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That depends entirely upon who is doing the asking.
i would say no ..unless u bribe me with sex,,then i would realy think about
i would say no. I don't need anything to be high.
i would say no because i dont want to be crazy like them and die earlyer
NO. (i'm high on life) Not.heh.. (=
I would say no thanks, I'm trying to be a good role model. I might report them to the police if I knew who they where. I know I'm a snitch arn't I?
No, thank you.
Not just no, but hell no. You have no idea how hard it is to get a security clearance.
No thanks. Tried it when I was 17. Hated it. Gotta beer?
"No thank-you, I am trying to quit"
No thanks. Been there 'n done that. I'll pass.
Nah! That shit gets boring when you grow up!
Right now, no thanks, got anything stronger?
You mean if they asked me to smoke it in front of them, or FOR them, or offered it to me free....? Kidding. already did. For 14 years. A lot. B U T that was 30 years ago. NOW??? Not on your life. What we had then was mild- could (and DID) go through an ounce (w/2 friends) in a weekend. Like having a glass of wine. NOW?? Costs too much- mentally, financially, etc. Now, we know your brain is not fully developed until around the age of 25... Now, I drive, have kids, and like my brain. And now, we know your lungs DO TOO get damaged, and even though I live in a state where it was decriminalized, and is trying all the time to become nearly legal again, I would say NO. Would you want a surgeon to operate on you just after smoking a joint? Your school bus driver to be high? The electrician working on your house to smoke dope? Or how about your dentist, or your banker, or the person doing payroll on your job? NO MORE than I'd want any of them drinking on the job. Apparently a high % of people do drink on the job. At least we can smell it and stop that. Visene covers smoking... Thank God for drug tests...
Depends on the circumstances,if I was Anorexic, it would be a yes, but hell,a toke now and again is OK, for now a yes, tomorrow would be a No, unless there was enough to make some Hash Browns.LOL
"No thanks, I don't want to end up looking like you."
I'll do it for sex.
No Thankyou the smell ruins the scent I am wearing
I'd have to say. " No thanks, but it is a colorful road to nowhere".
My reply is, "What kind of loser do you want me to be?" My 36 year old brother has spent years smoking pot and doing other drugs and he has no job, no life and is sponging off my old parents by never moving out of the house. My body is a gift from God and why would I want to put toxic things in my lungs, I have more respect for my life and mind. My antidepressant for my fibro and my stool softener for my IBS are two drugs that I am sad that I must take.
No man, get a life man- lol
You are under arrest.
Is yours on sale?
I would just say no
I would tell them to f*ck off.
Depends, would I be getting this weed from them? My dad's kind of a pot-head himself, so even though I don't make a habit of smoking it myself, I know all about growing it, and all the different varieties, and I also know that even though the raw product is harmless enough, some of the weed you'd be likely to get on the street where I live has been soaked in other stuff, and that stuff will mess you up. So only if I knew EXACTLY what kind it was and how it had been grown and cured. (No, I am not a pot-head, I just grew up with a major one, so I know all about it.)
I would say "No thank you" with my mouth, but my heart would be singing: "no, no, no, no, i don't smoke it no more, I'm tired of waking up on the floor. No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze, And then it makes it hard to find the door." - Ringo Star
NO. I get high off life!!! I havent done that in about 10 years! My sister is the biggest stoner in the world! And you know what's ironic about that? She's in college trying to become an interventionist!!!!
i get off probation in 2008
I would ask them if it was shwagg and if it is i would slap them in the face but if it wasnt shwagg i would say yes
how bout...lets blaze
Are you a cop?
aww shit you got some bag nigga why didn't you say somethin spark up dog.
i am a fan of weed, purp, refer, whatever you wanna call it. its a natural substance. we drink water..why not smoke some green? so to answer your question..yes, i would say yes.
Can I buy some too?
I would say no, call them a retard and walk off. I will never smoke, ever. I am someone who loves to sing, and I don't want to harm my lungs or my throat. I kind of need those badly. I can't even stand when I smell someone else smoking, I have to cover my face or I will cough bad.
If you want to smoke say yea but otherwise say no and if they can't accept it then they will have to deal with it
if it's someone I know and trust? ...I'd probably say "your place or mine?" if it was a stranger? I'd probably say, "Why do you just assume I'm a pot smoker? Huh? Officer! I think this person is on 'the dope!'
I'd take it, I haven't smoked that stuff in years.
Weed is great... for some who smoke it's an excuse to be lazy. For some who don't smoke it, it's an excuse to blame someone elses lazyness on it. For us functional pot heads, well we just say, "hell yes"!!! Then go to work the following morning like the rest of the modern world. :)
hell yeah!!!
Yes please, but the someone would have to be a friend.
Your under arrest.
No thank you.
i would say wheres the bowl
No thank you!!!
pass thaat sheeet
Here I am,another toke man,yeah.
Prove to me you're not a cop, you dont know a cop, you've never slept with a cop, and you've never had a positive relationship with a cop in your life.
Which color of lighter do you want to use?! I have blue, purple, pink and this pretty rainbowy one....
Man, I'd say yeah! As long as it's theirs! There is a stereotype I see going on about people that smoke weed and being lazy or being losers. I am a 26 year old female that has been on my own since I was 17. Both my parents are alcoholics(legal drug, yes it is a drug and it kills people daily) and they decided they didn't want to be parents anymore so I had to hustle and find my own way to survive. I currently am enrolled in college and have been for 2 years now, and on my way to earning a psychology degree. I make $48,000/yr as a sales rep for a cellular company. I live on my own, I own a 2005 Sebring and I'm not even married, so I'm really doing it all on my own. Oh, and I smoke at least 4 times a week. People that drink alcohol are just as guilty as people that smoke weed if "loser" is the label you want to place on it. Most of our society drinks so I think these stereotypes really need to be nixed.
Not anymore.
It depends on the weed quality.... If the buds looked nice and dank (preferably organically grown), then I probably would hit it at least once. However, if the weed appeared very schwag, then I definitely would refuse it. The quality of the weed is the most important thing in my opinion- higher quality marijuana greatly improves both the taste and effect, allowing for a more enjoyable and enlightening experience. Don't smoke schwag.
no way jose! What do I look like?? A teenager??
Dont do weed.
No thanks because the smell makes me ill.
Depends on if I know them - probably I'd say yes.
"i do not do drugs" should be a good way to answer
I'd say yes fucking please, I'm nearly out :P
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i smoke an ounce a week and i'm constantly finding myself in bong circles, hot-boxing a car, ect... it's the way to live. u don't wanna be 75 and never expiereinced being high? marijuana doesn't kill brain cells, and there are 0 deaths a year from marijuana. no joke bro, google it. theres really no legit reason why it's not legal. smoke up brother.
"hold on, theres still some left in this bong i think... oh wait dude, no there isn't... ok go ahead and pack up the next one"
No no no no I don't smoke no more, I'm tired of waking up on the floor...
no thanks
if its not laced then yes
Q: "Want to smoke some weed?" A: "No thanks. Wanna chew a dog turd? It's natural, and a lot of people get drunk on alcohol, so dog turds can't be so bad. You will get used to the taste, and it will give you a great high. It's plentiful, easy to get, and it's legal. I love getting stoned on dog turds. What are you, a chicken? Pussy? Try it, just once, and I won't hassle you about it again. Here, try this German Shepard Shit. It's really mellow..." Pot heads are so pathetic... "It don't harm me none!" Whatever you are on pot is less than you would be off of it.
Q: "Want to smoke some weed?" A: "No thanks. Wanna chew a dog turd? It's natural, and a lot of people get drunk on alcohol, so dog turds can't be so bad. You will get used to the taste, and it will give you a great high. It's plentiful, easy to get, and it's legal. I love getting stoned on dog turds. What are you, a chicken? Pussy? Try it, just once, and I won't hassle you about it again. Here, try this German Shepard Shit. It's really mellow..." Pot heads are so pathetic... "It don't harm me none!" Whatever you are on pot is less than you would be off of it.
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