You are very clever. How can you not know how many houses you own? I know one politician who is running for president who didn't!!! Unbelieveable. Incidently, I only own one house and that is not hard to count.
I don't own any house...unless you count the sims 2... then i own hundreds of homes.
You bet I know how many I have, but you see I am not brain dead nor have I forgotten how to count like some one we have all heard. It is not a shame to own several homes, so why hide it? His wife is a very rich woman so it is to be expected that he may have several houses as he also has a private jet for his "private use" which belongs to his wife's company. He is also the CEO at his wifes companies, I didn't know that a senator could have another parallel paid job while serving the US Congress. These are the things we should be looking into instead of talking rubbish which displays ignorance. Bye.
Yes. 1 My 2 cents.
Yes NONE, live in some elses for now
Yes. I am not senile.
Yes, one house and one apartment. I hope some day I have too many house to count. Let's all pile on the rich guy... Haters.
uh...I'll have to let my staff get back to you on that.
I own 7 houses and 3 hotels, and I own both utilities. I own Board Walk, but not Park Place (and I have the Reading Railroad but it is mortgaged).
Unlike some others I do. I have three houses and an apartment
ONE at the moment. If I won the lottery though, I would buy SEVERAL and not tell my husband about it. Why should he know anyway? (unless he needs to put some of our family members in them)
None. I pay rent where I live.
None currently :)
Well, I'm not THAT old, hehe. Once the mortgage is paid off, I will own exactly one half of a house. My husband owns the other half.
i dont own any the bank owns myhouse until someday if ever I actually own it :)
Not even one and I do not intend to own any.
I almost own one. But since I handle the finances, if I had the money to buy more, I could do so and my husband wouldn't even know it unless I told him. Some men just concentrate on their job and leave the running of the household to their spouse. I bought two cars, one in his name only, and he had no idea until he came home.
1, not to hard to remember!!!
Jenny's Gone On VacationYou got that right.
None. The bank owns them for the next 20 years, but I get to pay the taxes, insurance, and interest. ;-)
1/20/2023, yes, 1 house in which I am very happy to acquire it.
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