Not often anymore I go there. People I liked have gone. Yahoo got worse no respect.
Tony VII Fatherson
it's dead now ...
I went to Yahoo answers once they deducted points for either asking or answering a question and I didn't like that idea so I left without ever participating. I loved MSN's Q&A before they closed. Still keep in touch with many friends from there on FB.
Tony VII Fatherson
must have been long ago, in 2019 they stopped deducting points. answering gave you points -
They never deducted points for asking or answering in my experience. Answering always GAVE you points.
i still use it
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
How do you still use it? -
Linda Joy
This is and older question. Look at the q_view number. Pearl was here before YA closed. She's still here from time to time.
I used Yahoo Answers for over 10 years. I stopped using that question-and-answer site because the powers-to-be announced that the site was going to be taken down.
I played on YA since 2008. I used to like it, even though it often turned into a "keyboard slugfest" when they allowed comments to answers. I left because they shut it down.
Yes I was on Yahoo Answers for 11 years. I did not choose to leave the website because the website is read only now and will shut down on May 4th
No one knows the answer to that question.
I did. I left because the site has been shut down.
I was there most every morning. Nothing like squashing libtards before breakfast.
ya cant use it any more ..4th may it will be no more
I actually enjoyed it until Yahoo decided that debate was no longer a good thing and stopped allowing comments on individual questions. When you stifle debate, you stifle truth.
I was there from day one. I even stayed after it became a dumpster fire, although at that point, I rarely participated. I held on until Verizon finally killed it.
I used to visit Yahoo Answers almost everyday. I left because Yahoo shut their q&a site down.π I was sad to see that happen, but that's also how I found this site, so at least some good came from YA closing.π
Yes. It shut down.
Guilty. It was lively & was originally great when it was monitored & rules were enforced. But when they stopped monitoring & started permitting multiple sock puppet accounts a few professional political operators began massively spamming the site & it became just another radical leftist toilet clogged with the usual unflushable leftist propaganda.
Yes I used to be on Yahoo Answers but I did not leave it. The site was shut down
Former userπ
I stayed until it shut down last spring. I had used it since around the time it opened in 2005.
"Recently"? Hardly! I answered this Q shortly after YA shut down. Why is this site recycling old stuff? 7/15/22
(Edited) Only realised I answered this question twice before
me, every day
I used it till it's end in April 2021. I posted over 125000 answers and amassed over half million points. 7-16-22
I'm one of them. I left Yahoo Answers because I thought this site was better. Which it is, that's why I've stuck around.
I used Yahoo Answers when it still existed.
It wasn't a very good site, I don't really miss it all that much. It was overrun with trolls with multiple sockpuppet accounts who posted the same old crap day in, day out.
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