• I think it's a lame excuse. Senator McCain is not closely involved with the committees that would be working on this problem. (Nor is Senator Obama, I think.) So the people who are truly charged with working on this can do just fine without him.
  • I think he's just showing his weakness. He wants to delay looking like a jackass and destroying his campaign.
  • Odd. I read somewhere yesterday that he was deliberately setting the bar low for himself, suggesting that Obama was an eloquent speaker, and a great orator... I thought it was McCain positioning himself as the "Aw Gee Shucks mam, I'm just a poor country lawyer" and Obama as an elitist snob. Maybe there is more to the story.
  • He's a sneaky, lying, repub just like his best buddy Bush.
  • Put off the RNC for a hurricane and now the debates for the 'economy' ... yeah right.
  • This campaign just gets more and more weird.
  • I haven't heard this, but if so, I don't like the delay. However, both he and Obama are Senators and have constituencies that elected them that should receive representation on the issue. To do so intelligently requires some time and effort. Side bar question: If the delay in the debate offends you, does Obama's failure to engage in multiple town-hall debates suggested by McCain throughout the campaign also offend you?
  • i think he's full of shit. All he cares about is becoming president.
  • He's a bag of crap.
  • i think he's full of shit. All he cares about is the election and becoming president. That's his goal right now. His actions are based on this goal.
  • I think he's giving us a sneak peek at what his Presidency would be like ... lies. All lies.
  • He knows he isnt going to do good, LMAO!!!!!
  • sounds like a kiss up
  • Just another excuse from him to not discuss the issues. Figures.
  • It's interesting to see some of these hateful answers. It now appears Obama initiated the delay. LOL !!!
  • i think he's full of crap. I think he cares about the election and becoming president, and that is all. His actions probably reflect this goal. I'm not going to start guessing why he's putting it off... On a 2nd note, the economy does not effect him at all. He's totally out of touch with most of america and how they are stuggling.
  • Sounds like a game of dodge ball to me.
  • Stall tactics and trying to show he cares more about the econmoy
  • I think old Johnny needs more practice time.
  • haha, the economy isn't as strong as he said it was last week. I wonder whay excuse Palin will use to get out of her debate. I wonder if reporters will be allowed to hear it and see it.
  • I think it's a lame excuse myself. I mean, coming from someone who doesn't seem very "in touch" with what us regular folks have to deal with (after all, he considers anyone who makes under 5 million "middle class"). I think it's important now, more than ever, that we hear these two debate and talk about the issues.
  • I think they should go ahead with the debate. We want to hear how both of them plan to deal with the fallout from these events.
  • I don't see how it could be anything sneaky on his part. He knows that Obama is a better speaker then he is, so it would be in his best interest to give as much time as possible between the debate and the election so as to let the memory of the debate fade a bit. Unless he's actually planning to put it off indefinitely anyways, and I don't think he'd be able to get away with that.
  • Putting the country first is always better. 90% of us already know who we're voting for (a guess, not real statistic) so it seems debates are more to enforce our opinions rather than try to form new, educated ones. Really, though, Senator Obama claims he wants to debate and not go back and vote, showing where he REALLY stands on this issue, not just talk a stuttery talk. Oh, and I hope the good Senator from Illinois realizes that another "Present" vote just won't do this time around. That's what I think, Ms. RosieGHM Jetpacker. Glad you asked, really. Was hoping someone would. :-)
  • I think that McCain knows that the fecal matter will strike the impeller if something isn't resolved soon. I find the political spin being placed on this and Obama's prior delaying tactics VERY interesting. Personally, I would rather see both Senators doing the jobs for which they were elected!!!
  • It's an attempt to show his bipartisanship which is desperately needed in Washington. Or so I think.
  • Ppppbbbbppppttttt
  • he needs time to write up some earmarks to be attached to the new bank bailout bill.
  • I think he is going to re-group. He does not want to face Obama without some sort of plan's to talk about. I believe he thought he would make it into the White House because he was a POW and was well thought of....until he started talking.
  • It's funny that many Republicans have previously said here on AB and elsewhere, that Obama is "afraid" to debate McCain, and now look at this McCAIN CUT-N-RUN! McCain wants to show that he's concerned about the economy, because last week the WALL STREET JOURNAL declared him incompetent in basic economics. McCain is also just unprepared for this first debate. Can't he multi-task? Can't he talk about the economy AND prepare for a debate? The American people have the right to hear what BOTH candidates have to say about the economy and other important issues in a formal, civil debate. This postponement is just a PR stunt, and in the guise of being a "patriotic" American, he's denying the American people the right to see the strengths and vulnerabilities of both candidates, which is what we need in order to make an intelligent, informed, responsible decision as to who we're voting for, come Nov. 4.
  • Like a good friend pointed out to me, John McCain didn't think that last week. Didn't he say that the economy wasn't in bad shape. So, his statement would lead me to believe that he's not ready for the debate.
  • Do you and others wish to allow "experts" like Dodd,, Frank, and others -- who originally manufactured the debacle in the first place -- to craft this travesty? Is that what you want? I want these vermin to stand down -- NOT to draft an even more corrupt structure to further bleed taxpayers dry! Chances are good that once Congressional investigations commence, dozens will be indicted, along with incompetent Ex Fannie CEO Franklin Raines and others that eviscerated the mortgage markets (and now advise Obama). They all need JAILING for violating the public trust! It is shameful that people find it the least bit unusual that a couple of Senators do their jobs for a few days -- rather than blowing hot air at one another. We have a massive credit contraction here with far-reaching implications. Screw the debates for a few days!
  • He's a chicken just like the two Bushes
  • He's grasping at straws....
  • I defer to David Letterman for commentary on this action by John McCain...;-D... . . .
  • As D. Letterman says "this just doesn't smell right." This is a political tactic by McCain to dupe the American public into believing he "cares so much about America." Yes, he does care, and he is a War Hero, but as a presidential candidate he really has no say in how the financial crises will be solved, other than the one vote he may have as a senator, if it's put to a senate or congressional vote. So get real McCain, we're not stupid, we see right through your little charade.
  • I one way I understand and another it would be nice for him to do two things at the same time. I mean what's he doing Friday night anyways?
  • It makes me wonder where he is going to go hide if he were elected! He wanted to put his campaign on hold a week ago or so. And lets say that Norht Korea decides to persue their nuclear development. What is he going to do? Go hide? While he figures it out?

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