none, cant find a job
Linda Joy
You still pay taxes. You just pay them with someone else's money like me.
Tax freedom day is now somewhere in the last half of May. This is the day when all you have made during the year goes to pay your taxes to the government. What you make after is yours to keep. So we are all slaves to the state until tax freedom day.
Linda Joy
I don't make money and I don't pay income tax. Even the taxes I pay are with taxpayer money. I'm a sick leech on the ass of society that should be euthanized! -
NO NO NO!!! you are a child of the living God bought with the love and blood of Jesus Christ. You are valuable. -
Linda Joy
If I was a horse I'd have been put down 20 years ago! We're more humane to animals than we are humans! But recently I've gotten the feeling that I'm supposed to use my verbal and persuasive skills to advocate for others who don't have the ability to speak for themselves. And NAMI came to mind as I was keying this. I don't want to, but at least its a purpose.
I'm not American (thank God for small mercies) but all that you're going on about is hardly "slave labour for the government". What little tax you pay goes towards roads and schools. As well as other necessities that businesses profit from, but never provide or fix themselves for free. It's corporate welfare that needs to stop as it's money for free to the already rich. Social welfare is hardly the issue.
Well said! -
Linda Joy
Not true our corporate taxes are some of the highest in the world! That's one of the reasons jobs were leaving this country. -
Linda Joy
I thank God you're not American as well! -
Linda Joy
corporations pay 21% federal and over 10% state and local. Which is more than the average taxpayer.
Look for something major to happen next Sunday on Nov.11, 2018. I don't know what will happen but something will. This is a day of three 11's. When ever there are three 11's something major politically will happen. Next Sunday will be 11/11/ 2018 (2+0+1+8=11) I would suggest you fill your fuel tanks on your vehicles next Saturday.
Who knows it may be a good "happening" although divisive speech in the media and from folks in power are feeding the divide. -
Check out the Economist magazine. Then you figure out if it can be good...It can't be good. 9-11 and the twin towers had over 20 11's found. Also google the number 11 and the occult and the number 11 and freemasonry. -
Linda Joy
Actually the response to 9/11 brought this country together in unity and prayer. National pride had a resurgence like I had never seen before! The same happens after disasters, as far as people helping one another and praying for each other. So the way I feel is however God wants to bring us together is o.k by me! -
Linda Joy
So... What happened on 11/11/2018? -
On 11 November 2018, the centenary of the Armistice, commemorations were held globally. In France, more than 60 heads of state and government gathered at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The end of world war 1, was the 11, 11, 11 = 33. Eleven is the number of duality, and you are correct Thinker it's an occult number, any multiple of 11 is, 9/11 was planned, and was meant as an external threat to bring about more invasions of freedoms, and reason to invade the middle-east, also ritualistic given the freemasons and cabbalist numerology and we were pre-programmed to receive...
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