• To each his own but quite frankly I LOVE sleeping with my fiance :)
  • how sad. nothing beats falling asleep in the arms of someone who cherishes you. my silly man thinks i'm wonderful!! (and don't you tell him otherwise!)
  • A peaceful night's sleep without having the quilt stolen from me then slept on top of so I can't retrieve it. Oh yeah, I'd go for that! Some people suffer from their partner snoring so I can understand that as well.
  • I think its crazy. It wouldnt be for me but everyone is different.
  • I hope I never become one of those who feel the need to have my own room. Although now I am alone there is nothing like sharing your bed with another.
  • Sometimes I wonder why we DO sleep together, and when that became the norm. I mean, look at apartment and house sizes and how people assume that couples sleep together. Sure, I love snuggling, and it's great to wake up to my hubby, but my husband snores and likes the room at a completely different temperature and flops like a dead fish instead of rolling over like a normal person. And, I really miss having my own room, decorated the way I like, cleaned the way I liked, and with all my junk and as my own personal refuge.
  • My parents had separate rooms and eventually divorced, so it may add onto the mounting number of divorces in today
  • A room of your own doesn't necessarily mean not sleeping together, but choosing when to sleep together and when to have some space. I think it's a civilized idea!
  • i dont believe that.
  • I am unsurprised. I mean, my parents share a room, but I could sometimes hear my father snoring when I was in my bedroom, on the next floor up. And I know he kicked in his sleep a lot. and they like different things in terms of beds/temperatures- now they have one of those sleep number beds, and an electric blanket controlled per-side, but still. And I know my mom puts her cold feet on my father's legs at night. He screams like a little girl when she does it. >.> I dunno, I don't think it's going to contribute to divorce. If you're sleeping in separate rooms because you hate eachother, then you're getting divorced because you hate eachother, not because of your sleeping arrangements. If it helps two people sleep better because of sleeping preferences, the times people sleep, whatever- then I'm all for it. edit to add story: Recent camping trip, Love was snoring so badly that I got out of the tent, bunny hopped over to a picnic table and slept outside for an hour until it started to rain (by which time it was morning). We got earplugs the next day.
  • It sound to Great Grandparents slept in separate rooms because Grandpa would get up a couple of times through the night and did not want to disturb Grandma. My Grandparents slept in separate beds due to the same who really knows.....
  • That it's no wonder the divorce rate in the USA is 50%
  • I'm surprised that so many are doing the same thing my husband and I do.
  • Personally, I think it's more civilized and might keep some of the romance on target. I don't need to see my guy standing naked in front of the sink shaving, brushing his teeth, etc. I just don't need that degree of initmacy . . . guess some people love it . . . whatever works.
  • That's kind of weird. I didn't think it would be 25%. Not how I would do things, but meh, whatever. Different strokes for different folks.
  • some couples even have seperate apartments but spend everynight together
  • Good night!
  • Our house makes up for it!
  • i think sometimes it can be a good idea, if your partner snores or moves around a lot, or if one is ill. that way you both get a good nights sleep instead of getting annoyed with each other. it doesnt mean that you will never sleep together, it just gives you your own space. lack of sleep can cause a lot of arguments.:)
  • Yeah, I don't think sleeping in the same bed is a good representation of sentiments towards eachother. What if someone snores, or tosses and turns all night? Then it's more survival than anything else. You gotta sleep, right? Though some may do it because they can't stand eachother (just get a divorce), I believe the majority of these people do it strictly for sleeping purposes.
  • till the 5th year of our marriage, i would not believe that. But now I really my own bed room.
  • I have heard of this, but no one that i know sleeps in separate beds! My mom and step dad always sleep together, i remember that when i was a kid my real father didnt always sleep with my mom, a few years later they got divorced! There is no way i am going to sleep on a separate bed from my honey!
  • It's Very Believable. Have you ever had to try to sleep through the night with a snorer and you're a light sleeper anyway? I haven't resorted to it, but the thought is tempting at times, LOL. I am sometimes very tired and barely make it through the day for lack of sleep. So, for issue of sleep and health I can see where this would be occurring. There are probably other reasons that are reasonable as well.
  • I was married for 21 years. As soon as we had a house large enough to have our own rooms, we slept apart. Sleep is so important to your health and well being. It was an intelligent decision for us to sleep apart due to issues interrupting our ability to sleep.
  • That stats are only as good as the selection of people they are taken from. I'd be interested in seeing that.
  • i dont think that is true. 1 out of 4?? that seems like an awful lot of people.
  • Honestly i think that is sad! you get married because you love that person and if you cant sleep in the same room that love has been lost somewhere! Personally I think they have a lot of guts for staying in the marriage even though the love is gone!!!
  • Clearly the romance, desire, passion is gone. Quite sad.
  • I am one of the 3 that sleep in the same bed. I like the memory foam mattress and will not sleep on the futon. Don't care what type of fight we might have.
  • '
  • I think it's silly to get married and then have separate bedrooms! You may as well just be room mates with benefits!
  • I've contemplated it, not out of lack of love for my s/o but she has to have 3 blankets and she takes up the whole bed, she flips around every two seconds, she lays spread eagle with her arms and legs out as far as she can, then she rolls over and pulls all the blankets off of is sometimes hard to get any sleep, especially when she snores. But the few times I have had to sleep alone without her, i can't sleep because I am used to her being there!!!!
  • Yep. I believe it. I hear it more and more from people I know
  • I never heard this. We sleep together:)
  • When you know she has already slept in bed with a dozen different guys, what's the purpose? Sleep takes the front seat to "I want to be held".
  • My hubby hasn't slept in bed with me in about 3 years. At first, it was because he was up all night playing "World of Warcraft" and didn't want to *disturb* me (translate: didn't want me to know when he went to sleep). Then I got so used to him not being there that if he tries to sleep with me I end up sleeping elsewhere because of his infernal snoring. I sleep much better this way.
  • Fine with me. People should be free to live however they want.
  • If they're happy, I'm happy. If the two of them are in sync and don't want to sleep together, they shouldn't feel forced to. If one of them is not on board, that's where problems come in.
  • I fall into one of the four. Unfortunately she's too loud and I can't get too sleep.......One thing that I do is that I will at least try to sleep with her nightly and make my way to my sanctuary if not successful...............
  • I think it's an excellent idea. I can't tolerate listening to snoring and having the covers pulled off me and drifting into the dip in the bed made by a heavier sleeping partner. Plus, I like to stay up very late reading, so I need to be able to keep the light on late.
  • I think it is more common amongst older couples as younger couples tend to want to rough out the snoring problems but can also get to breaking point! As a relationship matures sleep becomes more of a priority and snuggling less so, so if you are just sleeping, or not sleeping next to one another then the one disturbed or the disturber usually finds somewhere else to sleep! When sex is on the menu, these couples have sex, sometimes fall asleep in eachothers arms and then if woken by the partner - the disturbed one crawls out of bed to a quieter sleep zone! I'm speaking from experience here of a past relationship and other relationships I know of.
  • I think that is way off. Maybe in the 40's and 50's but not today. I was shocked the first time I went to see my dad (it had been a long time) and when he showed me their home, I couldn't believe they slept in twin beds. I had never seen that before in an adult room. Everyone I know shares a bed.
  • I think it depends on the couple. Some people you sleep well with...some you don't.
  • It dosnt matter where one sleeps, its the sex life that is important!!
  • Good for the other three.
  • Thats really odd. Personally i couldnt imagine sleeping in another room as my bf it we were living in the same house. We love falling asleep together in the same bed and waking up to each other. Each to their own i guess.
  • I think that some people just need space at first, and although they are married or are close and love each other, can't get used to sleeping with someone else. I think it's odd, of course, but it happens, and it's normal.
  • I just can't sleep in the same bed with ANYONE.I literally can not sleep if I'm not alone.*
  • If one of them is an insomniac and is awake all night on the computer or listening to music it is a very good idea Also if one of them snores very loudly and the other is a light sleeper it may seem like a good idea. I think it is fine as long as both parties are happy about the situation.
  • Why bother dating or marrying? I like waking up next to the person I love. Otherwise, I would just get a roommate.
  • So, you're saying that my three neighbors are sleeping together? I always wondered if they were.
  • If they're both OK with it, then it's OK - whatever IT is.Some married people don't even live together because of work commitments. Who said married people need to sleep together? There's no rules about what married people must or cannot do.
  • thats odd to me. but i have never been able to fall asleep with anyone by my side either...well, not until i met my fiance. i can lay next to him and just pass out :D
  • I think its stupid to be honest. If you can't sleep in the same room as your spouse then why are you with them..
  • That is kind of sad. Sharing a bed can be a great bonding experience. However, if the person snores or hogs the bed, I can understand why it might be more comfortable to sleep alone.
  • When I was growing up, my parents (who otherwise had a very loving marriage) slept in different rooms. Although even back then I imagined they found the opportunity to be intimate, I felt sad for them. As an adult, married a long time, I love mornings where my husband and I snuggle and chat and then go back to sleep. My hubby is quite a snorer, but even so, I couldn't see sleeping in a different bed, let alone in another room. To each their own, of course, but I sorta feel that they don't know what they're missing.
  • Well I always thought the ideal set up would be that my future husband and I would have our own master bedroom with a large cozy bed. However this would be in addition to having out own bedrooms as well. Not to sleep in each night by ourselves but so that it was our own space, with all our own stuff, like a personal retreat. Only to be used as a place to sleep if and when the other was sick so we wouldn't catch what they had and would be rested to help the other the next day. I mean, doesn't that sound nice? If we could all have that special person and the luxury of having a master bedroom and our own personal rooms too? Or is this a whole other question for answer bag? If so, my bad in an answer :)
  • Some have their own houses. It's healthier to spend time away from each other. Spending too much time together only makes us get on each other's nerves.
  • Snoring? I hope they still VISIT each other's bedrooms!
  • In cases of people who snore very loudly, it's a viable solution for both parties.
  • OMG... how do i talk my husband into it?? I WANT MY OWN ROOM TOO!!!
  • over my cold dead body if i am married or living with a man we spoon are we part ways ! +5
  • my wife and i have a great relationship but we have seperate rooms. its the best thing a couple can do. word to your mother.
  • one out of four are sleeping better . ;-)
  • I have been married to the same man for 30 years. We share a bedroom, but there are times when it would be GREAT to have separate rooms. Sometimes my husband has to get up at 3 a.m. and I don't have to get up until 6, but his alarm wakes me up. If one of us is ill, it's better to go to another room than keep him awake coughing or tossing and turning. If the separate rooms are just for convenience and courtesy to your partner, I say go for it. You can always "visit" the other person for a lil fun. If it's to avoid intimacy and create an atmosphere of hostility or a cold war you have some issues in your marriage you need to work on.
  • A lot of people who end up with there own bedroom are either people working on different shifts or often when one of the partners is very sickly and has nurse care, or because of snoring. I think if it is 25 percent that it isn't because of lack of love but lack of sleep. A great deal of our population suffer from sleeping problems.
  • then what is the point? I want to share a bed and be able to reach out and touch her.
  • In some country, married couples should sleep together only they never ever sleep in different rooms or different beds. I never heard that married couples are sleeping in different rooms. I have big family (6 brothers and 3 sisters) everybody sleeps with their life partners only even my parents, till they died used to sleep together only. If their partners snores or not still sleep together only. I think only violent couples or cheaters and liers couples sleeps like that way. Me and my husband married since 21 years now, we sleep together but we don't have sex(once in a month or not). My husband or either me snore a lot but we still sleep together only. It's very common to sleep married couples together. If they sleep in different rooms, who knows whom they are cheating,sleeping or hiding someone to have sex with after their wives or husbands sleeps or snores.( I know my husband waits until I sleep to have sex with some sluts and prostitutes, bitches, family breakers that's why there are lots broken families and divorcing rates are increasing around)

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