You are very clever. How can you not know how many houses you own? I know one politician who is running for president who didn't!!! Unbelieveable. Incidently, I only own one house and that is not hard to count.
I don't own any house...unless you count the sims 2... then i own hundreds of homes.
You bet I know how many I have, but you see I am not brain dead nor have I forgotten how to count like some one we have all heard. It is not a shame to own several homes, so why hide it? His wife is a very rich woman so it is to be expected that he may have several houses as he also has a private jet for his "private use" which belongs to his wife's company. He is also the CEO at his wifes companies, I didn't know that a senator could have another parallel paid job while serving the US Congress. These are the things we should be looking into instead of talking rubbish which displays ignorance. Bye.
Yes. 1 My 2 cents.
Yes NONE, live in some elses for now
Yes. I am not senile.
Yes, one house and one apartment. I hope some day I have too many house to count. Let's all pile on the rich guy... Haters.
uh...I'll have to let my staff get back to you on that.
I own 7 houses and 3 hotels, and I own both utilities. I own Board Walk, but not Park Place (and I have the Reading Railroad but it is mortgaged).
Unlike some others I do. I have three houses and an apartment
ONE at the moment. If I won the lottery though, I would buy SEVERAL and not tell my husband about it. Why should he know anyway? (unless he needs to put some of our family members in them)
None. I pay rent where I live.
None currently :)
Well, I'm not THAT old, hehe. Once the mortgage is paid off, I will own exactly one half of a house. My husband owns the other half.
i dont own any the bank owns myhouse until someday if ever I actually own it :)
Not even one and I do not intend to own any.
I almost own one. But since I handle the finances, if I had the money to buy more, I could do so and my husband wouldn't even know it unless I told him. Some men just concentrate on their job and leave the running of the household to their spouse. I bought two cars, one in his name only, and he had no idea until he came home.
1, not to hard to remember!!!
Jenny The Great ⭐You got that right.
None. The bank owns them for the next 20 years, but I get to pay the taxes, insurance, and interest. ;-)
1/20/2023, yes, 1 house in which I am very happy to acquire it.
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