  • Watercolors can be preserved, but just like fugitive color issues, the colors will change once you use a sealant. And then you need to consider if there will be any running of the watercolor as you apply an overcoat. With acrylics, they are protected by the acrylic medium. If you want to make sure that there isn't any fading (shouldn't be), you can use a clear acrylic seal. Oil paintings should not have additional sealants applied to them. If conservation is an issue, professional conservationist is recommended (unless you are the artist). Never put oils under glass (unless you are a museum). Paintings are really an emphermeal thing regardless of the fact that there are really old ones. DO you own anything so fabulous that you are concerned for its future?
  • jodykuch, hopefully you come across this as my email is not confirmed yet and I cannot send this as a direct comment. I actually am the artist and am looking to preserve my own art. So I guess you could say this is for precautionary and sentimental reasons. Thanks for your suggestions.

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