• Zeus! Beacuse I can!
  • What was his name? I forget but it was the guy that was followed in the Odessy. Yeah I think I would have stayed on that island with all those hot women that where going to stay young forever. LOL Then again maybe I'd be Paris.
  • humm, ........ since you said "not god or goddess" then I would expect I would pick to be a nymph. Wood nymph, water nymph, any nymph!all the nymph's had different jobs associated too them and their titles, so as a mother I can be like any given one of them at any given time, cause I am so versatal. We Nymph's are like that! tee hee lol ;)
  • Theseus. He was a smart bloke, managed to navigate through a maze that no one else could, killed the Minotaur, defeated Medua. Then became King and lived to a ripe old age.

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