Souls do not actually exist, so no beings have souls.
Our ' soul' is our can die...(Ezekiel 18:4) Look! All the souls?to me they belong. As the soul of the father so also the soul of the son?to me they belong. The soul who sins is the one who will die. Scripture is very clear on this point... Nowhere does the Bible say that the ' soul' continues on after death... -
The body exists, but souls do not. -
ReiSan, by biblical standards, the body is the soul. -
No, there are no souls. Bodies exist, but soul and body are supposed to be separate. -
ReiSan, quote: "Bodies exist, but soul and body are supposed to be separate." According to what teachings? It's certainly not in Christianity. Do you mind sharing some religious reference? Perhaps in Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc? -
What cult owns Jenny_Rizzo? Duality of soul and body is Christian and in other religions as well. Souls are imaginary, as are gods. -
ReiSan, it is spirit and body in Christianity. Learn it from the scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:45 states that the first Adam was made a living soul, the second Adam was made a what? -
Souls and spirits are the same. -
Venus1485, not according to the Bible. -
Jenny belongs to a weird cult that disagrees with Christains. Each group imagines they're right and the other is wrong, but both are wrong. -
Venus1485, all you can do is avoid the subject. -
Jenny is the one evading any answer. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
ReiSan, you are ignoring the Bible. -
I never met any Christains until I came tot he USA, so why should I look at the Bible? Jenny belongs to a cult, so she is not a Christian and does not know Christian beliefs. -
ReiSan, simple, don't just look at the Bible, read it so you can distinguish a cult from a non-cult.
Of course they do.
IT IS C0MFORTING TO THINK SO... but the scriptures deny any sort of existence after death...(Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6) For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going.
All beings have Souls... Our Soul is not the body. The physical body will die the Soul does not die.
I have pointed out the scripture which denies if you can, show me a scripture which proves what you claim...I know you cannot. -
Wow, Christians cannot agree about this, whether Jesus is God, etc.! -
Hello ya, Baba is not a Christian. His beliefs are based on Buddhism. If he were a Christian, he would immediately provide biblical reference to support his claims. Instead, his answer is not taken into consideration. -
Jenny is not a Christian since she ignores many Bible rules. -
ReiSan, nobody is perfect, so worry more about the discussion. -
I was a Christian most of my life, and I scolded such self-righteous hypocrites as Jenny who disgraces Christianity. -
Jenny can be much better if she allows people to have other opinions, does not slander people and does not stalk them and report people spitefully to remove them from this forum. -
Venus1485, you have no idea what Christianity is about. -
ReiSan, none of your accusations mean anything to me. You have nothing structural in regards to this subject. -
I was a Christian most of my life, so I know more about it than Jenny who disgraces it. ReiSan's accusations are true. Jenny is hateful and ruins this forum. -
Venus1585, you were never a Christian. If you were, you would prove where in the Bible does it say that souls are eternal. -
I don't recall the entire Bible. Jenny belongs to a weird cult, so she perverts the Bible. -
Venus1485, how is 1 Corinthians 15:45 perverted? -
Looking only at one verse while ignoring others that contradict it is cherry picking and quote mining. These are logical fallacies. As I said before, Christians (and cultists) have only silly lies, vicious insults, bad fiction and logicl fallacies to use in their arguments. Jenny proves that here and other places. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
ReiSan, 1 Corinthians 15:45 is the only verse in the Bible that defines mankind. -
Jenny has tunnel vision. She looks only at one verse and ignores many more that say different things. She has no truth, logic or objectivity. -
ReiSan, according to Scripture, truth, logic and objectivity are found in 1 Corinthians 15:45. The passage doesn't say the first Adam became a spirit. It says the first Adam became a soul. Quote: "She looks only at one verse and ignores many more" What other verses have I not looked at?
Humans except liberal progressive democraps!
i think they do
Take out your bible and read my citations...not mine but the Bibles'. It does not really matter which translation... -
pugs, mainstream believers do not read the Bible. The Seventh-Day Adventists and the Jehovah's Witness are more dedicated into reading the scriptures. It is written, the first Adam was made a living soul, the second Adam was made a quickening spirit. (1 Corinthians 15:45) -
Jehovah's Witlesses use an altered Bible. -
ReiSan, that's something you will have to discuss with pugwashjv. He is a Jehovah's Witness. If you think I am a troll, you better be glad the old Jehovah's Witnesses on the old AB aren't here anymore. :) -
So Jenny is a SDA. I knew she belonged to a weird cult that perverts the Bible. She ignores it totally. -
Venus1485, how is it perverted to claim the first Adam was made a living soul, the second Adam was made a quickening spirit? -
Your cult doesn't follow the Bible. -
Venus1485, yet again, you cannot prove I belong to a cult. -
You can only prove things to logical humans, so Jenny does not fit that category. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
ReiSan, your empty-mind does not allow you to prove your claims. -
You are too dense to comprehend proof or evidence. -
ReiSan, show me some scriptures to support your claims.
Souls do not exist, so no animal has one.
Where do you get the idea that a body and a soul are two different views? -
Where do you get the idea that they are the same? -
From the Bible. From what Religion do you support your claims? -
Jenny doesn't even know the Bible I see. -
What Bible are you looking at to support your claims in this subject? -
Jenny is an SDA evidently. She is wrong about the Christian Bible. She's a cultist. -
You did not answer my question to support your claims. -
Boo hoo, poor Jenny the Victim! -
ReiSan, actually, you can't get out of this one. I am your chatting buddy. :D -
You are not my buddy and I do not want to chat with such an evil witch. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
ReiSan, wow, just wow! That was very hateful of you. -
You are so hateful, you make even me lose my temper. -
ReiSan, didn't you lose your temper when you first met me? :D
The Hebrew word for soul is nephesh. It means "self," and "living being." Therefore, dogs, cats and humans are living souls.
Which Bible do you read? Souls are eternal, but the body dies and decays in Christianity. Jenny must belong to a weird sect or cult. -
Quote: "Souls are eternal," According to Hebrew, souls are living beings. What is eternal is the spirit. -
Spirits and souls are rather synonymous. Neither exist in reality. -
Most of my countrymen hate the dualism of Christianity and Islam that makes the body a demon. Many religions believe there are bodies and souls. Bodies die, while souls do not. Soul = Spirit. Jenny belongs to a weird cult. -
Venus1485, the existence of spirits is in our conscience to communicate with a deity. Our actions are manifested by our minds. While our souls is how we communicate with people as self-beings. -
ReiSan, quote: "Many religions believe there are bodies and souls." That's what other religions teach. Christianity teaches how Adam came to be a living soul and then a spirit. -
Jenny doesn't know what Christianity teaches She belongs to a cult. -
Venus1485, Christianity teaches the difference between the earthly Adam and the heavenly Adam. -
You aren't a real Christian but just a cult member, so you disagree with genuine Christians like I used to be. -
Venus1485, do yourself a favor and invite a genuine Christian as you say so he or she can disprove me. :D -
I would never want to know a Christian or members of cults derived from Christianity. Jenny hates me and Venus1485, and I am starting to return the favor, but she is not worth any strong feeling. I just feel contempt for someone who spends so much time spreading hate and ignoring the Bible she claims to believe. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
ReiSan, I don't hate you, so stop whining. Focus on the discussion. You don't have anything structural to add. Your comments are meaningless. I would suggest you stay in other subjects so you don't embarrass yourself furthermore with other ABer's who read these threads. That's some reputation you have. Everything you do is wrong. Your sock puppet accounts are no match for me. What a joke. -
You have quite an ego. You only imagine that you best me in anything.,, except poor logic, lack of objectivity, hypocrisy and such negative traits that I do not want. Try following your Golden Rule that Confucius stated over 500 years before Jesus is supposed to have stated it. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You totally ignore such Bible rules. so why should non-Christians follow them? Oh wait, you are a cultist not a real Christian. You judge Venus1485 harshly in saying she never was a Christian. As you judge others, so shall you be judged. You are not a Christian, but a SDA. -
ReiSan, quote: "except poor logic, lack of objectivity," I have told you quite some times that Adam became a living soul when he was made. Genesis 2:7 "Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a [living being]. -
ReiSan, quote: "Oh wait, you are a cultist not a real Christian." Addressing your comments biblically does not mean I am a cultist. Mainstream Christians do not want you to know the truth. As you see in my answer: "The Hebrew word for soul is nephesh. It means "self," and "living being."" By 1 Corinthians 15:45, the first Adam was made a living soul or a living being. That's biblically accurate.
After man’s creation, God’s instructions used the term neʹphesh with regard to the animal creation, “everything moving upon the earth in which there is life as a soul [literally, in which there is living soul (neʹphesh)].” (Ge 1:30) Other examples of animals being so designated are found at Genesis 2:19; 9:10-16; Leviticus 11:10, 46; 24:18; Numbers 31:28; Ezekiel 47:9. Notably, the Christian Greek Scriptures coincide in applying the Greek psy·kheʹ to animals, as at Revelation 8:9; 16:3, where it is used of creatures in the sea. Thus, the Scriptures clearly show that neʹphesh and psy·kheʹ are used to designate the animal creation lower than man. The same terms apply to man. Therefore, all living creatures are souls.
everything alive has a soul. it merges with the physical form to give life. when the "soul" leaves the body, the body dies.
A soul or the word nephish means a living creature a human being or an animal can be a soul we don't possess a soul we are a soul.
Souls do not exist, so no. Humans do not have them either.
Meh, souls are super boring. All you can do with them is trade them. I have a bunch of them in an old shoebox in the attic, but I prefer baseball cards, since those at least have a nice photo and some stats printed on them. I suppose a dog or a cat could be given one, but I don't think they'd really do anything with them either. Maybe if you poured catnip on one or slathered it in peanut butter?
Only man was made in God's image
Yes, all that lives have some sort of spirit...there is no life without it.
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