• chile colorado. You need red chile and potatos it so good. It also depends on how much meat you have to get the other ingredients.
  • We make some great "Mock Country Fried / Cube Steaks" with store bought Hamburgers. We separate the frozen patties & momentarily "Rinse" them & then coat them with seasoned flour. We then dip in egg wash & back into the flour. Fry until Ur favorite color of brown, drain & serve with gravy, steak sauce??? Enjoy! John & Tam
  • i have been dying to make this, I would call it my razzmatazz steak. For the marinate, soy sauce, honey, bicardi razz, orange peels, some salt & pepper, garlic, a dab of fish sauce, onions, green onions Let it marinate for 24 hours and keep some marinate on the side. Next day pan sear it medium heat. Eat it with some rice yummyyyyyy.

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