object code into source code). A disassembler converts Machine code into object code, or at least into human readable form. The result would be probably just as incomprehensible because it can't reveal the Intent or Style of the programmer. Why did they write it THAT way? Try looking at a dump from DEBUG.COM (if you can find a copy, AND your OS will allow it to run.) You're brain will bleed before the hour is up!

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