• I thought midnight was the devil's hour.
  • It is considered the hour where the least amount of light exists on the planet at that point.
  • One theory is that jesus rose from the grave at 3pm and so logically 3am would become the devil's hour because it is opposite.
  • 3:00 am is the "devils hour" because it is the opposite of 3:00 pm, the hour Jesus died on the cross. the devil is at exact opposites with God. 3:00 pm the hour of mercy 3:00 am the hour of darkness, the devils hour. this "opposite" method is used through out satanic practices.
  • three am is the "devils hour". thats what i was always told by my grandmother. and midnight is actually the witching hour but only on a full moon. the witching hour is another "dead time" when the veil between worlds is as thin as the "devils hour".
  • Its a myth. As a ghosthunter, dealing with demonic spirits does not make any difference whether its 11pm or 3am. Think you been watching way too many episodes of "Paranormal State".

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