• I'd buy em a Wii, that should fix it.
  • She's learning to form his/her own opinions. Good for them, I'm not going to intervene.
  • Depends. My children are allowed to believe whatever feels right to them in terms of religion. So long as they are not sacrificing any of the animals or engaging in orgies, they can worship whomever they want. Actual reaction: I'd probably laugh.
  • Become the same as them to a ridiculous embarrassing degree...I bet they would soon drop it :o)
  • whoa, that's extreme... Shock, of course. I first would wonder where the hell (no pun intended) did his mother and myself went wrong as parents, Also I would make sure to check on the boys and girls he associates with at school, for example and keep a close watch on the TV shows or movies he's been exposed to.
  • i would shove my m16 up his/her ass and ask, ''where's ur satan now huh, how is he gonna protect u from my 308 huh?
  • Hmm... I'd introduce them to much stronger gods. Though, at that age I'd be worried they were trying to grow up too fast and I'd look into the influence of friends. I'm not a follower of christianity so Satan doesn't really worry me too much. Sure am glad I don't have any kids. Whew.
  • Honestly, I'd probably say something along the lines of "Is that a child in your class? A astronaut? Some prehistoric dinosaur?"...what child worships anything other than a dinosaur, pop star, or power ranger?
  • I would try to show them how silly it is to worship anything as a literal deity and steer them toward a more symbolic worship like LaVeyan Satanism
  • i would wonder who his her new friends were. and what what happening with them and my kids. we adults already say God is our diety. the word God is about as empty of meaning as Satan might be.
  • I'd sacrifice him to Baphomet and take communion on his severed heart. That or I'd pat him on the back and tell him to go wash his hands and get ready for dinner.
  • What the hell have they been eating?!
  • ground her from EVERYTHING, seek help!
  • (text)
  • Tears. Then anger at myself because I had allowed something like this to get a grip on her. Then prayer, prayer, prayer.
  • I would laugh knowingly. Perhaps I should at least be grateful that she's not a Christian.
  • My first reaction would be SHOCK. I raised my 11-year-old as a Christian and he reads his Bible daily and we pray together at least 3 times daily. After picking myself off the floor I would have a talk with him, find out if it's over the shock value,which is probably what it would be at that young age and see how far he has taken it before making my next move.
  • Probably shrug and make a point to turn down the late night horror movies on the TV.
  • Guess it would depend on the rituals.
  • Open up there door and say "Well, at least it's not Christ!" (Bring on the DR's)
  • roll my eyes
  • I"d tell them can i have a drink with Satan,to see whats on his mind. If i couldnt then I"d know its all a lot of cow dung. I woldnt get angry,I"d just tell the kids,what you cant see,isnt always truth
  • That they're a little young to be Republicans just yet and he/she should decide when they're old enough to vote.
  • As satan doesn't really exist I would just let them get on with it as they are obviously rebelling against the authoritative christian beliefs of their parents. If the parents were truly Christian then they would have the compassion and understanding to allow their child to find out for themselves. This would lead to a well-balanced child with a solid foundation of belief systems discovered by themselves and not force-fed by others who really don't understand anything!
  • None, I would let the child learn, because we all had to learn somehow. If not by asking our mentors or parents, then by learning from others and their behaviors.
  • I'd have them locked up in a lunatic asylum until they gained some sense!;).
  • get him/her into therapy immediately
  • I would wonder how on earth a child of that age got the idea of Satan into their head in the first place! Thats ridiculous!! someone or something has obviously caused the child to think like this. I would find out what and get to the bottom of it.
  • Talk to a counselor and try to understand what's behind this. Get him into counseling easily by telling him that you have an open mind and that you want the counselor to help you understand his choice. That way he will think he is helping you rather than helping himself. The truth of the matter is that both of you will need help in this.
  • Probably better than if he/she started reading and quoting the Bable
  • i would freak out ..thatz bad ...its not something to play
  • I would be happy that they aren't worshipping God. It is probably just an act of rebellion against christianity and I can definitely understand that. I would still try to explain the fact that satan doesn't really exist and that he/she should worship the idea of him instead of the imaginary figue.
  • Looking at your questions and answers, you need counselling too!
  • You remember what Plato siad? "Kids these days"
  • i wouldnt like it and i would tell them they need to stop doing that or their priviledges will get taken away

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