• That's when I was diagnosed with epilepsy. My neurologist said that there was a possibility that I would grow out of them. I don't know why he thought that because he saw on the EEG what was causing them. I had a skip in my brain wave which was caused from a birth defect. It wasn't anything my mother did or didn't do, it just happened. I read up on seizures and treatments. Usually the type of seizures that you grow out of are the non epileptic seizures. I had complex partial seizures for 19 years. They were not too bad as a child, but when I turned 20 they progressively got worse. I was tried on multiple medications but none of them fully controlled them. I had a VNS implanted at age 24. It worked for about 10 months and then the seizures returned. At age 28 I had a mid-temporal lobectomy. I have been seizure free every since (20 months). I am off of all medication and doing well. Focal seizures(simple & complex partial)are the most successfully treated with surgery. If your daughters seizures are not under control with medication, I strongly consider asking her neurologist about surgery. If you have anymore questions or concerns I will be glad to answer them. My email is To the best of luck!!

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