Yes. Being visually attractive will get more people to look at you, but being a great person is what makes them stay.
sure, a woman can do that.
I know it sounds kind of shallow, but I don't think so. I think for something to be there, there needs to be at least a little physical attraction.
i would have to say no...need both to make a relationship if you settle you will not be happy in the end.
I don't think so. It would make for a great friendship and nothing more in my opinion..
Sure, as long as there is no sex involved.
i'd say that you have to like looking at them and then u will be more at ease to get to know them
Yes, looks fade, personality gets better and better.
Depends upon how hung up you are on looks.
yes +
yes why not and if you like the persons personality in time you will start to adore his looks too:)
yeah why not? i've never heard of it that way. but personality is much deeper than looks. sounds like that person would be loyal. looks fade over time anyway.
Of course. She married ME didn't she?
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