The hard to get thing is irresistable to some, though some pride themselves on the idea that they can overpower them and win them over, even if they are with someone.
Because the man likes the thrill of the chase...
It's not the kill. It's the thrill of the chase.
The chase is a challenge, chances are if i got her, then i got to figure a way to get rid of her. That's part two of chasing women.
Guys tend to like a challenge so the more the girl runs the more the guy chases its apparent that you guys want what you can't have. same thing go for women.
for the same reason women go after men that don't want them...a twisted pride thing
Stupidity or the thrill of the chase. I have known men who are that way out of stupidity (though less than the ones who like the chase). Whatever. It's their problem. If a man wants to chase me, I'll make him chase me to the ends of the earth. Give me half an hour with a man. If I say "no", then he has no chance.
The chase, it's all about the chase...
Because some of them love "the hunt" and the challenge. I say some, because not all men are that crazy.
Mostly the chase. But also they may really like you. The more you want something, the harder you'll work for it.
Questions like this always remind me of a line from the movie "Moonstruck": why do men chase women? Because they fear death. It seems to be somewhat true, they chase women, even when the women don't like them, just so that they can feel some sort of purpose for living. Having the woman not like you just intensifies the feeling that you're doing something special, and actually winning her over would be an achievement in life.
The thrill of the chase....
i've never been in this situation...wierd....
It seems to me that more guys I've known wouldn't bother with someone who wasn't interested. They didn't enjoy being shot down!
They have sympathy for some women that just have no chance of any type of a relationship! Men are just so sympathetic at times!
i can honestly say i don't do that! lol
women like it' i've had women that did'nt like me'an i got them an they still love me, nothing like a good challange !
Because they're there, yes, like Mt. Everest.
because they like abuse
men are MUCH more confident than women(maybe because they don't pick themselves apart like women tend to do? have you ever heard a man describe himself as "fat"-no it's always 340 pounds of muscle)...therefore, they don't know when they are clearly out of their league. LOL ;p
I don't know. But I would never do that. I would just leave those sluts be.
Because women are irresistable, and men are pathetic.
Because eventually if they keep trying, they will find a woman who will talk to them.
The same reason why women want men that don't want them. Humans want what is out of reach, or can't have.
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