• A silver bullet (Coors Light) :)
  • Apparently it is debatable. Ways to Destroy a Werewolf Pure Silver: A werewolf legend purest will always say that a pure silver weapon (dagger, bullet, spear, etc) is the best way to destroy a werewolf. Alchemists and sorcerers throughout the ages have used silver for its magical properties. Some interesting points of pure silver is that is has the highest thermal conductivity - the intensive property of a material which relates its ability to conduct heat. Mirrors are made with silver with a process called silvering. Silver and werewolves also have a common connection - the full moon. The Greeks, Romans, Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Aztecs, Norse, Native American and just about every other ancient society used silver to build artifacts, coins, talismans, and jewelry ascribed with different powers and significance. (also see Silver) Mercury: Now here is where it gets a little tricky. The werewolf legends all say that silver will kill a werewolf. The problem with this is that when these legends were written the metal mercury was thought of as a kind of silver. It was called quicksilver. Mercury can form an ally with silver but it is completely unrelated to silver. Mercury is a relatively poor conductor of heat but is a good conductor of electricity and it can also be used in silvering mirrors. Alchemists often thought of mercury as the first matter from which all metals were formed. It turns out that there could be a mistake in the translation that silver will kill werewolves. It is very possible that the actual metal used to defeat the were-beast was actually mercury. Better carry silver and mercury bullets just to be safe! Destroying the Heart of the Brain: Piecing the heart, much like in the case of a vampire, is said to kill a werewolf. Of course, it isn't enough to just stop the heart from beating because werewolves have great regeneration abilities so the heart must be cut out and destroyed, preferably burned. The same goes for the brain. Any type of skull smashing blow should stop a werewolf just like any other creature. Then, the head must be removed and destroyed to finish the job. There really isn't much else that can be done to destroy a werewolf short of blowing them up or dropping them into a giant meat grinder. Werewolves are giant brutes with great regenerative powers. Werewolves and vampires are not immortals. They have weaknesses and they die like every other creature on the planet. Silver/Mercury and destroying the heart and brain are just a werewolf's main points of weakness. Be creative, think outside of the box�I'm sure that is you tricked a werewolf into eating some type of explosive that would probably kill it too.
  • with a silver bullet m'dear
  • Hollywood werewolves a silver bullet. The old folklore werewolf which was nothing more than a man who roamed in the nude through fields to rape and kill women and children at night. did this in the nude so the blood would not get on his clothing was beat to death with clubs stones and pitchforks, when he was caught.
  • You find the Lone Ranger and ask him to shoot it with one of his silver bullets! Must have had a time with 'em in the old west!
  • Hows this?
  • silver bullet, beheaded.
  • silver is how you kill us.....
  • obviously i have to say silver, or silver bullet. But that's not what i'm going to say-- because that's not the truth. Maybe in legends... but the real way to kill any demonic monster is... shoe polish.
  • Sit in wait for it, and when it walks past shout "BOO!". It's bound to have a heart attack and die, and you can get away with it as it's "natural causes" (as long as no one sees you)
  • Silver bullet, silver club, sword with a silver hilt
  • Neither a power tool incident, dynamite, or a kick in the nards. (Yes, werewolfs have nards) will do the job. Only a silver bullet to the heart. Everything I learned about this can be seen in "Monster Squad" It is the quintessential playbook for battling the forces of evil.
  • With a silver bullet.
  • when he cries about where his opportunity in life went you know right where he is... but be patient because he is going to die anyways and would be good backup if you were his friend
  • why would you wont to? poeple take us as evil creatures but we are not at all. i am not exacly a werewolf i am instead a winter wolf. i ether turn into a full wolf of grow fangs, ears, and claws also a tail of course. i hope you understand now.
  • Silver Does Not Work,iTs A Legend. Werewolves Die Like Any Other Human,Old Age,AnyThing That Kills A Human.
  • NOT by silver. this is just a myth. take it from a werewolf. we are hard to kill, holy water doesn't effect us that much and silver isn't effective at all. we are as hard or harder to kill then a vampire, fight me and you might find a way.
  • Poison it with Wolf's bane, silver doesn't actually work. Silver can prevent transformation when worn though.
  • Silver can't kill a werewolf, it was made up by universal for movies. The only real ways are to behead it, suffocate it, burn it or destroy the heart and brain.
  • Silver Bullet!
  • im not sure but i think { my dads words} to us we cut your head off :) from vampire bye

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