Neither. Good things: ummm... ummm... ummm... let me get back to you on that. Bad things: Both voted for the $700 billion bailout without even considering fixing the actual problem. NOBODY is talking about the Financial Services Modernization Act, which repealed the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. That's the act that provided protection from just this sort of abuse until 1999.
I voted for John MCain and Mitt Romney both times i never supported Barack Obama for US President
During the '08 campaign, McCain ridiculed the idea of tobacco taxes and was advised by a lobbyist named Charlie Black. Ten years earlier, McCain proposed a substantial federal tobacco tax and banned tobacco lobbyist Charlie Black from his office. McCain turned against the principles that established him as a "maverick."
DancesWithWolvesLate Sen John McCain will still be my favorite and I would still support him for US President .. Yes we need tax on Tobbaco this way least people will stop dying from Smoking related cancers
Linda JoyI think they should legalize marijuana (federally) and prostitution and tax them heavily. Not that I would promote their use, I just think they would be a good source for taxes and they don't infringe on anyone's rights. I believe in supporting personal choices until it infringes on the rights of others, I think cigarettes should be taxed to offset the cost of medical care.
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