• I was at home, getting ready to do some errands..i dropped everything..and glued myself to TV all day and evening..watching the terror unfold...i even recorded it all for future reference in my the motto reads: we shall never forget. iam under limited capacity today..but will resume normal pattern by tuesday. may i say, "god bless america"
  • I was sitting at school when the teacher said that a plane hit the world trade center. I thought I would die.
  • I was at school in our basement getting my yearbook picture taken. My bio teacher told me about the plane flying into the world trade tower and I thought he was joking. I did not believe it until the Principal got on the P.A. and announced it.
  • Driving around at work. I heard it on the radio and had to call home to find out what the hell was oing on, I couldn't believe it was happening, like a surreal bad dream.
  • At work on a construction site. My wife called me on my cell phone to tell me what was happening, and all of the construction personnel working on that job went out to the driveway to listen to the radio in one of the trucks. Shortly after the news report came on , we shut down the job and went home to our families. Finishing the job that day no longer seemed important.
  • I was in bed. I didn't actually hear about what had happened until I got up and turned on the radio to listen to Paul Harvey. It took a few minutes for me to realize that Mr. Harvey hadn't come on. So, I started paying more attention to just what was on. I was completely stunned. I then turned off the radio and turned on the TV. I spent most of the rest of the day chatting with my mother and brother online, listening to the news, and participating in the discussion at an online forum I was particularly fond of at the time.
  • I was in a taxi being driven through Derby by a Muslim taxi driver (not that that's unusual) - he turned up the radio when the second plane hit but it took me ages to work out what the hell was going on. I kept thinking how it seemed really bad management for two planes to crash into buildings in such a short space of time. For some crazy reason the idea that it might not be an accident just didn't seem to occur to me. I got home and turned the TV on and it was really odd, because at that point the news readers passing on the details didn't seem to have much more of a clue what was going on than I did. I only really worked it out when I bought a newspaper the next morning.
  • I was at university and wasn't aware of what happened until my 2 o'clock history class - it was the first class of the semester and most of the students were first year journalism students, so they were very animated about it. BTW, I live in the same time zone as New York City. The prof dismissed the class early so the students could experience all the hoopla of a major news story as it unfolded in the media. I didn't know the extent of the damage or how it happened until much later - after class, I had to pick up the grandkids and feed them supper. After I put them to bed, I could turn on the television and that's when I first knew exactly what had happened.
  • I was on holiday at the time of it happening. At first I just thought it was a tragic accident. I then went out most of day to do some sight seeing. Later on I put tv on I thought I was seeing a replay then I noticed it was a second plane! I then found out it was a terror attack. I didnt have a clue who Bin Laden was or Al Qaida. I thought it was the start of World War III.
  • I remember where I was, getting ready for class in my apartment. I actually was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when the 1st tower fell. I sat on my bed watching and listening to news reporters. I also witnessed the 2nd tower fall. I was terrified.
  • I was asleep -- in my Grade 11 homeroom class.
  • Cutting my birthday cake.
  • just walking in the door at work. The receptionist scream " They hit the tower with a plane". I thought she was kidding, i mean, here, in the US? We get hit by terrorists? Cant be. Boy was I wrong! I was mortified and couldnt take me eyes off the tv. It still makes me cry when I see the planes hit. I cant even go down to the site which isnt that far from me and I avoid looking down there. hurts too much not to see those towers. Some impact they made and those hateful assh*oles made.
  • Working at Morgan Stanley in the North Tower. Getting ready for a presentation for a 1pm meeting.
  • I was in (secondary/high) school having an Art lesson. We'd all been given flowers to draw, and I was drawing a white lily. It was my first lesson after lunch (obviously the UK's time zone is ahead of the US). I even remember where in the class I was sitting. I didn't actually find out about the attack until my mum picked me up from school later that day. I'd never even heard of the 'World Trade Centres' before September 11th 2001, and until I saw the actual footage of them (coming down), I was oblivious to the importance of their demise.
  • It was early in the morning here (as I live in California) so I was just waking up and getting ready to leave for school. My boyfriend called me and told me to turn on the TV... so I did, but I couldn't watch much because I was going to be late for school.(School at this time was Culinary Arts classes started at 7:00 am and went until 4:00pm) When I got to class my instructor told us that if we felt we needed to go home, that we could, but that she was still going to conduct class that day. Our exercise that day was in cookie making, of all things. She said that since baking cookies always made her feel better, that she couldn't think of anything better to do that day anyway. And even if all of us went home, that she was still going to bake cookies. About a dozen of us stayed there and made cookies. I still can't think of anything else that I would have rather done that day.
  • I was on the Big Island in Hawaii -- staying in a hotel with a friend -- at breakfast, there were a few people huddled around a TV set in the lobby. I thought that was weird, because with the beautiful weather outside, it definitely was not a "lets stay inside and watch TV" kind of morning. But I'm a curious guy, and I asked the group what was going on... the towers of the world trade center had collapsed a few hours earlier. This is a part of Hawaii that is very rural, there is very little radio or tv reception -- this hotel was one of the few places in the area with a TV. We went to South Point (,-155.677643&spn=0.360234,0.466919&om=1), and watched the deadly surf there for hours... totally in shock. It was a good place to contemplate impermanence... Hawaii is the newest land in the USA, in fact, an active volcano is still building up the island. But at South Point, the ocean is busily taking it back. We were stranded in Hawaii for a few days, but were very lucky to get on the first plane back to the mainland.
  • I was just walking into the day- care center of the YMCA where my mom worked at the time. I only got to see the first plane hit because someone changed it.
  • I was just walking into the day- care center of the YMCA where my mom worked at the time. I only got to see the first plane hit because someone changed it.
  • I was at school, just about to watch a video and they were trying to get the right channel on the tv. It landed on BBC 1 after a lot of static where they were showing the first plane hit. My teacher dropped the remote and stared in silence. Then she let out a choked yelp and ran to tell everyone else. She had blocked the TV, so when she moved we saw it for the first time. We sat in silence (the first time an unsupervised class has ever done so). My blood ran cold, and none of us could speak. It happened towards the end of the day, so when we were sent home, the second plane hit. After a few minutes at home, the tower fell. It was probably the worse thing I have ever seen
  • i was at home. turned off my playstation and saw the north tower burning..when i first heard what happen i thought it was an accident..then i saw the second plane go into the south tower and my jaw dropped to the ground. After that I knew what was going this day i shed a tear every time i see that clip of the plane going into the south tower.
  • at work in an office in Whitehall (London), heard about it from the BBC news website, spend the rest of the afternoon watching the news page for updates. - left work early and walked home (didn't feel like taking the bus like i usually would).
  • It was a little before 7 a.m. in the Mountain time zone and I had the news on while I finished getting ready for work. I heard about the first plane hitting and thought, someone must have had a seizure or heart attack while flying a small private plane. I sat down to finish my coffee and saw that ominous second plane run right into the tower! My hand began to shake so hard I couldn't hold onto the coffee mug. Time slowed down just like it does when you are in a car accident. I knew immediately that it was deliberate and I thought, it's either some radical group of white supremacists or that guy who bombed the embassy in Kenya (couldn't think of bin Laden's name). I got that horrible hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach. Even after 5 years, I still get that sick hollow feeling when I think of it or hear the stories.
  • I was at work. And got called to go to the break room to watch tv.
  • Walking to physics class when a friend told me what happened.
  • I was working in a daycare with a playground full of 1 year olds that happened to be right behind an airport. When we heard the news we all panicked and brought the kids inside. The worst part was that my husband and i were in the midst of a big fight and seperated. We had two daughters in school. It was so scary trying to get a hold of them and make sure they were ok. In a way I can thank 9/11 for bringing uss back together and showing my husband and i that life is way too precious to fight over petty things. we cherish every day together now.
  • Getting ready to leave for my first day of college orientation as a freshman. i remember the city shut down that day, esp bc we're in a major military supply city, with an int'l airport and a government headquarters.
  • I was doing homework for a college class I was taking on China and Japan. My boyfriend called and asked if I had the TV on. I said that I didn't and he told me that planes had hit the World Trade Center. I didn't believe him (he's quite a jokester and seems to have credibility issues with me. I didn't believe him when he told me about Columbia either) so he told me to turn on the TV. I asked which channel and he said it didn't matter. The TV needed to warm up so the picture didn't come on immediately. I remember thinking that he was taking the joke a little far since he would be proved wrong as soon as I could see that it was a Hogan's Heroes rerun or something like that. As it came into focus, though, I could see smoke billowing out of the buildings. I apologized to him and watched until I had to leave for class. The entire day felt very strange. Classes were still held. It seemed odd to me that everyone wanted to rush on with life as usual rather than taking a day to absorb it. I'm sure nobody learned anything. I didn't find out until much later that my uncle was supposed to have been there that day. His meeting was cancelled so he didn't have to go into the city. I just wish there were 3000 more near miss stories.
  • People used to ask me that about the shuttle explosion in '86...I'm getting old.
  • Being incredibly bored in history waiting for the teacher to programme the tv. We were the first people in the school to see it
  • I was a working at an auto dealership at that time, I got to work as the first plane hit. A co-worker came and told me what had happened, I watched in the lobby on a big screen TV with about thirty other people. A few minutes later I mentioned to my friend that the other plane was going to hit the building, he saw it, and didn't believe me, until it hit. I will never forget the look on his face. The shock of seeing that impact shook many of my co-workers to tears as we all watched helplessly. When the towers fell, there were a lot of screams and oh my gods. About thirty minutes after the last tower fell we were ordered to go back to work, but many left early because the shock was too much for them. The dealership wasn't sure what to do so they closed down early around noon. We were all non-functional that day after going through such a shock and awe campaign. I went home and turned on the TV and computor to find out as much information as possible, my mom, my girlfriend, and a few other close relatives called me, most were very tearful and all very emotional over what they saw. I drank half a bottle of Wildturkey that day, I passed out hoping it was all just a dream...a very bad dream.
  • I was working at an auto dealership at that time, I got to work as the first plane hit. A co-worker came and told me what had happened, I watched in the lobby on a big screen TV with about thirty other people. A few minutes later I mentioned to my friend that the other plane was going to hit the building, he saw it, and didn't believe me, until it hit. I will never forget the look on his face. The shock of seeing that impact shook many of my co-workers to tears as we all watched helplessly. When the towers fell, there were a lot of screams and oh my gods. About thirty minutes after the last tower fell we were ordered to go back to work, but many left early because the shock was too much for them. The dealership wasn't sure what to do so they closed down early around noon. We were all non-functional that day after going through such a shock and awe campaign. I went home and turned on the TV and computor to find out as much information as possible, my mom, my girlfriend, and a few other close relatives called me, most were very tearful and all very emotional over what they saw. I drank half a bottle of Wildturkey that day, I passed out hoping it was all just a dream...a very bad dream.
  • yeah, it was just a regular school day for me. I was either in grade 7 or 8
  • I was still in middle school and had no clue what had happened. I never heard the word World Trade Centre until that day.
  • I live in Australia so... Sleeping
  • I was at home because I had accidentally locked my keys in my car. I called my then husband to come and unlock my car. He is the one who told me. It was lucky, really, that I locked my keys in my car. I worked at the time in the World Trade Center in Baltimore. It was evacuated and, at one point, informed that it was also a target. The gridlock of the mass Exodus would have trapped me in downtown traffic forever. As it was, I could sit at home and watch TV, but felt pretty safe from the chaos going on outside. I said then that I thought it was this Bin Laden guy. I don't watch network TV...mostly watch documentaries and such. I knew he (and his followers, didn't know the name of the organization off the top of my head) were responsible for the attacks on the US Embassies and the USS Cole.
  • I was at work, at my desk. And when I heard what happened it was such an eerie feeling.
  • In the hallway of my high school's second floor...
  • i was waiting at the bus stop, when i suddenly realized i had forgotten my gym shorts that i needed for gym class, so i ran back into my house and my mom didnt really know what was going on but i saw her watching the t.v and she said a plane hit the twin towers and i remember, i'll never forget, i said "o cool" cause i didnt really know what the twin towers was and i didnt realize the extent of the damage, i made my bus and went on it and told people that a plane had hit the world trade center and they didnt believe me, untill later on that day when they made an announcment over the loud speaker. ill never forget it.
  • I had school off for some reason or another and I was safe in my home watching it, kinda put me in perspective yknow?
  • going to my first hour class...i didn't even know what the trade towers were until that day...i was extremly confused for a long was a tragic day....i get stuck in thought every time 9-11 gets brought up...i just dont understand how someone could do that to hundreds of people that they don't even know, i mean just because were's stupid
  • I don't think anyone will ever forget that, or the news of our president being shot, JFK or Ronald Reagon.
  • I was working in Chula Vista,Ca. for a city tree job and my mexican amigos told me. I called home and asked the mother of my 3 kids (not my wife), AND i KINDA WAS TRIPPING. It is unbeleivable how much we are hated! Jeff Lovstrom, Certified Arborist.
  • well i was tucked up in bed, when i woke (+9:30) i when to turn of the TV for cartoons and instead i got sum news reader guy and pictures of destruction
  • I live in new york, and that day i was planning on ditching school to go shopping at a store right accross the street from the wtc. We were released from class at about 11am and i had to walk 8 miles because the train were not running and the buses were packed beyond capacity. people stayed home that afternoon. the streets were definitely empty. The following days there were some profiling going on and a couple of newsworthy event. but not even close to horrible, as i thought it would be. those days were definitely weird. i know someone who survived by his wife and 4 girls (all under 15 yrs old)
  • I was in my car driving to work and listening to my favorite morning show. When I turned it on they were watching the live coverage of the first building on TV and talking about it. As I listened, they saw the second plane hit and you could hear their shock and the realization that this was not an accident. It was so surreal. When I arrived at work people were gathered around the TV in the cafeteria watching the tragedy.
  • I had just gotten to work (in Texas, in the Central Time Zone -- one hour behind NYC). I hadn't been listening to the radio, so I didn't know anything had been happening. A co-worker ran in and said to our boss, "another plane has crashed into the World Trade Center..." Within a couple of minutes I was briefed on what had been happening. I remember we went through our day as "normal" but we got very quiet and frightened. I went home at lunch and just sat, sort of waiting for planes or bombs to fall from the sky on top of me.
  • I was watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch. It was about 4 PM where i am.
  • Burned into my mind! I have a son, and at the time a daughter-in-law: she's out now, in the Army. I was paralized. My husband works in Chicago so I was in great fear for his safty. I knew it wouldn't be long until my children would be called to duty, and they were.
  • I was listening to the radio on my way to work in Memphis, Tennessee. The first plane had just hit and it was being treated as a regular news item. I got in to work and turned on my computer and went to and there were some horrible pictures of people falling or jumping out of the building. These were later removed and I have never seen them again. I could see the young man's face and the kind of shoes he was wearing as he traveled upside down to his death. I don't want to see that picture ever again, but it's burned into my memory, may he rest in peace. Soon after the second plane hit and the Pentagon was hit and I knew we were at war. I tuned to a European radio station to get a less frantic version of what was going on. I was listening to it when the buildings collapsed. They were speaking in French, and he said "Le World Trade Center n'existe plus." (The World Trade Center no longer exists.) I sought out a fellow worker who is Lebanese and he was holed up in his office and said "Thank God I don't have a Middle East sounding name." My husband had a Lebanese-American mother, so I knew exactly how he was feeling. I remember the love and comradeship I felt with fellow Americans for the next few weeks. I remember a man waving a flag on a bridge above the expressway in Alabama and how I felt that we shared a patriotic emotion. It must be how people felt during WWII when one wasn't embarassed to be strongly patriotic.
  • yea i was in my first period 5th grade class and as we walked into the classroom the teacher was just staring at the TV - the north tower had already been hit, and our little 5th grade class witnessed the horrible image of the south tower being hit, and then both falling. then we all had to go home. I remember the most horrifying image that is stuck in my mind is the one picture of the people falling after they jumped out of the windows, trying to escape the flames. i'm sure those hell-sent hijackers are burning their asses off in hell this very minute!
  • I was at school. My teacher was freaking out because her brother was taking a flight to New York at the same time. We listened to the radio and were trying to catch everything that was going on. When I came home, my parents were watching it. My teachers brother was not on the flight thankfully. But it is a day everyone will always remember :[
  • I was in 10th grade at school, and I found out in my Biology class!
  • I was in the living room watching a show. Then my mom's friend called us and saying, "Is there a war going on???!!!" I turned the news and it was going crazy! The school was buzzing with chatter about that during the whole day!
  • In my living room in Abbotsford watching it on the news. I was 9 years old.
  • In an aeroplane to Mauritius.
  • I was in 11th grade - English. This girl that I absolutely did NOT get along with came into class and was like - Did you hear what's going on? Now whenever I remember that day, I remember her! Then, when I got home from school, my mom was pacing, because she couldn't get ahold of my sister - my sister was in college near Shanksville, PA, where the one flight went down, and all the phones were busy.
  • I came in from a run and was removing my running shoes when the second plane hit the south tower...I couldn't believe my eyes
  • i was in 10th grade and sitting in my living room brushing my teeth watching the news. i didnt think it was a big deal. i thought they were little planes in just a normal building. once i got to school and was in athletic medicine i realized what was going on. the school made us have a "moment of silence" as we all watched the news in our classrooms.
  • Just got home from school, switched on tv and there it was. On the same day i also had just found out about the death of a school friend, bad day.
  • I was in bed and my mom came in and dragged me up to watch the TV ... my gradmother thought the germans vere invading .. ( no kidding she went throgh it in WW2) and my mom keept yelling and I dint even understand what was going on until later ... since I was tired and confused I thought they just collapsed... I didnt see the planes... when I finaly understood what was going on my mom had the whole neighborhood in our livingroom watching it.
  • Working on my dad's farm, moving some machinery in one of our sheds with another worker.
  • I was asleep (it was night where I am), and I heard about it when I got to work at 4.45am the next day (about 5/6 hours after it happened), and was shocked, it seemed like world war 3 was starting and no one knew what was happening. It is the only time in my life that I can actually know where I was when something happened (the only other time was when Princess Diana died!).
  • well, i was in school. The school wouldnt inform us on what was going on. so most of us didnt have a cool. till we got home and our parents told us. There were alot of kids pulled out of school. so we knew something was going on. but yeah i was in the middle of english class.
  • In Psychology class in high school. they broke in on the t.v.s in each room to showe the footage of the first tower being hit. I could tell it was a big thing, so I said "screw the rest of the day at school im going home". Me and a couple of my friends got to the house just in time to see the first tower fall. It was Horriying.
  • I was getting ready for school. I feel really bad about it, because my mom was making a big deal out of it, and I swear, all I said was "Mmhm, where's my other sock?" That's horrible. Though, I was only in the 4th grade at the time, but still...
  • College - Valparaiso University, sophmore year.
  • I was at home attempting to enjoy a day-off and "The news break" ruined that. I was later called in to work my day off.
  • In school, US History class, I think. They didn't have us watch it. I think my middle sister's school had her watch it, though. And then, of course, it was on TV when we got home. <Clenched hands> I remember not being affected by it so much as being angry that my younger sisters were scared enough, by being made to watch it, that I had to read them both to sleep. Not very many things have made me that angry.
  • I was working in berkley michigan doin a hardwood floor job an dwas listening to drew and mike on the radio sayn there was a plane goin thru thr world trade center.i think it was like 9 15in the morning.
  • I was in the middle of a trial. And I was pissed off because I wanted for public buildings to be close so that America would mourn. Instead, on the West Coast especially, government decided to carry on to make a point. But that meant that everyone had to function in a time when I think we should have been able to be extremely sad.
  • Tearing up the carpet in my bedroom, I happened to come out for a break and watched the tv coverage, when the towers came down I felt sick to my stomach.
  • In gym class in middle school doing stretches on the floor. I remember them coming on the announcements and talking about it, but none of us knew what they were talking about. I didn't fully understand what happened until much later on...
  • At home, in Soest (it is a small village in Holland). I was watching TV I shifted the channel to cnn and sow that horrible thing I thought it is a movie but unfortunately it was not.
  • i was at school....
  • At the team of the incident, in bed, sound asleep. It was past midnight, actually 10/11 here in Sydney, Australia.
  • At work. Rec'd call from Dubai from a friend to tell me about the happening on 9/11. That is when we turned our news station.
  • I was on my way to my first class of the day, my dad had the radio on and I heard what they were saying.
  • At home... feeling sick at what I was watching unfold.
  • At home.
  • I was in 6th grade, in Catholic school, on the way to the bathroom. Ironic because at the time i didn't know the seriousness of the attack and me and my friends were all laughing jokes until my teacher sat us down, and told us straight out "you better be could happen to you." ...went home early that day. I'm now in 11th grade, 6 years later. Ohh how time flies.
  • I was celebrating my birthday in school. I called my mother (because my grandfather worked there). My mother said that my grandparents had missed their return flight from Istanbul.
  • i was in school. my teacher turned on the t.v. and she said " this is history in the making kids."
  • My mom's friend called asking if there was a war!!! I was eating breakfast. We turned on the TV and I was shocked!
  • I was in military training after being in for less than four months. Someone who briefly heard someone else talk about it said, "I heard a plane hit a building in New York," and my initial mental image was a two-person cessna hitting one of those skyscraper poles. I thought, "Doesn't that happen all the time?" Obviously I had no grasp of the real situation. We were on alert status for the next few days and had to sleep in our uniforms.
  • I was in eighth grade and it was the day we were taking the IQ test. We watched the news the rest of the school day and discussd it.
  • I had just gotten off of third shift and went right to my mother's house. My stepdad was terminal and she needed help caring for him. My aunt called and asked if we were watching the news which we weren't so we turned it on. It was surreal and when the 2nd plane hit we were both in tears. My stepdad passed away a couple days later so I'd have to say that was a very bad week for me and our country.
  • When I woke up my son and husband were watching the TV I stopped to see what they we watching and thought 'what a cheap film' and I said why were they watching a movie at 6 am? They said no no it's the news a plane hit a building in I sat down to watch and saw the second plane hit....and we watched and watched and I had to go to work and a tv was on there and all day people just stopped open mouthed and watched. No one said very much and a few people cried. I cried.
  • I was 13 years old and in the eight grade. I was home from school, because I was about to go to a doctors appointment. I was watching the morning news and they interrupted the news with a picture of the first Tower on fire and I was still watching when the second one was hit. I was in complete shock. I didn't think it was real.
  • I was in my 10th grade history class. They turned the TV on, and the rest of they day in each block the Tv was on and we discussed it. Than going home took 30 mins longer because I lived right next to Ft. Bragg, literly right on the other side of the fence (my father was in the army). When 9/11 happened the base stopped letting people freely on. If they didn't have a base decal they were getting there car search at gun point (the guns weren't pointed at them but were in their hands ready to go if needed)and they had to had a military ID. So because of the cars being searched the traffic was backed up like 2 miles, blocking all the enterences to my neighborhood. It was a scary time for alot of people that I new because of it being a military town a lot of friends, their brothers, mothers, fathers (including mine) were getting there self prepared in case they were told they had to be shipped out. And a lot did.
  • we were preparing a friend of mine's birthday party that night. yes, her birthday is September 11th. she freaked out. she kept saying "we're going to war" it turned out to be a great party regardless.
  • I was walking from band to my English class and people were running around talking about some bomb or something. We spent the rest of the day watching t.v.
  • i was asleep at the time of the attack. i was woke up by my boyfriend at the time's mother who bust into the bedroom screaming WE ARE UNDER ATTACK i immediately jumped out of bed and rushed to the TV, where i watched the replay of the plane crashing into the building. i will never forget that day and the feeling that seaped into me that has lingered ever since.
  • Waking in Australia to the morning news I thought it was a Hollywood movie could not believe what I was seeing
  • in school
  • I was in class, 8th grade.. my classroom was a corner window that faced the NYC skyline (i live in brooklyn) and a few of us saw the planes actually flying into the towers. the teachers pulled all the window shades down and we all had to stay in our classrooms with the doors locked. then we all listened to the radio all day until we were let out of school 2 hours early. they were almost going to keep us late if there was another attack since we were at such close proximity... also we let all parents of children in the school into the school since we were also a bomb shelter in case of emergencies.
  • I was babysitting a toddler. It was so hard to stay composed and not have her get upset by my emotions.
  • At work with a co-worker who was just talking about that day being her birthday... when someone said the news from the radio. We all went to the back and turned on the TV and watched... stunned.
  • I was at work when the news broke. It was the only time I ever saw the site go down, with everybody trying to get updates on what was actually happening.

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