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Your Screwed... dont say nothing..bad
ummmm..... may I ask what that is?
Say HI..:)
Send a comment or something to him and hit on him. But only in a way that he would know it is you, like you look so hot in that blue shirt you wore last night. Or I love the taste of your lips, ____! (use his name)
Say how wonderful he is. Ask a question listing his outstand features/qualities and ask if anyone has a boyfriend this great. Lurk to see how he answers questions. You can learn that way. See, not a total loss. Good luck.
Depends... If you're worried about his addiction, it may require an intervention. An AB intervention requires you to dress like you avatar, and sidle up to him, and ... you can take it from there. ;-) HOWEVER, if you are BOTH addicted, you will need to "intervene" as above with each other! LOL Oh... And don't think it will "take" with just ONE intervention. It may take MANY before the addiction is broken. :-D
you could get another account with another avatar. lots of people have two accounts.
Did he tell you that he joined? I would enjoy the extra dimension my wife's participation in AB would give my activities here. :)
I'd make another account for asking questions about him and just not give him the name of it. Other than that, I wouldn't worry about it. lol.
So? My wife was here the other day to see what the big deal is and why I spend so much time here. If you have a decent, open, honest relationship then it shouldn't be a big deal.
Get another account with a different avtar and flirt with him.. see whether he flirts back or not and then pull his leg.. that would be fun... dont you think so ..??? =P
Mess with his head ;) that's what I did when I first met mine, now we share a AB account LOL.
Ask a lot of questions that make him seem like the greatest guy ever? ;-)
Consider that he and I could benefit from spending more time getting to know more about each other's pastimes!
Probably stop asking questions about him and our relationship. :)
thank my lucky star he was drooling over the Rachel Ray website.
That's a nightmare.
Keep an eye on him to see if he's an evil point whore. You have to watch those types of guys. ;) JK
send a friend request?
ok... you get to learn about eachothers opinions without having to fight about it. how is that a bad thing?
I would evacuate AB unless he didnt know it was me... then I might find some stuff out =]
Omigosh! Get a new bf right away!!!
Appreciate his desire to get answers to life questions. Its a positive not a negative. I think people that come here, are looking to improve their life and that's a good thing, right?
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