• Its a Rugby Union match between New Zealand and Australia. I think its played annually.
  • What is the Bledisloe Cup? I've never heard of it, which leads me to believe it is for something European rather than something "played" world wide. :) ((hugs)) I would guess something like Cricket..but I don't know! :)
  • "Rugby Union's Bledisloe Cup is contested by Australia's Wallabies and New Zealand's All Blacks. It is named for Lord Bledisloe, the Governor-General of New Zealand who donated the trophy in 1931. Once played irregularly every few years, Bledisloe Cup matches now happen annually, and include Tri Nations fixtures between the two sides. Their World Cup fixtures do not count as Bledisloe Cup matches, which were always played in Australia or New Zealand. In 2008 however there will for the first time be a Bledisloe Cup match outside the two countries, when the teams meet in Hong Kong. The trophy was designed in New Zealand by Nelson Isaac, and crafted by Walker and Hall in London. It is the largest trophy in world rugby." Source and further information:

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